[c/o Inner City Press]

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Defense is arguing to keep their case open until Monday for a final, 81-year old witness.

Judge Nathan: I'm letting in the documents about residence versus ownership. If I weren't, you might have a point. Is this deposition transcript new to you?

Maxwell's lawyer: She was deposed in a slip and fall case.

Judge Nathan: You'll provide the transcript.

Judge Nathan: I have a rule, you have your next witness or you rest. If otherwise the case closes today, it closes today. [Couldn't Maxwell's lawyers just do super-long direct examination? And what about the 3 day hiatus?]

Maxwell's lawyer: Also if the Marshals can produce another witness we've subpoenaed... The other witness, from the UK, if they will stipulate to it, there'd be no review.

Assistant US Attorney: The subpoenaed witness Kelly, we have no idea what she'd say. No stip.

Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: I understand your Honor wants to run this quickly, but it's a lot of work.

Judge Nathan (laughs) I understand that, Ms. Menninger. Give me a written application and a proposed order in half an hour.

Judge Nathan: There are also some 40 prior inconsistent statements. My colleague Judge Kaplan has helpfully set forth the standard. [He's the judge with Giuffre v. Prince Andrew before him, which Inner City Press is also reporting on]

Judge Nathan: Annie said she didn't remember a chef being there [on the Zorro ranch] but that it made sense to her, so not inconsistency. And the amount of horseback riding is a collateral issue.

Maxwell's lawyer: I think impeachment is for the truth [of the matter asserted]

Judge Nathan: That's way too metaphysical for me to handle right now. (Laughs).

Maxwell's lawyer: We'll have a law enforcement witness and we'd like to ask leading questions.

Judge Nathan: Truth comes out on direct. Start with that.

Maxwell's lawyer: I want to get to the absence of evidence, the lack of GPS given the age of the allegations.

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: I wanted to ask the agent, that the complaint was first on one time frame then more recent, with Carolyn. I think that's relevant.

AUSA: The court has already ruled on this - the path of the investigation. Let's them raise it in closing.

Judge Nathan: Who's the first [defense] witness today?

Maxwell's lawyer: First Special Agent Jason Richards. Then we would have had Agent Young. Then [drumroll] Eva Dubin. [Former Epstein girlfriend who later married a(nother) hedge funder. She was asked to come at 11 am (1600GMT) but seems it'll be before.]

Well, Eva is a defense witness, testifying for and in favor of Ghislaine Maxwell (whose lawyers did not preview her as a hostile witness).


Jury enters [an hour late]

All rise!

Witness is Agent Jason Richards.

Maxwell's Pagliuca: Where are you based?

Richards: Miami. Before, Palm Beach.

Pagliuca: Let's turn to 2006.

Richards: I was in Unit PV-2. We investigated Epstein.

Pagliuca: Did you interview Carolyn - don't say her last name?

Agent Richards: I did.

Pagluca: Did you recall Carolyn saying she obtained Epstein's number from a phone book and that Epstein returned her call?

Richards: If that's what's in the 302 report.

Pagliuca: No further questions.

Cross examination.

AUSA: Do you show your 302s to those you speak to?

Richards: No.

Judge Nathan: Defense may call it's next witness.

Maxwell's lawyer: We call Agent Amanda Young.

Maxwell's lawyer: Agent Young, was your partner Detective Burns?

Young: Yes. We both check the 302.

Maxwell's lawyer: You just heard Ms. Comey's questions to Agent Richards. 302s are not transcripts, right?

Young: They are not.

Maxwell's lawyer: You interviewed Annie Farmer. About the boots, right?

Young: Yes. The boots were obtained by law enforcement this year. I don't remember which month.

Maxwell's lawyer: Read this.

Young: "In the beginning, Jane would be with her mother and brothers at the Epstein house."

Maxwell's lawyer (Menninger) - I want to turn to page 7. You wrote, Jane did not recall specific abuse that may have occurred in New Mexico

Maxwell's lawyer: Just to emphasize, the boots were discussed recently?

Young: Yes.

Cross examination.

AUSA: What did you do before?

Young; I interviewed children about child abuse.



[Agent Amanda Young sits in the plexi-glass witness box, in dark blue shirt, black jacket. They're back]

Judge Nathan: Jurors will disregard the statement about Agent Young's previous job interviewing children.

AUSA: Did Jane need more than one meeting to say what happened?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Beyond the scope!

AUSA: I'll try another way. Who was there for the inverviews?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Beyond the scope - I didn't ask about this.


Maxwell's Menninger: You used these notes with the grand jury, right? Young: Some of them.

Maxwell's Menninger: Did you show her the 302s?

Young. No. It's not ethical. It's not appropriate.

Maxwell's Menninger: You don't record them?

Young: Only those in custody. Not victim / witnesses.

Maxwell's Menninger: Are you familiar with the DOJ Obtaining Evidence protocols?

AUSA: Objection.

Judge Nathan: Overruled.

Menninger: I have a document, I can show it



Witness: I am Eva Andersson. I also go by Eva Andersson-Dubin. I live in NYC. I am 60.

Maxwell's lawyer: You are married to Glenn Dubin?

Eva: Yes. 28 years. We have 3 children: 27, 25 & 20

Maxwell's lawyer: Gender?

Eva: Female, male, female.

Maxwell's lawyer: What does Mr. Dubin do for employment?

Eva: He is self-employed. I was previously employed as a medical doctor.

Eva: I went to medical school in Stockholm, then UCLA. Then Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC.

Maxwell's lawyer: Did you know Mr. Epstein?

Eva: We dated off and on from 1983 until 1991.

[Note: it's reported that Virginia Robert Giuffre gave Eva a non-sexual massage then after Eva fell asleep, had intercourse with Glenn. Cross-examination?]

Maxwell's lawyer: Did you ever witness any sexual contact between Mr Epstein and --

AUSA Moe: Objection!


Maxwell's lawyer: Let me show you some photographs under seal. Is one person Mr. Epstein and the other one of your children?

Eva: Yes it's the 20. I've never seen this picture before.

Maxwell's lawyer: Let me ask you about flight records.

[These remain largely redacted and Inner City Press' challenge still not docketed - apparently under the theory that if it's denied, it's not a judicial document]

Judge Nathan: I'll give the jurors their mid-morning break.

Jurors exit and witness steps out

Judge Nathan: If there's something inaccurate in the media writ-large, like a blog post...

Judge Nathan: I sustain the government's objection [to asking about published flight logs] under 401 and 403. Now we'll take our break.




Jury returns

Maxwell's lawyer: Let's look at GX662r, the redacted flight logs of Dave Roberts. Can you see it Doctor Dubin?

Judge Nathan: Can we make sure it is redacted? If so it may be published

On the screen, flight with "JE, Eva Andersson" and Ms. Francis Jardine.

Maxwell's lawyer: Do you remember Francis Jardine?

Eva: I remember Francis, I didn't know her last name.

Maxwell's lawyer: You knew Mr. Epstein was dating her?

Eva: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: I'll show you sealed exhibit GX12... and now, only for the witness and court, unredacted Exhibit 662.

[Nothing shown on screen]

Eva: I recognize Sophie Biddle, a massage therapist... And I see my husband's name.

Maxwell's lawyer: Without saying the name that we are not saying, do you see it on the list?

Eva: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: Have you ever been in a group sexual encounter with Jane?

Eva: I have not.

Maxwell's lawyer: That's all I have.

Judge Nathan: Ms. Moe.

Cross examination.

AUSA Moe: Are you the only Eva in the whole wide world?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection on relevance.

Judge Nathan: Overruled.

AUSA Moe: Did you ever discuss with Mr. Epstein his relationship with Ms Maxwell?

Maxwell's lawyer: Hearsay.

Judge Nathan: Sustained.

AUSA Moe: With respect, do you have issues with your memory?

Eva: I can't remember things from last month.

Maxwell's lawyer: This does not need to be discussed.

AUSA Moe: Nothing further.

No redirect.

Judge Nathan: Defense may call its next witness.

It's Michelle Healy.

She says: I'm 47, live in Dallas, as a housewife. My husband is an architect. My sister Shannon lives in Albuqueque. I grew up on Long Island. NY from 1974 to 1999.

Menninger: Where did you work in 1996?

Healy: J. Epstein and company.

Healy: I went to Zorro ranch, my sister was working there.

Maxwell's lawyer: Were you ever involved in any group sexualized massages with Jane?

Healy: Absolutely not.


Cross examination.

AUSA Comey: Are you the only Michelle in the world?

Michelle Healy: I hope not.

AUSA: Never flew on Epstein's plane?

Healy: No.

AUSA: Nothing further.


(Jury's out. Maxwell's lawyer pushing to have Nag's Head Pub witness testify on Monday)

Judge Nathan: I always say, I have so many bridges to cross. I cross the bridge that is in front of me.

Maxwell's lawyer: We want to put in property records about Stanhope Mews, too. They are self-authenticating.

Judge Nathan: What do we have after lunch?

Maxwell's lawyer: We'll try to work out the other stips.

Judge Nathan: So, no more defense witnesses? I'm going to spend my remaining lunch hour reviewing Kelly.

AUSA: If not Monday morning, it's too late.

Judge Nathan: It'll be a long break for the jury - try to confer.


Jury still not back. Judge Nathan said she intends to ask Ghislaine Maxwell whether she intends to testify. Now Maxwell is talking at length with her lawyer Bobbi Sternheim and others.


There was talk of a prosecution expert in rebuttal but that seems to have been let go. The only remaining issues before closing arguments: 1) asking Maxwell if she'll testify. 2) maybe subpoena-ed witness Kelly or 3) pub-man from UK. 4) charging conference.

Judge Nathan has returned, and AUSA Comey says, we have reached stipulations and we can wrap up the case today.

Judge Nathan: How long to read the stips?

AUSA Comey: 10 to 15 minutes.

Menninger: We ask you to take a notice of a 1996 case before 2nd Circuit Judge Chen

Judge Nathan: You've given Judge Chen an early promotion (laughs).

Menninger: The US leased a building to Epstein [had been Iran's consultate?]

[Continued in Comments]


[c/o Inner City Press]

[Extra details in comments c/o Adam Klasfeld]

Previous Updates

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  10. Dec 10 https://greatawakening.win/p/140cNbyjpQ/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/vtJad


Judge Alison Nathan, who yesterday in DC forwarded her nomination to 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, takes the bench & just begins ruling on the filings that built up over the 3 day hiatus (request for call in line amid Omicron and all flight logs still UNacted on)

Judge Nathan: About Doctor Loftus' testimony. The US seeks to exclude 2 aspects, her testimony on leading questions and therapists' techniques. I have ruled that these are generally admissible. I deny the government's motion to preclude.

Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim: I didn't think there was a need to make this part of the public record.

[Talk, which we'll also anonymize, is about positive COVID test. But question: has the 3 day hiatus made a COVID impact on this trial more or less likely?]

Judge Nathan: I let a juror deliberate remotely...

Team Maxwell: Our first witness, Ms. Espinosa, has given us some photos of the soap opera of "Jane" [Maxwell doxing alert]

Maxwell's lawyer: In October 1996, where were you living?

Witness: I started out on the Upper East Side.

Maxwell's lawyer: I was hired as a lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein's company.

Maxwell's lawyer: Would you recognize Ms. Maxwell today?

Ms. Espinosa: She's over there, in what appears to be a PURPLE sweater. [Identification made] Maxwell's lawyer: Where else did you work?

Ms. Espinosa: Sometimes at Ghislaine's residence.

Ms. Espinosa: Did did have other personal assistants come through, like Sarah Kellen and Emmy Tayler.

Maxwell's lawyer: When did you see Sarah Kellen?

Ms. Espinosa: More toward the end.

Maxwell's lawyer: Can you describe the layout of the office on Madison Avenue?

Espinosa: You get off the elevator and there are the restrooms. Jeffrey's office was in the corner. I sat to the left of his assistant. My office was Ghislaine's office. We shared it.

Maxwell's lawyer: Did you sign a non disclosure agreement?

Espinosa: Yes.

Espinosa: Ghislaine ran the properties for Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell's lawyer: Where did she fall in importance?

Espinosa: She was obviously very important to me. And to Jeffrey, given his personal residences.


Espinosa: Jeffrey acquired a Paris apartment, and then an island. It was called Little St. James but got renamed, Little Saint Jeff's.

Maxwell's lawyer: Did you assist?

Espinosa: There was construction. I furnished the house, in a resort style.

Espinosa: We shipped in sand --

Maxwell's lawyer: You shipped in sand to a tropical island?

Espinosa: He wanted more sand on the beach. And palm trees. We even had a fire truck and fire men on the island.

Espinosa: Before Jeffrey would visit one of the residences, we would fly in the bread he liked. I think we did butter, too.

Maxwell's lawyer: What about Emmy Tayler?

Espinosa: She would take care of the dog, and carry Ghislaine's handbag.

Maxwell's lawyer: Did Ghislaine ever live with Jeffrey Epstein?

Espinosa: No.

Maxwell's lawyer: What about 44 Kinnerton Street in London?

Espinosa: Yes, I've been there. 3 years ago.

Maxwell's lawyer: Do you know who owned it?

Espinosa: No.

Maxwell's lawyer: Did Jeffrey Epstein receive female visitors in his office?

Espinosa: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: Look at this document & the person called "Jane." Do you recall seeing her in the office?

Espinosa: Yes

Maxwell's lawyer: How old did she seem?

Espinosa: 18

Maxwell's lawyer: Do you know if Jane traveled in Mr. Epstein's planes?

Espinosa: I don't know. She moved to California to be on a soap opera. It's my favorite soap opera. I have headshots she sent me. [doxing alert]

Maxwell's lawyer: We want to introduce these headshots into the records under seal, at least temporarily. I have copies for the jurors. Can you read the envelope?

Espinosa: It's from Jane to Cimberly [she pronounces her name Kimberly] It's headshots of the cast

Espinosa: Ghislaine and Epstein at that time were behaving like a couple. All flirty. It seemed like Ghislaine moved on. I know she started dating --

Assistant US Attorney: Objection! Lack of foundation.

Judge Nathan: Sustained.


Maxwell's lawyer: Who came to visit Jeffrey Epstein at the office?

Espinosa: Gwendolyn Beck.... Shelly Lewis... She was British.

Maxwell's lawyer: Moving on, when Ghislaine went to Florida, was it only Palm Beach?

Espinosa: Miami too. She had a friend there.

Maxwell's lawyer: Do you know who Ted Waitt is?

Espinosa: I learned. [Gateway co-founder]

Judge Nathan: We'll stop here for the mid-morning break.



Everdell: Do you know if Ms. Maxwell got married?

Espinosa starts to answer but AUSA objects.

Judge Nathan: Sustained.

Everdell: OK, when did you have a video conference with the government about this case?

Espinosa: November 2020.

Everdell: Why did you leave?

Espinosa: After 9/11 I wanted to return to California. I feel like Ghislaine was a good resource for my own career, what I learned, how to handle multiple projects at one time. It helped me get to where I am today.

Everdell: did you ever seen Jeffrey Epstein involved with young girls?

Espinosa: No.

Everdell: No further questions.

Judge Nathan: Cross.

AUSA: You never went to Palm Beach, right?

Espinosa: No.

AUSA: No further questions.

Next witness: Raghu Sud.

Everdell: Where do you live?

Sud: East Windsor, NJ. I work at Shopper's Travel since 1988. I am Vice President.

Everdell: Was Epstein a customer?

Sud: Yes.

Everdell: Can you authenticate these travel records? Yes.

AUSA: These records in RS-1, they are to 2006? Yes.

Everdell: No re-direct.

Next witness: Elizabeth Loftus, who testified for Harvey Weinstein. First, her credentials. This could take a while.

Loftus: I have a big CV. I have been consulted by DOJ, the CIA...

Maxwells' lawyer: Are there experiments on emotion and its impact on memory?

Loftus: I published one in 2008. We implanted entire flash events and measured responses.

Loftus: I've testified in 300 trials. I've only consulted with the prosecution 5 times, and testified only one for the prosecution. My research into false memory doesn't fit into their agenda.


Loftus is accepted as an expert witness in this case.

Loftus: Your Honor, can I used the equipment to show the jurors the three stages?

AUSA Pomerantz: No objection.

Loftus: The media is a source of post-event false memories, contamination.

Loftus (bragging) - And when I was consulting for Secret Service... [Wag Q: And when was that?]

Loftus has drawn a barbell, labeled "Acquisition - Retention - Retrieval." Now she says people might remember something as a dumbbell if it's labeled so

Update: Now Loftus has drawn a box under the bar of the barbell and has written in it the word "Time."

Judge Nathan: OK, we're going to take the lunch break. Jurors, enjoy your lunch.

Jury exits


Judge Nathan: I'll look at your submissions while I have my lunch.

Judge Nathan: We'll try to come to resolution before the jury comes back. Mr. Hamilton, you're going to confer on that, how to make it happen.

Maxwell's lawyer: If he's up to it



Maxwell's lawyer want to put in "prior inconsistent statement" of survivor witness Carolyn, after they finish the paid memory decay expert Loftus.

Judge Nathan: What else?

Maxwell's lawyer: The US' rebuttal expert, I'm prepared to file something if they actually call the expert.

Judge Nathan: Hamilton?

Everdell: We reached him, he can do WebEx tomorrow.

Sternheim: Because of his condition, we haven't spoken.

Jury enters Maxwell's lawyer: Dr Loftus, are you aware of image enhancing memory distortion?

Loftus: It makes people feel better about themselves.

Maxwell's lawyer: I asked you about C.V. So I move into evidence your C.V.

AUSA: Objection.

Judge Nathan: I am allowing in Dr Loftus' C.V.

Maxwell's lawyer: What are you charging?

Loftus: $600 an hour.

Maxwell's lawyer: Media distortion includes dramatic portrayals, right?

Loftus: Oh, yes.

Cross examination.

AUSA Pomerantz: Let's talk about consulting. You've done it with defense attorneys 100s of times, right?

Loftus: Probably.

AUSA: You've only consulted with the prosecutors five times, right?

Loftus: Right.

AUSA: In your book "Witness for the Defense," you wrote that you should be an advocate

Loftus: That leaves out the context --

AUSA: You don't sit in courtroom - you weren't present for testimony on this case, right?

Loftus: I was not present in the courtroom.

AUSA: You're charging the defendant $600 an hour right now, right?

Loftus: Yes.

AUSA: You were paid for high profile defendants, right? Millions of dollars?

Loftus: I don't know how much.

AUSA: In 1975 you didn't charge $600 a hour, right?

Loftus: I did it free.

AUSA: You market yourself by testifying, right?

Loftus: I don't market myself at all.

AUSA: You give lists of your cases to defense attorneys, right?

Loftus: When asked.

AUSA: You testified for Harvey Weinstein, right?

Judge Nathan: Just a moment.

[When they resume, there's no more mention of Harvey Weinstein. At least not yet.]

AUSA: When you testify for high profile defendants, it brings you more business, right?

Loftus: Maybe.

AUSA: You showed fake photos of Bugs Bunny at Disney, right?

Loftus: Yes.

AUSA: Bugs Bunny is Warner Brothers, but 16% misremembered, right?

Maxwell's lawyer: I object.

Judge Nathan: You can come up.



Lawyers return from sidebar.

Loftus: Some falsely remembered touching Bugs Bunny's head and him saying "What's Up, doc?"

AUSA: There's a science museum experiment, right?

AUSA: And the lost in the mall study - 25% misremembered, right?

Loftus: Correct.

AUSA: I'm not going to ask you to describe a rectal enema, but it's a painful procedure, right?

Loftus: Yes.

AUSA: This memory could not easily be implanted


Maxwell's lawyer: There are restrictions on what kind of studies you can do, right?

AUSA: Objection.

Judge Nathan: I'll allow it.

Loftus: We can't implant memories of sexual abuse.

Next witness: Michael William Aznaran.

Maxwell's lawyer: We need a sidebar.

Judge Nathan: Wait for the break.

Maxwell's lawyer: Where do you work?

Aznaran: Customs & Border Protection. We check incoming people.

Maxwell's lawyer: Look at this sealed Exhibit GX12. Call her Jane. Did you search for this?

Aznaran: I did.

Maxwell's lawyer: And Kate and Annie Farmer, did you search for them?

Aznaran: Yes, I did the searches.

Maxwell's lawyer: So now we need the sidebar.

Judge Nathan: We'll get the jurors their afternoon break.

Jury exits

Judge Nathan: Mr. Azaran, could you step out?

AUSA: These are 15 years of records, including outside the charges time frame.

[Continued in comments]


[c/o Inner City Press]

[Extra details in comments c/o Adam Klasfeld]

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  9. Dec 9 https://greatawakening.win/p/140cNWKPqr/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/9eoge

An hour before it starts, SDNY says US v. Ghislaine Maxwell testimony starts today at 9 am [1400GMT] (and not the regular 9:30 am [1430GMT])


Jury finally seated, jurors being directed to binder of sealed non-public exhibits.

Assistant US Attorney Rohrbach: The government calls William Brown of the NYS Dept of Motor Vehicles.

AUSA: Are you aware how people receive ID cards?

Brown: Yes.

AUSA: Please pick up the folder next to you, [sealed] government exhibit.

Judge Nathan: I will admit these exhibits under seal.

AUSA: Look at Defense Exhibit LD3A, it's in the front of the binder. How old in 1996 was this person, born in 1985?

Brown: 11 years old.

No cross examination. Next witness.

AUSA: The government calls Annie Farmer.

Clerk: Spell your name.


Judge Nathan: I instruct you that the physical conduct you will hear about in New Mexico was not "illegal sexual activity." But it may be relevant, but not of propensity.

AUSA Pomerantz: Please take out sealed exhibit 13.

AUSA: In what state were your born?

Annie Farmer: Missouri.

AUSA: Where did you get your PhD?

Annie Farmer: University of Texas at Austin.

AUSA: How old were you when Maxwell gave you a massage?

Annie Farmer: I was 16.

AUSA: What were your family's finances?

Annie Farmer: My parents were divorced. I was worried how college would be paid for.

AUSA: Do you have an older sister?

Annie Farmer: Maria. She's 9 years older. She was living in NYC. She was working with Jeffrey Epstein.

AUSA: How did you travel to NYC?

Annie Farmer: Jeffrey Epstein paid. I was excited to see my father. Jeffrey Epstein had said -

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Hearsay!

Judge Nathan: Sustained.

AUSA: What did your sister say to you about the trip to NY?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection - hearsay.

AUSA: Effect on the listener.

Judge Nathan: Is this was we discussed? I'll let it in, within a scope. And I'll tell the juror this is not offered for the truth.


AUSA: Who did you thank for your ticket?

Annie Farmer: Epstein --

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Hearsay!

AUSA: I'll move on. Did you meet Jeffrey Epstein?

Annie Farmer: Yes. Twice during this trip.

AUSA: Show the witness, the parties and the court Gov Exhibit 101.

AUSA: What is this?

Annie Farmer: My high school yearbook photo. [Photo shown on screen - should be made available later]

Annie Farmer: Epstein's home was very grand.

AUSA: What did Epstein ask you about?

Annie Farmer: My plans. He suggested UCLA and said he had connections.

Annie Farmer: He suggested I go on an international trip to boost my application.

Annie Farmer: We went to see the movie "Five Monkeys." [12?]

AUSA: Where did Epstein sit?

Annie Farmer: Between us. Then he rubbed my leg.

AUSA: What was your reaction?

Annie Farmer: I was very surprised. I felt sick to my stomach.

Annie Farmer: When Maria would look over, he would stop. Then begin again.

AUSA: Did you tell your sister?

Annie Farmer: No. I was confused. I knew she was protective, I knew she would be upset, she might lose her job. So I decided not to say anything.

AUSA: Did you write in your journal?

Annie Farmer: I did.

AUSA: Please describe your journaling.

Annie Farmer: I was not a consistent journaler but I would sometimes write down what was happening in my life.

[Journal entry shown on screen]. Annie Farmer reads from it including about going to see Phantom of the Opera, champagne with Epstein. Then, a later entry: “We went to the movies with Jeffrey Epstein. I was weirded out, he let go of my hand when he was talking to Maria”

AUSA: How did you feel about Epstein as you wrote this?

Annie Farmer: I was conflicted. I knew it was not normal or right. But I was trying to make it seem OK.

Annie Farmer journal continued: I am thinking of doing something in Africa. It would be incredible.


AUSA: Where did you next see Jeffrey Epstein?

Annie Farmer: New Mexico.

AUSA: Who did you think you'd be seeing there?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection - [lack of] foundation.

Judge Nathan: Sustained.

AUSA: When you landed in New Mexico what happened next?

Annie Farmer: There was a man with a sign with my name on it. He drove us to the ranch. There, I met Ghislaine Maxwell. She was slim and attractive, in her 30s. She was an adult.

AUSA: What did she sound like?

Annie Farmer: She had a British accent... I had been told that Maxwell would be there in New Mexico and it made me more comfortable, after what happened in New York.

AUSA: Who told you Maxwell would be there?

Annie Farmer: My mother.

AUSA: What did you and Maxwell talk about?

Annie Farmer: My life, my school, British authors.

AUSA: Did you leave the ranch?

Annie Farmer: Yes, a nature food store. Maxwell bought me henna. A western wear store, cowboy boots purchased for me.

AUSA: What did you think of the boots?

Annie Farmer: They cost over $100 dollars. I was grateful, gracious. We went to the movies. I didn't want to go because of what happened in NY. But I thought it would be different with Maxwell there.

AUSA: For how much of the movie did he touch you?

Annie Farmer: Most of it. He didn't hide it. And afterward back at the ranch, Maxwell told me to rub his feet, that she'd show me how... Later Maxwell told me to get undressed and started rubbing my breasts.

Annie Farmer: I wanted to get off the table, I wanted out of there. The door was open and I had the sense Epstein could see. In the morning Epstein came into my room and said he wanted to cuddle. He climbed to bed with me. I didn't like it.

AUSA: Did you tell him?

Annie Farmer: No. There was no one else around.

AUSA: What happened?

Annie Farmer: I went into the bathroom and shut the door. I waited.

AUSA: Where did you go in 1996?

Annie Farmer: Thailand and Vietnam, cultural immersion.

[Photo shown on screen of Annie Farmer and another with a small elephant with a wooden seat on it]

AUSA: Who paid for the trip?

Annie Farmer: Epstein.

AUSA: Any more contact with Maxwell and Epstein?

Annie Farmer: No.

AUSA: Who did you first tell?

Annie Farmer: My mother, generally.

AUSA: What did you tell your mom?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection!



[The lawyers go up to whisper with Judge Nathan. Maxwell remains alone at the defense table, today in an orange or pink sweater, rubbing her arms]


AUSA: Did you tell anyone else?

Annie Farmer; I had a boyfriend and I told him.

AUSA: Did you speak to the media?

Annie Farmer: Many times. First in 2002.

AUSA: Law enforcement?

Annie Farmer: 2006-07. To the FBI.

AUSA: Have you spoken with the media since?

Annie Farmer: Yes. Off the record in 2016 and on the record in 2019.

AUSA: Were you paid for the interviews?

Annie Farmer: No.

AUSA: Were you interviewed by law enforcement in NY?

Annie Farmer: Yes. In 2019. In the fall I sued Epstein and Maxwell.

AUSA: Did you participate in the Epstein victims compensation fund?

Annie Farmer: Yes. I was awarded $1.5 million. My lawyers were pro bono.

AUSA: Any financial stake in the outcome of this trial?

Annie Farmer: No.

AUSA: No further questions.

Judge Nathan: Cross examination.

Maxwell's lawyer Laura Menninger: Good morning. Your sister is the one who arranged your travel to NY?

Annie Farmer: Yes.

Menninger: You told the FBI that flying alone was not abnormal for you, correct?

Annie Farmer: I usually had my younger sister with me, when I flew to visit my father.

Menninger: Here's the report.

Annie Farmer: I see it.

Menninger: Ghislaine Maxwell had no role in your travel to NY, right?

Annie Farmer: She did not.

Menninger: You believed that Mr. Epstein purchased your plane ticket?

Annie Farmer: Yes.

Menninger: You also saw the Blue Man Group and went to a flea markets with your sister, correct?

Annie Farmer: Yes.

Menninger: In NY, Ms Maxwell didn't take you to the Lion King, correct?

Annie Farmer: She did not.




Now Maxwell's lawyer Menninger continues digging into NY trip, the lack of Maxwell, other pages of Annie' journal. Expect Loftus on memory lost in defense's case.

Menninger: You wrote about a cross country skiing trip and going to see bands and a bar...Significantly, you really talked about your emotions after returning from NY, what a great time you had there.

Menninger: So in your journal, you said what Epstein did in the movie theater was not weird, correct?

Annie Farmer: I was struggling.

Menninger: So you are only calling it weird in hindsight. You are viewing what happened in NY in light of what happened in NM?

Menninger: Let's go to Exhibit 604, the last journal entry you gave to the government for this case?

Annie Farmer: Yes.

Menninger: And you never gave the government the full journal, right?

Annie Farmer: Right.

Menninger: You researched when Primal Fear came out then fit your memory to it?

Annie Farmer: I wouldn't say it that way.

Menninger: You communicated with a journalist and told him you'd research the release date of Primal Fear, right?

Annie Farmer: Yes.


Judge Nathan: We're going to break for lunch.

Jurors leave.

Judge Nathan: Any issues?




As we return to the courtroom, Maxwell is chatting with her lawyer, smiling, then sitting with her chin in her hands. Still no Judge Nathan.

Cross continues.

Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: On direct you didn't mention it, but there was a cook on the ranch as well, right?

Annie Farmer: I have no memory of that.

Menninger: And you didn't see the big glorious Zorro ranch at that time, right?

Annie Farmer: No.

Menninger: You mentioned the boots. But on the trip you spent a significant amount of time horseback riding.

Annie Farmer: Is that a question?

Menninger: You told the FBI that in 2006, right?

Annie Farmer: Yes.

Menninger: Are these the boots?

Annie Farmer: Yes.

Menninger: I move for admission of the boots.

Menninger: So you decided to wear the boots, even when you knew they were evidence. You wore them frequently?

Annie Farmer: I didn't wear them to work. I wore them when I was two-stepping.

Menninger: So you wore the boots Jeffrey Epstein gave you when you danced

Menninger: So in the movie theater there was no touching of your genitalia or private parts, was there?

Annie Farmer: No.

Menninger: And you said you were naked for the full body massage. But you only told the journalist you had no bra on-

AUSA: Objection!

[Continued in comments]


[c/o Inner City Press]

[Extra details in comments c/o Adam Klasfeld]

Previous Updates

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  2. 30 Nov https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4iFhTt/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-n/ https://archive.ph/CP0IO

  3. 1 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4mlM5Q/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/kvjoj

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  6. Dec 6 https://greatawakening.win/p/140cEEenfZ/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/c9JTx

  7. Dec 7 https://greatawakening.win/p/140cIpe4Sk/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/GVLLE

  8. Dec 8 https://greatawakening.win/p/140cNSufvZ/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/7bpQm


New US witness is Tracy Chapell of FedEx.

AUSA: What is this?

Chapell: It's from Jeffrey Epstein's FedEx account.

AUSA: We want it sealed.

Judge Nathan: Granted.

Chapell: It's an invoice.

AUSA: Under seal.

Judge Nathan: Yes.

The sealed invoices are from 2002; the redacted version, on the screens, are illegible. Now cross examination.

Maxwell's lawyer: Look at [sealed] Exhibit 806.

Maxwell's lawyer: So this package was to Carolyn. But it was not from Ghislaine Maxwell, correct?

Chapell: It is not.

Maxwell's lawyer: There is no other transaction on this invoice where Ghislaine Maxwell is sending a package to someone named Carolyn, correct?

Now Maxwell's lawyer is putting forward an exhibit under "temporary seal." [Temporary until when?]

Maxwell's lawyer: I have no further questions for this witness.

Assistant US Attorney: We need an session with your Honor in the robing room.

Judge Nathan: An extended sidebar?

AUSA: It would need to be in the robing room.

Judge Nathan re-takes the bench. No summary given of what the robing room discussion was about.

Judge Nathan: Please bring in the jury.


Judge Nathan: There is an attorney in the case who is ill and needs treatment. It is not COVID related but we are going to break for the day.

Court Adjourned


[c/o Inner City Press]

[Extra Details in comments c/o Adam Klasfeld]

Previous Updates

  1. 29 Nov https://greatawakening.win/p/140c066vhu/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates/ https://archive.ph/UJvbk

  2. 30 Nov https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4iFhTt/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-n/ https://archive.ph/CP0IO

  3. 1 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4mlM5Q/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/kvjoj

  4. 2 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c9NlRh7/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/5iA5T

  5. 3 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c9UZGeQ/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/oaWCx

  6. 6 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140cEEenfZ/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/c9JTx

  7. 7 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140cIpe4Sk/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/GVLLE

Photos entered into evidence, public release: https://archive.md/R0iz6


Starting late due to juror with slow MTA subway, day after US announced it will or may rest its case this week.

Judge Nathan: We still have to wait for our juror who has substantial train issues. I'll step down off the bench.

Clerk: All rise!

Juror has arrived, 45 minutes late.

All rise!

Next witness: Janine Gill-Velez of Florida Property Management (that is, Mar-a-Lago).

Assistant US Attorney: How long have you worked at Mar-A-Lago?

Gill-Velez: 15 years.

AUSA: So this is exhibit 823-r, redacted [for the public]. It's a personal action notice, the hiring of Sky Roberts in April 2000. [That is what the US wanted to establish, the hiring of Sky Roberts. So now, cross-exam]

Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim: But you have no personal knowledge of the hiring, correct?

Gill: Correct.

Sternheim: No further questions.


Judge Nathan: Next witness, "Shawn."

Judge Nathan: This witness will testify only as Shawn, to protect anonymity of previous witness [Carolyn]. No exact likeness in drawing.

Witness: I'm S-H-A-W-N. That sealed exhibit has my full name.

AUSA: How old are you?

Shawn: 38. Some college. I'm a salesman.

AUSA: What was the first name of your girlfriend?

Shawn: Carolyn. She was 14, I was 17. We dated four or five years. She worked at Arby's, and she worked for Jeffrey Epstein.

AUSA: How did she meet Epstein?

Shawn: Through Virginia Roberts.

AUSA: What's the difference between Palm Beach & West Palm Beach?

Shawn: Money --

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection!

Judge Nathan: Sustained.

AUSA Maurene Comey: Did you go to Palm Beach much?

Shawn: No. I didn't have enough money to buy anything in the gas station there

AUSA: How long did Carolyn stay in Jeffrey's house?

Shawn: An hour. Or an hour and five minutes.

AUSA: How were the session set up?

Shawn: They would call my phone: Sarah and a lady with a foreign accent. One was English and one almost French.

AUSA Comey: Did Carolyn mention anyone else?

Shawn: Maxwell. She couldn't pronounce the first name.

AUSA: Did she get a gift?

Shawn: From FedEx. Lingerie and a movie. From New York.

AUSA: Did you go to Epstein's with anyone else?

Shawn: Melissa and Amanda Laslow

AUSA: How old was Amanda when you saw her go to Epstein's house?

Shawn: 15.

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection!

AUSA: How old was Melissa when she went to Epstein's house?

Shawn: 16. She came out with hundred dollar bills.

AUSA: Were you arrested in Louisiana?

Shawn: Yes, possession of meth. And felon in possession of a firearm. Now I'm a salesman.


Now cross examination by Maxwell's lawyer Jeff Pagliuca

Pagliuca: Shawn, you went to Epstein's house in 2002, correct?

Shawn: Yes.

Pagliuca: And it was Sarah who called you and gave you her name, right?

Shawn: Correct.

Pagliuca: You met the government, for example in July 2022, and said the accent was French.

Shawn: It was foreign.


Next witness: Nicole Hesse, worked at Epstein's and Maxwell's Palm Beach home in 2003.

AUSA Moe: What was your job?

Mrs. Hesse: Take care of the home. I was hired by Ghislaine Maxwell.

Judge Nathan: I'll give the jurors their morning break.




Jury finally back & US introduced exhibits - under seal.

AUSA: In this sealed exhibit, do you see that Carolyn called Epstein's house?

A: I do.

AUSA: Now that we're looking at this [sealed] Government Exhibit, it says "Carolyn," right?

A: Right.

Next witness is Epstein's second pilot, Mister Rodgers.

AUSA: Who did you work for until 2019?

Rodgers: Jeffrey Epstein. As a pilot, since 1999. I was hired in Columbus, Ohio.

Rodgers: We mostly flew between his houses. From 1991 he had a smaller plane, then a Gulfstream. Then a Cesna 421 followed by the Boeing 727...

AUSA: On the Gulfstream, what divider was there?

Rodgers: A door, always closed.

Rodgers: I kept a log book. Including passenger names.

AUSA: We offer the log book - as a sealed exhibit.

NOTE: Rodgers' log book, as shown on the screen, has the entire column of passenger named redacted or blacked out.

Press question: Is there really a reasonable expectation of privacy for flying on the private jet of a pedophile?

AUSA: How did you find out the names of the passengers?

Rodgers: Sometimes we'd be told.

AUSA: Would you always know?

Rodgers: No.

Rodgers: We were flying to Traverse City, Michigan.

Judge Nathan: We'll take our lunch break now.




Jury's set to come back in, Ghislaine Maxwell in red sweater sidled over to whisper in lawyer's ear. FINALLY, jury back in their chairs.

AUSA: Mr. Rodgers, please turn in your binder to GX 12. Without saying the name out loud, is that the name of a passenger on Mr. Epstein's plane?

Rogers: Yes.

AUSA: Let's look back at sealed exhibit 662, at page 44. Flight number 916... Who drove passengers to the plane in Palm Beach?

Rodgers: Juan Alessi.

AUSA: And this flight?

Rodgers: From Palm Beach to New Jersey. Jane was on the flight. By first name.

AUSA: Are there others on the flight?

Rodgers: Yes.

AUSA: Let's move to another flight. [Who else was on not disclosed, nor asked on direct]

AUSA: Flight 818.

Rodgers: Van Nuys CA to Santa Fe NM, only Jeffrey on the flight.

AUSA: How many times do you remember Virginia Roberts flying on Jeffrey Epstein's planes?

Rodgers: Thirty two (32) times.

AUSA: This flight to St. Thomas - were Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Virginia Roberts passengers??

Rodgers: Yes.

AUSA: And was there one other person on the flight?

Rodgers: Yes.

AUSA: Let's move to another flight [The additional passenger UNdisclosed]

AUSA: And this flight?

Rodgers: From Spain to Tangier, Morocco. [Epstein and Maxwell on the flight]


Now cross examination of pilot David Rodgers.

Maxwell's lawyer: Sometimes the cockpit door would be open and you could see the passengers, right?

Rodgers: Correct.

Maxwell's lawyer: And you did that sometimes, yes?

Rodgers: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: You never found in the cabin any sex toys or used condoms, right?

Rodgers: No I did not.

Maxwell's lawyer: Isn't it common to own private planes through companies, one company per plane to limit liability, right?

Rodgers: Yes.

Judge Nathan: Let's take our mid afternoon break.

[What is being accomplished by this cross examination?]




They're back, with Maxwell's lawyer Everdell still flaying around on cross examination.

Everdell: Mr. Rodgers, you know the real name of Jane, don't you?

Judge Nathan: Without saying it.

Rodgers: Yes.

Everdell: But Epstein had an assistant with the same first name as Jane's real first name, didn't he?

Rodgers: Yes. [Note: This is another way of outing or doxing]

Everdell: And Eva Dubin was on this flight, and her husband is a hedge fund manager who was an Epstein client?

Rodgers: I don't know.

Everdell: So these trips to Columbus, Ohio, that's where Leslie Wexner lives, right, the owner of The Limited?

Rodgers: Yes.

Everdell: And Mr. Wexner is a billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein's client?

Rodgers: Yes.

Everdell: And you never saw Annie Farmer in your planes, or your logs?

Rodgers: I did not.

Everdell (after a time): I though it was later than it is.

Judge Nathan: It just feels that way.

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: Now Mr. Visoski --

Judge Nathan: It's Mr. Rodgers.

Everdell: [Uncomfortable laugh]


Now at the end, more on scheduling.

Judge Nathan: I would prefer to not do the charging conference Friday (in 9 days) in case you don't have a case going that day... Given the expedition of the Government's case, maybe we can use Friday for charging.

Judge Nathan: I'm comfortable letting the defense begin its case on Thursday (in 8 days). The result may be that the jury has (this) Friday off as well.

[Things are moving FAST...]

Court Adjourned


c/o Inner City Press

Extra Details in comments (c/o Adam Klasfeld)


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  6. 6 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140cEEenfZ/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/c9JTx


Lawyers' arguments about witnesses learning what's been said in court the previous day. The issue will have to be decided by Judge Nathan.

Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: My request is to find out what was communication to him by Jane, before he gets on the stand in front of the jury. He was shown a document Jane was asked about.

Judge Nathan: Which one?

Menninger: The Interlochen [school] application

Assistant US Attorney: Jane told him, The defense lawyer is an expletive.

Menninger: But what else did she tell him?

Judge Nathan: He shouldn't testify until after lunch.

And now a sealed sidebar discussion, not public now nor apparently ever. Feed will resume when they return & jury enters.



Jury Enters

AUSA Maurene Comey continues direct examination of FBI witness about search of Epstein's Manhattan mansion.

AUSA Comey: Who do we see in this photograph?

FBI witness: Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

AUSA Maurene Comey: Now let's turn to the [non-public] binder. What is it?

FBI witness: A photo from the investigation.

AUSA Comey: We offer it under seal.

Judge Nathan: It is sealed.

After a brief cross examination (you don't know when the photos were taken, do you?) next US witness is Stephen Flatley, FBI "CART" coordinator, digital forensic examiner and Quantico instructor.

AUSA: What is this?

Flatley: A hard drive I examined in this case.

AUSA: What is the "registered organization" for this computer hard drive?

FBI's Flatley: GMax.

AUSA: And this e-mail?

Flatley: From gmax1 [at] mindspring dot com. She says, I need to know what list John is using. No water in black Merc. No pens. Pool deck filthy

Flatley: GMax wrote, The massage creams in J.E.'s bathroom were a mess.

AUSA: We offer Exhibit 418 under seal.

Judge Nathan: Admitted under seal.

AUSA Pomerantz: And this document?

FBI's Flatley: It's by G-Max. It is about "massage lotion products." [For those asking, it's dated Sept 7, 2002]

Now Flatley is reading notes about Ghislaine, written by GMax, including "Jeffrey and Ghislaine really compliment each other, they are great partners." Also, "they are boyfriend and girlfriend unlike what some may think."

AUSA Pomerantz: No further questions.


Now the cross examination.

Maxwell's lawyer Laura Menninger: You don't know if anything was changed in the course of the copying, do you?

FBI's Flatley: I suppose I don't.

Menninger: And could you find out if GMax was in the same place as the computer?

And with a whimper and not a bang, Flatley is done.

Judge Nathan: Members of the jury, we'll take our mid-morning break.



Next witness: survivor Carolyn, testifying by first name only.

Assistant US Attorney: Carolyn, how far did you go in school?

Carolyn: Seventh grade. My mother was an alcoholic. I got introduced to Mr. Epstein to give him a massage. I said OK.

AUSA: How old were you?

Carolyn: Fourteen (14)

AUSA: Who greeted you?

Carolyn: Ms. Maxwell.

AUSA: What did she look like?

Carolyn: An older lady. With an English accent. I couldn't pronounce her first name correctly so I called her Maxwell.

AUSA: How much money did you get?

Carolyn: $300, in hundreds.

AUSA: How much did Virginia Roberts [Giuffre] get?

Carolyn: I don't know.... Maxwell asked me for my phone number.


AUSA: What would Maxwell ask you when she called?

Carolyn: If I'd be available when they flew in. They asked me to travel overseas. I said there was no way my mother would say OK.

AUSA: Did you tell Maxwell how old you were?

Carolyn: I told her I was fourteen.

Carolyn: Maxwell came in and felt my boobs. She told me that I had a great body for Mr. Epstein and his friends.

AUSA: How did that relate to your breast and hip size?

Carolyn: She said I had a great body. [Witness sounds like she is about to cry.]

AUSA: When you were naked, who would come in the room?

Carolyn: Mr. Epstein. First I would massage him. He would ask about my upbringing.

AUSA: Would Ms. Maxwell ever pay you?

Carolyn: Yes. She handed me three one hundred dollar bills.

Carolyn: Maxwell said Jeffrey wanted my address. I got sent lingerie, concert tickets and a book called "Massage for Dummies."

AUSA: Did you bring friends to Jeffrey Epstein's house?

Carolyn: Amanda Laslow, one year older than me.

Carolyn: Also Tatum and Julie... He asked me to bring younger people. I told him I don't hang out with younger people but there were some people I could ask. When I bought them I got paid $600 and she got paid $300.

AUSA: What did they do?

Carolyn: Sex and oral sex.

AUSA: What did you do with the money they paid you?

Carolyn: I was buying drugs. [Now, witness is sobbing.]

AUSA: You need to say it into the microphone.

AUSA: Then what major event?

Carolyn: I had a baby.

AUSA: Did you go back to Jeffrey Epstein's house?

Carolyn: Yes. I had gone there while I was pregnant --

AUSA: I'm asking about after you had the baby.

Carolyn: I needed the money. But I realized I was too old.

Carolyn says she had a son (whose father's first name she says in court) on March 12, 2004. She says she returned to Epstein's house after that because she needed the money. She stopped going because she realized she became "too old."

Q: How old were you?

A: 18.

AUSA: Did you later pawn an X-Box that wasn't yours?

Carolyn: I did. I did jail time. Then I did drug treatment and therapy. I take methadone and Xanax. And two others.

Carolyn: I am constantly afraid of my children being trafficked.

AUSA: Are you in touch with the father, Shawn?

Carolyn: No, not since the X-Box pawn shop thing.

AUSA: Have you worked for an escort service and had sex with men for money?

Carolyn: Sometimes.


AUSA: What did Maxwell do to you?

Carolyn: She took pictures of me nude, and the stuff with Epstein.

AUSA: Who decided who you would sue?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection!

Judge Nathan: Sustained. [To Carolyn, who was speaking] Don't answer, when I say Sustained.

And now, cross examination by Maxwell's lawyer Jeffrey Pagliuca.

Pagliuca: Sean was a friend of Virginia Roberts' boyfriend Tony, right? And you all smoked marijuana together and drank alcohol?

Carolyn: We didn't drink any alcohol.

Pagliuca: Virginia Roberts told you you could make $300?

Carolyn: No.

Pagliuca: When Roberts approached you about making this $500, Maxwell was not there, correct?

Carolyn: It was me & Virginia.

Pagliuca: Maxwell was not involved in the conversation, right?

Carolyn: Right.

Alert: Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyer Jeff Pagliuca just said the last name of this witness. Inner City Press caught it in time and is not tweeting. But AUSA Comey said nothing, nor did the Court.


Judge Nathan: We'll break here for lunch. Members of the jury, you have your lunch. We'll break.



Maxwell's lawyer Pagliuca is cross-examining survivor Carolyn who testified Maxwell paid her $300 to have sex with Jeffrey Epstein.

Pagliuca: Look at the notes the FBI took during your interview, about a lady with short black hair and an "unknown" accent. They didn't cut you off, correct?

Carolyn: That was a bad day for me. I was not expecting the FBI to come to my home.

Pagliuca: You knew what a British accent was, but you said "an unknown accent," right?

Carolyn: The day that you're talking about --

Pagliuca: I'd ask the Court to make her answer.

Pagliuca: So for the 2d visit to Mr. Epstein's house, you sat in the kitchen and spoke with the chef, right?

Carolyn: I don't remember if it was the 2nd visit or after.

Pagliuca: Show the witness what she said in 2007.

Carolyn: The FBI didn't ask me about Maxwell.

Pagliuca: Are you saying the FBI limited what you could say?

Carolyn: They didn't ask me about Maxwell.

Pagliuca: But you told the FBI about Sarah and the Incubus tickets from Epstein.

Carolyn: Yes.

Pagliuca: And you moved from Florida to Georgia.

Carolyn: Yes.

Pagliuca: I want to talk about the lawsuits you filed --

Carolyn: What does that have to do with me moving to Georgia?

After Pagliuca asks Carolyn again and again about FBI 302s and lawsuit paragraphs, Judge Nathan declared the afternoon break, having said she'll be addressing objection now out of the presence of the jury.

Judge Nathan: Let's pick up the first factual paragraph.

Pagliuca: We argue the entire complaint is inconsistent, by omission. She mentions Sarah Kellen and not Ms. Maxwell.

AUSA Maurene Comey: This was a lawsuit against 2 defendants - there was no reason that 3rd parties would be in.

Judge Nathan: I'm letting it in.

Just before the jury comes back in, AUSA Comey asks how long the cross examination is going to be, it's already been longer than the direct. No answer.


Jury Enters

All rise!

Pagliuca: Do you recall abusing drugs from the age of 13?

Carolyn: If you call pot drugs, yes.

Pagliuca: So you went to Georgia to detox, right?

Carolyn: No. I went to Georgia to escape traumatic events in my life.

Paugliaca: Let's talk about your claims of sex with Epstein. Isn't it true you used cocaine while you were at Mr. Epstein's house?

Carolyn: No.

Carolyn: What does any of this have to do with what I'm here for today? Ghislaine Maxwell fondled me and broke my soul --

Pagliuca: Move to strike.

Judge Nathan: Carolyn, you have to follow my rules. Jury will disregard.

Pagliuca: You received these funds from the Epstein Compensation Fund --

Carolyn: No amount of money will ever heal --

Pagliuca: Move to strike.

Judge Nathan: Jury will disregard. I instruct the witness to comply with the rules.

Pagliuca: You claimed you saw a photograph of Ms. Maxwell pregnant, correct?

Carolyn: Nude and pregnant. That was on multiple --

Pagliuca: No further questions.

AUSA Maurene Comey: Three minutes. Did you write your legal complaint?

Carolyn: No (crying)

AUSA Comey: What year was it when you were 13?

Carolyn: If I do the math, yes.

AUSA Comey: Are you here to get money?

Carolyn: No, what she did is wrong, she took young girls --

Pagliuca: Objection.

AUSA Comey: What year was it when you were 13?

Carolyn: If I do the math, yes.

AUSA Comey: Are you here to get money?

Carolyn: No, what she did is wrong, she took young girls --

Pagliuca: Objection.

Judge Nathan: Jurors, we're two minutes over. See you tomorrow.

Clerk: All rise!

Now government says: We will be resting this week (!)

They'd said five to six week trial - this is a big change. Now Judge Nathan floats a charging conference on Saturday the 18th. US just said they may be resting their case THIS WEEK - that is, after two weeks instead of the five to six weeks they projected.

Judge Nathan: I have inquired and we could get Ms Maxwell here on a Saturday, and open the overflow courtroom.

Again: Why no listen-only call-in line, as existed even today in US v. Steve Bannon in DDC?

Judge Nathan: I remind you, one word objections only.

Court Adjourned

The prosecutors said they'd put on four victim / survivor witnesses and they just finished with their third. Plus, they just said they won't call as a witness Jane's brother Bryan. Still, from five weeks down to two weeks is a big change.


c/o Inner City Press

Extra Details in comments (c/o Adam Klasfled)


  1. 29 Nov https://greatawakening.win/p/140c066vhu/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates/ https://archive.ph/UJvbk

  2. 30 Nov https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4iFhTt/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-n/ https://archive.ph/CP0IO

  3. 1 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4mlM5Q/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/kvjoj

  4. 2 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c9NlRh7/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/5iA5T

  5. 3 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c9UZGeQ/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/oaWCx

Exhibits Released of Palm Beach Photos: https://archive.md/VxNaH


Before the jury comes in, Judge Nathan is reading rulings on exhibits.

Judge Nathan: The pictures on the wall [of Epstein's massage room] risk prejudice and distracting the jury. They should be redacted. The other photos, of vibrators, the court will exclude.

Judge Nathan: I will also exclude the photos of the "creepy animals" Jane testified to. The tigers, for example, are highly idiosyncratic. The school girl uniforms may be admissible, depending on the testimony.

Judge Nathan: For exhibits the jury has, the public should get the redacted version.

Judge Nathan: So when the jury comes out, what would you like me to tell them?

Maxwell's lawyer: That the parties have reached a stipulation about the last witness and that to not to call him back we will read in the stipulation.

AUSA: Uh, could we have a sidebar?

Judge Nathan: Bring the jury in.

Jury Enters

Judge Nathan: Please be seated. You may recall the last witness from Friday, the parties have a stipulation. Mr. Everdell?

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: It is hereby agreed by US Attorney Damian William and Maurene Comey etc of counsel and Ghislaine Maxwell that the witness would have said that the cardboard box was found in the closet of a guest bedroom had items unopened. Def Exh B.

Assistant US Attorney: The government calls "Kate."

Judge Nathan: The witness testifying under the name Kate may come forward. [Adds notice to sketch artists to not be accurate.]

AUSA: Jurors should pick up their binder and turn to Exhibit 16, under seal.

AUSA Pomerantz: Kate what's your work?

Kate: I work with women who are victims of trauma.

AUSA Pomerantz: What did you do before?

Kate: I was a musician and singer.

AUSA: How did you meet Ms. Maxwell?

Kate: I had a boyfriend who introduced me to her in Paris.

AUSA Pomerantz: When did you next see Ms Maxwell?

Kate: A few weeks later. I went to her home for tea. I saw a photo of her with a man with salt and pepper hair.

AUSA: Did you find out who it was?

Kate: Jeffrey Epstein.

AUSA: So where did you meet Epstein?

Kate: At Maxwell's townhouse. She invited me over. Jeffrey Epstein was in sweat clothes speaking on the phone very loudly. Maxwell told him I was surprisingly strong for my size. He asked for a massage; he said he liked it.

Kate: Then Maxwell told me that the massage therapist had canceled and that I should give him the massage since my hands were too strong.

AUSA: Did she comment on how often Epstein needed massage?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection - leading.

Judge Nathan: Sustained.


AUSA: What was Epstein wearing?

Kate: A robe. He took it off.

AUSA: What was he wearing under?

Kate: He was naked.

AUSA: Was Maxwell there?

Kate: Yes

AUSA: Did Epstein initiate sexual contact with you?

Kate: Yes. Then Maxwell said, How did it go? Did you have fun?

Kate: Later Maxwell told me to find someone to give Epstein a blowj*b. She said he needed to have sex 3 times a day.

AUSA: When you first met Maxwell and Epstein what was your understanding of their relationship?

Kate: I thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Kate: Maxwell told me she was friends with Prince Andrew, Donald Trump. The names would just come up in conversation.

AUSA: What gifts did you receive from Maxwell?

Kate: A small black Prada bag for my 18th birthday.

AUSA: After sex with Epstein?

Kate: Yes, after.

AUSA: Were you given clothes to wear at Epstein's Palm Beach house?

Kate: Yes, a school girl's outfit with a short skirt, white panties and white socks.

AUSA: Did there come a time you stopped communicating with Epstein?

Kate: Yes. In my late 20s.

AUSA: Were you compensated by the Epstein Victim's Fund?

Kate: Yes.

AUSA: Are you planning to sue Maxwell?

Kate: No.

Judge Nathan: We'll take a break now, jurors.




Now Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim cross examination of Witness Kate:

Sternheim: You had a beautiful mother, didn't you?

Kate: Yes.

Sternheim: And your step father was rich and you lived in the Belgravia section of London, didn't you?

Kate: Yes.

Sternheim: You were an international model?

Kate: I was a model.

Sternheim: You were dating an older, prominent gentleman who was an Oxford classmate of Ghislaine, correct?

Kate: Yes.

Sternheim: You were a model for a UK version of Victoria's Secret?

Kate: No. The company failed almost right way.

Sternheim: But you were a lingerie model?

Kate: Yes.

Sternheim: You were in a piano bar and were discovered by the musician Seal, right?

Kate: No.

Sternheim: But you said that. You acted in movies?

Kate: I did not have speaking roles.

Sternheim: You were in a movie with a very well known UK actor, correct?

Kate: Yes

Sternheim: You spoke publicly, in your own name, in this courthouse, right?

Kate: Yes.

Sternheim: You were invited by a judge in this courthouse, Judge Berman, to speak, and you spoke, right?

Kate: Yes.


Sternheim: And you've spoke with Virginia Roberts Giuffre?

Kate: Yes.

Sternheim: You used drugs for 10 years, right?

Kate: Yes.

Sternheim: And you dated other men, right?

Kate: Yes, I dated men.

Sternheim: And you even married one of them?

Kate: Are you asking me if I've been married?

Sternheim: And you were with a prominent restaurateur?

Kate: I was with a man who owned 2 restaurants.

Sternheim: Didn't a tabloid encourage you to get a man connected to the royal family to buy cocaine?

Kate: Not exactly.

Sternheim: And that became a big tabloid spectacular, right?

Kate: I suppose.

Sternheim: When were you last in contact with Epstein?

Kate: 30s.

Sternheim: Give me a date.

Kate: I don't have a date.

Sternheim: How old are you?

Kate: 44.


Sternheim: Aren't you trying to get a victim's visa? Isn't this your name?

Kate: My visa application is based on extraordinary ability.

Sternheim: Which one?

Kate: Music teaching to treat trauma.

Sternheim: Any unlicensed music coach can get it?

Sternheim: Nothing further.

Judge Nathan: Re-direct?

AUSA: Let's take the lunch break.

Judge Nathan: OK.




The jury is finally back in, for re-direct of still pseudonymous witness Kate, starting with her award from the Epstein victims' fund.

Next US witness: Patrick McHugh of JP Morgan Chase: "I'm an officer of the firm. I can speak to who is authorized to access accounts and the like."

Assistant US Attorney names a slew of financial exhibits and calls them public exhibits.

Pending getting all these exhibits, the current one shows a wire transfer involving Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell for $7,400,000, JPM Chase and BONY Mellon.

Now JPM's McHugh is being asked about helicopter purchase. The exhibits as shown on the screens are blurry - will have to wait to get access to legible copies.

Maxwell's lawyer: This document doesn't show who approved it, right?

McHugh: Yes, the statement does not

Next witness is FBI's Ms. Kelly McGuire, Special Agent.

AUSA: What is this?

Agent McGuire: The front view of the resident [at 9 E. 71 Street]. When there was no response, we forced our way in.

AUSA: Did you come across the massage room on the third floor?

McGuire: We, we did. This photo, 902r, is the entrance to the massage room.

AUSA: And 903r?

McGuire: It's the massage room.

[The pictures on the wall are redacted, in the public exhibit]

McGuire is done. Judge Nathan asks if the US has a short witness (for the next 10 minutes). Now starting: another FBI agent.

AUSA: Does each FBI investigation have its own number?

Agent: Yes.

AUSA: Did you review CDs in 2020?

Agent: Yes, with Amelia Young.

AUSA: We offer into evidence this photo of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Judge Nathan: We'll break for the day. Jurors, have a good night. Counsel? Anything we need to take up?

Maxwell's lawyer: We object to the photo of our client lying on a boat.


Court Adjourned


c/o Inner City Press

Extra Details in comments (c/o Adam Klasfled)


  1. 29 Nov https://greatawakening.win/p/140c066vhu/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates/ https://archive.ph/UJvbk

  2. 30 Nov https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4iFhTt/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-n/ https://archive.ph/CP0IO

  3. 1 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4mlM5Q/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/kvjoj

  4. 2 Dec https://greatawakening.win/p/140c9NlRh7/ghislaine-maxwell-case-updates-d/ https://archive.md/5iA5T


Before Jury Enters

Maxwell's lawyer: Seeing semen on the table is going to be prejudicial.

AUSA: It was a white stain. It is entirely probative as to whether these massages were just messages or were in fact sexual.

Judge Nathan: I would permit lab tests

Assistant US Attorney: The fact that Mr. Epstein had a collection of school girl uniforms is relevant.

Maxwell's lawyer: This has little connection to Ms. Maxwell and is prejudicial.

AUSA: School girl costumes, small ones, were found in the massage room.

Maxwell's lawyer: They should not be described as school girl uniforms.

AUSA: I'll just lay a foundation then ask the witness about them.

Judge Nathan: You could say, Without describing them, did you find these items.

Maxwell's lawyer: The interior and art work changed, by 2019. The witness we call "Jane" said it was creepy, with drawing of monsters on the walls and naked women. We think these photos should be excluded. The photos of nude girls in the massage room

Judge Nathan: Maybe there's a way to position two screens, and only show them to the jurors. I'll ask Ms. Williams to ask the A/V people. Can show video so that only the jurors can see it, and no one else? We'll see. Please bring in the jurors.

Jury Enters

Judge Nathan: Mr. Alessi, you may return to the stand.

Jury enters. All rise!

Maxwell's lawyer: Mr. Alessi, you said you are called Juan but don't you sometimes say, "I am John"?

ALessi: I am John, in English.

Maxwell's lawyer: Ms. Maxwell speaks Spanish and called you Juan. You did not take it as an insult, no?

Alessi: No, I did not.

Maxwell's lawyer: You took $6300 dollars, right?

Alessi: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: But didn't you lie - when you stole twice, in fact?

Alessi: I did not lie.

Maxwell's lawyer: Didn't you try to steal a gun? Didn't you steal over $5000 to pay for the immigration papers of your girlfriend?

Alessi: It was not my girlfriend.

Maxwell's lawyer: Police Officer Dawson questioned you?

Alessi: No, I went to him.

Maxwell's lawyer: You told him you went in to steal a gun.

Alessi: I don't recall.

Maxwell's lawyer: You might have said it, but now you don't recall?

Alessi: That's it.

Maxwell's lawyer: And you went back once again to steal money?

Alessi: I did it one time & I think that is what I told the police.

Maxwell's lawyer: You went through the sliding glass door and stole $5600 from Mr. Epstein's briefcase, $100 bills in a white envelope?

Maxwell's lawyer: Show the witness 3504-002, deposition transcript. I move for admission under Rule 801.

[Note: "(A) is inconsistent with the declarant’s testimony & was given under penalty of perjury at a trial, hearing, or other proceeding or in a deposition]

Maxwell's lawyer: You stole $6000, when you owned properties valued at $1 million.

Alessi: I sold those properties, to buy the property for the multi-family.

Maxwell's lawyer: Let's look again at 3504-002, deposition page 145.

[Note: During all this, Ghislaine Maxwell is leaning back and even masked, seems pleased with herself. When first we practice to deceive...]

Maxwell's lawyer: I'm having trouble seeing in here.


ALERT: Maxwell's lawyer has just openly said the real name of one of the pseudonymous survivor witnesses.

Judge Nathan: Your are admonished to abide by my rulings.

AUSA: May we approach?



Maxwell's lawyer pointedly says, "Mr. Alessi, you testified about when JANE met Mr. Epstein and Ms. Maxwell."

Alessi: In this testimony I mistook the two --

Maxwell's lawyer: In 2016 you were directed to the name JANE and you said No

Now Maxwell's lawyer is cross examining Juan Alessi about Epstein's Palm Beach house. Unclear what Judge Nathan will do about Team Maxwell repeatedly blurting out the real names of pseudonymous survivor(s).

Maxwell's lawyer: Do you see the notation, new moldings in the bedrooms?

Alessi: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: And during construction, no one live in its?

Alessi: No, during part of it Mr. Epstein and Ms. Maxwell lived there.

Maxwell's lawyer: You were asked if JANE was driving and you said you never saw Jane driving a car. Those are all questions about Jane, right?

Alessi: I think so.

Maxwell's lawyer: Let's take the break.

Judge Nathan: OK.



Maxwell's lawyer: I'm asking about what you [Alessi] said --

AUSA: We ask for the whole thing to be read.

Maxwell's lawyer: So you say, Summer, I remember, I was sweating like hell in the car waiting for Ms. Maxwell to come out of the car.

Maxwell's lawyer: Mr. Alessi, didn't you keep a Rolodex of the girls?

Alessi: No, of the massage therapists.

Maxwell's lawyer: You got referrals for massage therapists?

Alessi: No sir.

Maxwell's lawyer: You said, One of Jeffrey Epstein's friends would say, I got a good massage and you'd say, please give me the answer.

Alessi: I never -

Maxwell's lawyer: You previously said this under oath. May I continue your Honor?

Judge Nathan: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: Isn't it true that Mr Epstein bought other women to the house and told you to remove the pictures of Ms. Maxwell from the house?

Alessi: I did what he told me to do.

Maxwell's lawyer: Why did you THINK you were taking Ms. Maxwell's picture down, when Mr. Epstein had the other women over?

Alessi: I have no idea.

Maxwell's lawyer: Mr. Alessi, as Mr. Epstein's direction you called women and set up massages, correct?

Alessi: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: And that doesn't make you guilty of sex trafficking, does it?

Assistant US Attorney: Objection!

Maxwell's lawyer: And when you cleaned the massage room, you have saw signs of violence, right? No one complained to you of that?

Alessi (voice rising): No but I wish they had, I would have done something.

[Some laughter]

[Programming note, as Alessi ends - some may not believe his statements that he didn't know, or especially the claim near the end of cross examination that if only the victim has complained, he would have acted. Some, it seems, found that laughable. Discretely]

AUSA: No re-direct.


Judge Nathan: Next witness.

It's Gregory Parkinson, questioned by AUSA Maurene Comey. The topic, we believe, will be search of Epstein's home. But first, his credential and career. This could take a while.

Parkinson: I participated in a search in Palm Beach.

AUSA Maurene Comey: What is this?

Parkinson: A map or aerial view.

AUSA: Had you been there before?

Parkinson: Yes, on a report of a theft of currency. I met Mr. Jeffrey Epstein.

Now before it gets into what was found during the search - Judge Nathan calls the lunch break; A/V will set up screens only jurors can see.




They are showing the jurors a video of the search warrant reading (and execution?) at Epstein's house. But we the Press and public can't see it.

AUSA Maurene Comey: at 1 minute, where are we?

Parkinson: In the 3 car garage

Assistant US Attorney Maurene Comey: What do we see here, during the search?

Officer Parkinson: A picture of Pope John Paul with Jeffrey Epstein.

AUSA Maurene Comey is still telling the jurors to look at one seal exhibit after another, now Government Exhibit 225.

AUSA Maurene Comey: I ask that Government Exhibit 234 be admitted, under seal. Also 241, under seal.

Judge Nathan: Granted. Under seal.

Finally, some exhibits not under seal.

AUSA Comey: What is this, in Exhibit 228?

Parkinson: It's the Garden Room.

There are photos spread out all over the floor, but no details can be made out.


AUSA Comey: I'd like the jurors to look in their binders at Exhibit 255... Oh witness only. I ask that Government Exhibit 278, the master bathroom, be under seal to protect privacy [???]

Judge Nathan: We'll take our break, snacks are here.

[Yes, snacks were cited]

Now even Judge Nathan says US has gone too far in sealing entire 39 minute video, says some portion should be made public.

AUSA Maurene Comey: We'll work on that.


OK, the jurors are back from snacks break.

AUSA Maurene Comey: Let's turn to Government Exhibit 278.

Parkinson: It's a bathroom with a phone and a pink, three cushion couch. And that's a portable inflatable massage table.

We're back to mass-sealing: AUSA Maurene Comey: I ask to admit Government Exhibit 285, under seal, and "direct the jurors' attention to that writing."

Finally: Parkinson comes out of the witness box and touches Government Exhibit 51..."the green massage table."

AUSA Maurene Comey: We offer this [massage table] into evidence. I ask that the exhibit be published for the jury by setting the table up

Parkinson: Now the table is in an open position.

Exhibit 51a: Photo of massage table on its side.

AUSA Comey: Where was it manufactured?

Parkinson: Vista, California.

AUSA Comey: No further questions.

Judge Nathan: Mr. Everdell, you may cross.

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: You previously investigated a burglary there, correct? Parkinson: True.

Everdell: And Mr. Epstein said that several thousand dollars had been stolen, right?

Parkinson: True.

Everdell is jumping around with his questions, laughing uncomfortably now. He asked Parkinson about an exhibit - sealed - that is Epstein's desk and the photos on it.

And with that, without apparently landing a punch, Everdell's cross examination of Parkinson is over.

Judge Nathan: You may step down, Mr. Parkinson. You are free to take your flight.

New US witness, starting at 4:38pm (2138GMT) on Friday: Michael Dawson, Palm Beach PD


AUSA: What were you looking for, during the search?

Dawson: Massage tables and oil. Sex toys. There were a lot of photos of nude females. We seized a phone book, a massage table, photo of a nude female, a sex toy called the torpedo

[Flashes on screen & is gone]

Now cross examination, starting at 4:49 pm (2149GMT)

Maxwell's lawyer: I'm going to prove up an inconsistent statement.

Judge Nathan: Confer first.

After a time, Maxwell's lawyer: We need a sidebar.


Now the questioning turns to Juan Alessi's admission of stealing from Epstein. But it's 4:59 pm (2159GMT). Cross examination interruptus?

Judge Nathan: We're done for the week. Obey my instructions. Oh and by the way, we will not sit Dec 13, 14 or 15... Why, is not explained. Some letters due Sat & Sunday, both at 8 pm (0100GMT). All rise!

Court Adjourned


From The Independent:


"Finance executive Daniel Besselsen to return to the court to give evidence on day four of the trial. The finance executive at the Interlochen Center for the Arts the nonprofit organisation behind the summer camp where witness “Jane” said she first met Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein will give evidence on Thursday.

Mr Besselsen provided records which comprised donor letters confirming Epstein and Maxwell’s relationship to the camp. These included one addressed to Maxwell saying that a lodge had been reserved for the use of Epstein’s in August of 1994.

It is thought that this is where the couple met Jane. Epstein had funded a two-bedroom lodge, known as the Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge, at Interlochen in northern Michigan where parents, donors and other guests could stay. The lodge’s name has now been changed to the Green Lake Lodge."

From Insider:


"On Wednesday, prosecutors presented exhibits that consisted of letters from administrators of the Interlochen Center for the Arts. They detailed how Epstein and Maxwell donated $200,000 for the rustic, two-bedroom building, and stayed there for a week in August of 1994.

The Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge — which was renamed to Green Lake Lodge in 2007, after Epstein was arrested on child pornography charges — was available for parents of students and other guests to rent out and spend time on the center's campus.

Records shown in court also corroborated that Jane attended the camp in 1994, as well as over the next two summers. Jane testified that Epstein paid for her camp tuition in 1995 and 1996 when her family was in a difficult financial situation. Two of Jane's brothers also attended Interlochen's boarding school around that time, according to Besselsen's testimony.

Epstein attended the camp himself in the 1960s, and associates have said he was passionate about classical music throughout his life. A funding note previously obtained by The Daily Beast says the Epstein lodge was completed in 1994 and located near where "junior girls" lived.

In 2019, following sex-trafficking charges against Epstein, Interlochen's president Trey Devey acknowledged Epstein's connections to Interlochen. Devey said Interlochen had no record of Epstein visiting except for one stay in the year 2000, although the records shown at trial indicate he stayed there in 1994.

Lawrence Visoski, a pilot who flew Epstein's private jets between 1991 and 2019, testified earlier in the trial that he flew Epstein on trips to Interlochen on several occasions.

Devey's note acknowledging Epstein's ties to Interlochen is no longer available on the organization's website. According to an archived version of the note, Devey said Interlochen had "no record of any complaint raised against Mr. Epstein at Interlochen."

From Wikipedia:


Interlochen Center for the Arts is a tax exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, operating an arts education institution in northwest Michigan. The center is situated on a 1,200-acre (490 ha) campus in Interlochen, Michigan, roughly 15 miles (24 km) southwest of Traverse City. Interlochen draws young people from around the world to study music, theater, dance, visual arts, creative writing, motion picture arts, and comparative arts. The organization provides arts and culture programming to the Northern Michigan region.

Interlochen Center for the Arts is the umbrella organization for Interlochen Arts Camp (formerly the National Music Camp, founded 1928), Interlochen Arts Academy boarding high school (founded 1962), Interlochen Public Radio (founded 1963), and the "Interlochen Presents" performing arts series. The Interlochen College of Creative Arts (founded 2004) is an affiliated but separate non-profit corporation.

Some notable alumni are:

Michael Arden - singer, actor, and director

Michael Arrom - musician

Meredith Baxter - actress

Vince Gilligan - producer and screenwriter

Charles Roland Berry - composer

Garrett Børns - musician

Chris Brubeck - musician

David Burtka - actor and chef

Bruno Campos - actor

Rachel Carns - musician

Charlie Carver - actor

Angelin Chang - pianist

Victoria Clark - singer and actress

Kat Coiro - writer and director

Larry Combs - Principal clarinetist, Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Ret.)

Frank Crawford - Principal Tuba, “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band

Terry Crews - actor and pro football player

John Dalley - violinist

Chip Davis - musician

Xavier Davis - musician

Michael Delp - writer

Elaine Douvas - musician

Kermit Driscoll - musician

Aaron Dworkin - Dean of the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance

Doriot Anthony Dwyer

Jennifer Ehle - actress

Jeffrey Epstein - financier and convicted sex offender

Peter Erskine - drummer

Tovah Feldshuh - actress

Anna Fidler - artist

Barrett Foa - actor

Ben Foster - actor

Shelley Gillen - producer, screenwriter and songwriter

Kimiko Glenn - actress and singer

Steven M. Goodman - biologist

Josh Groban - singer/songwriter & record producer with record sales over 35 million

Keitaro Harada - conductor

Steve Hayden - advertising executive

Bob Havens - Musician

Christie Hefner - publishing executive

Marcy Heisler - lyricist

Ed Helms - actor

Evan Helmuth

Jerry Hey - musician

Anne Hills - singer/songwriter

Wataru Hokoyama - composer and conductor

Mary Holland - actress

Marya Hornbacher - author

Hao Huang - pianist

Felicity Huffman - actress

Tom Hulce - Oscar-nominated actor

Linda Hunt - Oscar-winning actress

Mary Hollis Inboden - actress

Carol Jantsch - musician

Richard Joiner - clarinetist

Scott Joiner - singer / composer

Norah Jones - multiple Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter.

Kim Kashkashian - violist

Ani Kavafian - violinist

Ida Kavafian - violinist

Celia Keenan-Bolger - actress

Jewel Kilcher - singer

Amelia Kinkade - actress

Damian Kulash - musician - founding member of rock band OK Go

Dane Laffrey - scenic designer

Naomi Lang - ice dancer

Phill Lewis - actor

Jennifer Chambers Lynch - director

Lorin Maazel - violinist, composer and ex-music director of the New York Philharmonic

Anthony McGill - clarinetist

Michael McMillian - actor

Dmitri Matheny - musician

Herman Matthews - drummer

Mia Michaels - choreographer

Eric Millegan - actor

F. Hudson Miller - sound editor

Bob Mintzer

Ross Mintzer

Elizabeth Fischer Monastero

Dermot Mulroney - actor

Jessye Norman - opera singer and Grammy Lifetime Achievement award winner

Sean Osborn - Clarinetist and Composer

Larry Page - co-founder of Google

Donovan Patton

Shelley Posen

John Quale

Rain Pryor - actress

Anthony Rapp - Broadway actor

Jackson Rathbone

Margot Rose

David Shifrin

Trish Sie

Alexandra Silber

Peter Sparling

Doug Stanton - New York Times bestselling author

Sufjan Stevens - singer/songwriter and Academy Award and Grammy Award nominee

Casey Stratton

Toni Trucks

Rufus Wainwright - Juno Award winning singer/songwriter

Benjamin Walker

Mike Wallace - television journalist

Debbie Weems

Michael Weiss

Lawrence Irving Wilde - composer, singer, songwriter and producer of House of Faces

Charley Wilkinson - timpanist

Rumer Willis - actress

Betty Who - Australian recording artist with top-ten single

Peter Yarrow - singer

Sean Young - actress


c/o Inner City Press, Adam Klasfeld & The Independent

Day four of the trial begins with a new witness — Paul Kane, director of finance of New York’s Professional Children’s School.

The school is an independent day school on West 60th St in Manhattan serving grades six to 12.


AUSA: Look at Government Exhibit 721. Do you recognize it?

Kane: An enrollment application for a student.

AUSA: Don't say the name. Is it an accurate copy?

Kane: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection - hearsay!

AUSA: It's a business record.

Judge Nathan: Overruled.

Maxwell's lawyer: Can I question the witness?

Judge Nathan: Go ahead.

Maxwell's lawyer: The Professional Children's School doesn't verify the accuracy of the info on the form, does it?

Kane: I think they do.

Maxwell's lawyer: All of it?

Kane: That, I don't know.

Maxwell's lawyer: So the info--

AUSA: Your Honor, may I?

Judge Nathan: You may.

AUSA: What happens to info coming in?

Kane: Contact the family by phone, then invite them to tour the school and have a conversation.

AUSA: Does the School rely on the form?

Kane: Yes.

Sidebar, document is in

AUSA: What grade was the person applying for?

Kane: 12th. Due to "move to New York."

AUSA: Who's listed as person of financial responsibility?

Kane: Mister Jeffrey Epstein.

AUSA: Thanks. No further questions.

Maxwell's lawyer: You have no idea if Mr. Epstein actually paid.

Kane: I do not.

Maxwell's lawyer: And for the mother, does it say unemployed?

Kane: It says self-employed. As an interior decorator.

Maxwell's lawyer: And who is the listed agent?

AUSA: Objection!

Judge Nathan: Just make the jurors look at it.

Maxwell's lawyer: Look at the name in the corner. And the name of the prior principal. You don't have to say them for the record. No further questions.

Judge Nathan: Thank you Mr Kane. Next US witness. It's Doctor Lisa Rocchio.

Doctor Lisa Rocchio: I have a Masters and PhD from U of Rhode Island.


After a long presentation of credentials, Rocchio is in as an expert.

AUSA: Did you interview anyone in this case?

Rocchio: No.

AUSA: Does your pay depend on outcome of the trial?

Rocchio: No.

AUSA: What is grooming?

Rocchio: Strategies to get children into sex. I've seen grooming in the Boy Scouts through a special camping trip. Or jewelry, anything to make the children feel they are appreciated.

AUSA: How common is it for a child to be repeatedly abused by the same perp?

Rocchio: Very common. It's by people close to the child.

AUSA: What is a grooming environment?

Rocchio: The perp develops trust with people around the child, for example with the parents



AUSA: Are victims of child sexual abuse likely to report it to the police?

Rocchio: No.

AUSA: How do they talk about it?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection - no foundation.

Judge Nathan: I'll sustain. Can you re-phrase?

AUSA: What is the long term impact?

Rocchio: They are at higher risk for adverse outcomes.

AUSA: Nothing further.

Judge Nathan: Let's take our break.



Maxwell's lawyer: Doctor Rocchio, you have a $45,000 contract for this, correct?

Rocchio: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: If one had a brain injury, it might be hard to remember, right?

AUSA: Objection.

Judge Nathan: Sustained.

Maxwell's lawyer: Alcohol would harm recall too, yes?

AUSA: Objection.

Judge Nathan: Sustained.

Maxwell's lawyer: Are you familiar with confabulation?

AUSA: Objection!

Judge: Overruled.

Maxwell's lawyer: It's filling in the gaps.

AUSA: Objection.

Judge: Sustained.

Maxwell's lawyer: My grandfather liked to take me to the Bronx Zoo. Was that grooming?

Next US witness is Juan Patricio Alessi. A former housekeeper to Jeffrey Epstein who worked at Epstein’s house in Palm Beach, Florida.

AUSA: Where do you come from?

Alessi: Quito, Ecuador.

AUSA: When did you move to Florida?

Alessi: Early 1984. I worked for a wealthy family in Palm Beach, I was a maintenance guy. Then I worked for Mister Jeffrey Epstein

AUSA: How did you meet Epstein?

Alessi: I was working on Mister Wexner's mother's house.

AUSA: Who is in this photo?

Alessi: Mr. Jeffrey Epstein.

AUSA: When Mr. Epstein was in Palm Beach, where did you sleep?

Alessi: I had a room there.

AUSA: Who else worked there?

Alessi: I brought my wife to help me. And other girls.

AUSA: How did things changed after Ms. Maxwell got involved?

Alessi: Things were less cordial. Less conversation. I was not allowed to see Mr. Epstein anymore, unless he asked me question. Ms. Maxwell said, Don't look at his eyes, "look at another part of him."


And with that, and a blue print of the house on the screens, Judge Nathan says: The jurors' lunch has arrived. Let's break.



Alessi is describing Epstein's Palm Beach home in great detail. Presumably it will become relevant in the testimony of Survivor / Witnesses 2, 3 and 4.

AUSA: Pull up Gov Exhibit 297. Mr. Alessi what is this?

Alessi: The 2d floor. That is toward Mr. Epstein's bedroom. There was a huge bathroom.

AUSA: And what's that other bathroom?

Alessi: That's Ms. Maxwell's bathroom.

AUSA: But they both came off the master bedroom?

Alessi. Yes.

AUSA: Where did Ms. Maxwell sleep in the Palm Beach house?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection!

But it's allowed.

Alessi: She slept in Mr. Epstein's bedroom.

AUSA: How many times did you see females by Mr. Epstein's pool?

Alessi: 100s.

AUSA: How often were they topless?

Alessi: 75% of the time.

AUSA: How about Little St. James?

Alessi: I was on a cruise with my wife to St. Thomas. They picked us up & showed us Little St. James. It was huge.

AUSA: Did you visit any Ms Maxwell property?

Alessi: Her townhome in London. She invited us. It had a red front door

AUSA: What conversations did you have with Ms. Maxwell about this booklet?

Alessi: I told her I could not do this checklist, with all my other work.

AUSA: Show them Gov Exhibit 606.

AUSA: How long is this book?

Alessi: 58 pages.

AUSA: What is it?

Alessi: List of what were supposed to do to maintain the house.

Now Maxwell's lawyer will question Alessi about the book of instructions.

Maxwell's lawyer: When you left, you didn't have this in your possession did you?

Alessi: No I did not.

Maxwell's lawyer: But this book was created after you left, at least by the date on it.

Maxwell's lawyer: We object to 606.

AUSA: He identified pages.

Judge Nathan: I'm overruling the objection. 606 is admitted.

AUSA: We you recognize the address at the bottom?

ALessi: Mr. Epstein's residence.

AUSA: There's a reference to the JE and the GM telephone directories. What were they?

Alessi: Books with hundreds and hundreds of names. Directions and addresses.

Alessi: They were 2 inches thick. Full of names.

AUSA [for some reason turning away from the 2 black books, at least for now] Let's turn to page 23, about Ms. Maxwell's desk. What does it say?

Alessi: Please the directory to the right of the phone.

Assistant US Attorney: What is this?

Alessi: Instructions for serving breakfast. Sometimes at 5 am.

AUSA: Who else worked there?

Alessi: Chefs. My wife. Ms Maxwell's assistant. Then Sarah Kellen.

Alessi: Two females seemed to be underage.

AUSA: Don't say their names. Jurors, look at the binders under your chairs. GX 12.


Alessi: Can I have a cup of water?

Then: AUSA: Is that name the person we'll call Jane?

Alessi: Yes. I met Virginia Roberts too.

AUSA: When you met Jane how old was she?

Juan Alessi: Appeared 14 or 15. She was beautiful, beautiful eyes, long brunette hair, very pleasant. Three times she was there with her mother. Then, without her mother. Many times.

AUSA: How would Jane get to the house?

Juan Alessi: I would pick her up, and the direction of Mr. Epstein or Ms. Maxwell.

AUSA: When did you meet Ms Virginia Roberts?

Alessi: I was at Mar-A-Lago with Ms. Maxwell. I waited in the car like the driver

Alessi: It was a hot day. Ms. Maxwell said, Stop, John, Stop. I did and Ms Maxwell went up to this girl.

AUSA: Where was this girl?

Alessi: She was coming down the ramp.

AUSA: How did she look?

Alessi: Young.

Alessi: Then by 5 pm I saw her [Virginia Roberts] back at the house.

AUSA: Show Exhibits 113 and 114 only to the witness and parties... How old did you think Ms Roberts was?

Alessi: 14 or 15.

AUSA: Did Ms. Maxwell ever instruct you to pick up Ms. Roberts?

A: Yes.

AUSA: Did you ever see Ms. Roberts at Mr. Epstein's home with luggage?

Alessi: Yes. I drove them to the plane.

AUSA: How many massages would Mr. Epstein get a day?

Alessi: Before I left, three a day. I called whoever they told me to call.

AUSA: Did the phone books we discussed have names for massage in them?

Alessi: Yes.

AUSA: Did you see Jane's name in it?

Alessi: Yes. The books were updated twice a year.

AUSA: What did you do with them, when new ones were made?

Alessi: Just throw them away.

AUSA: I have a physical exhibit, GX 52. May I approach the witness? Do you recognize it?

AUSA: What is it?

Alessi: It is the directory.

AUSA: Did you review it last night?

Alessi: I did.

AUSA: Every page?

Alessi: Yes.

AUSA: How many names?

Alessi: Many. Many. Many.

AUSA: Is this the same you saw when you were that or a later version?

Alessi: A later version.


AUSA: Pull up Exhibit 52a. It is a sealed exhibit.

Judge Nathan: Let's take a break.

Assistant US Attorney: We are not offering the full exhibit 52 [the black book].



AUSA: Is Sarah Kellen in this version?

Objection - leading.

Judge Nathan: I'll overrule that.


Maxwell's lawyer: As you sit here today, 19 years later, you have no idea where Exhibit 52 has been?

Maxwell's lawyer: You said the book was two inches thick. But Exhibit 52 is a quarter inch thick, correct?

Alessi: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: The book you were talking about was from New York, right?

Alessi: Yes.

Maxwell's lawyer: And the PostIt notes weren't there, right?

Alessi: Right.

AUSA: Did you take messages for Mr. Epstein? How?

Alessi: If he didn't want to talk the call. Or wasn't there.

Maxwell's lawyer: There are a number of pages without dates next to the names. Do you know that?

Alessi: I guess so.

Judge Nathan: Exhibits admitted.

AUSA: They are sealed - not to be put on screens, binders only.


AUSA: What supplies did you buy for the massages?

Alessi: No oils, I was -

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection!

AUSA: Did Ms Maxwell give you supplies?

Alessi: Exotic oils for other countries.

AUSA: Was Mr. Epstein's door open during the massages?

Alessi: Never. Afterward I went in with gloves.

AUSA: Why?

Alessi: To clean up.

AUSA: What did you see after the massages? Towels?

Alessi: Yes. But not all of the massages.

AUSA: Do any incidents stand out in your mind?

Alessi: I found a large dildo.

AUSA Comey: What did you do with it?

Alessi: Wash it up.

AUSA: Where did you put the dildo?

Alessi: In Ms. Maxwell's bathroom. In a basket.

AUSA: How did you know where to put it?

Alessi: I knew everything going on in the house.

AUSA: What else was in the basket?

Alessi: I saw pornographic tapes.


AUSA: How often did you see the dildo?

Alessi: At least five times.

AUSA: And the other one, the massager, did the ball at the end vibrate?

Alessi: Yes. I would put it at the top of Mr. Epstein's dresser.

AUSA Comey: What photos were in the house?

Alessi: Photos of Mr Epstein and Ms Maxwell with important people.

AUSA: Like who?

Alessi: Donald Trump. The Pope, I think, Fidel Castro.

AUSA: Were there photographs of naked women?

Alessi: Yes. But those were kept in Ms. Maxwell's desk.

AUSA: Why did you leave Mr Epstein's employ?

Alessi: I was sick and tired.

AUSA: Did you sign a non-disclosure agreement?

Alessi: Yes. About both of them.



c/o Inner City Press


[Note: These are the lawyers' arguments before the jury comes in]

Judge Nathan: If what the defense bring in is impeachment [of the Witness] material, it's not a Rule 16 issue.

AUSA Rohrbach: It should have been disclosed; it is about a collateral matter.

AUSA: The witness couldn't even recognize the photo, & it wasn't impeachment of what she said on the stand.

Judge Nathan: What is the US' understanding of when the witness lived in the address in the [FBI] 302?

AUSA Alison Moe: At 14 she was living in a pool house

Maxwell's lawyer: In her application to Interlochen [music school] she listed the address that he showed her yesterday.

Maxwell's lawyer Laura Menninger: She already said on the record that she lived in the same place after she met Epstein until she moved to NY

Judge Nathan: Is there anything we can discuss at [non public] sidebar, before the jury comes in?

AUSA: Some issues we can only do when they come up.

Judge Nathan: OK, then I'm going to step down for a few minutes.

Clerk: All rise!


Judge Nathan: The jury is ready.

AUSA: We do have one issue to raise at sidebar.

Judge Nathan: Let's see if we can get to the break without. Before the defense shows the jury the [confidential] binder, raise it here.

Assistant US Attorney: We have an objection to tabloid articles from the Internet being introduced as evidence.

Judge Nathan: You have a general Internet objection?

AUSA: No, we'll raise them one by one.

Judge Nathan: Let's bring out the jury.

Clerk: All rise!

Jury enters

Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: Did you turn 17 in your final year at Interlochen [art/music school]?

Pseudonymous witness "Jane" - No, I was 16.

Menninger: Jurors, pick up the smaller binder under your chairs and turn to J-3.

Menninger: And your application said you came from a "long and loving family," right?

Jane: That's what it says.

Menninger: Do you recognize the document?

Jane: I do not recognize it per se. But I see my signature.

Menninger: It's your application to Interlochen

Menninger: When you spoke to your younger brother, you didn't mention there was a woman, correct?

Jane: I don't think so.

Menninger: And you told a news source that you were approached by Ghislaine, no mention of Ghislaine, correct?

Jane: I don't remember that.

Menninger: When you got to Epstein's house with your mother - your house was in West Palm Beach, right?

Jane: No, it was in Palm Beach -

Menninger: You didn't cross any state lines, did you?

Jane: No I didn't. There were only the 3 of us having tea.

Menninger: Have you ever spoken with your sisters about your boyfriends?

Jane: I didn't have any boyfriends...

Assistant US Attorney: Can we have a brief sidebar about this?




Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: Look at the last line in the top paragraph. You told the agents that Epstein would decide where everyone sat --

AUSA: Objection! She should only ask, Does it refresh your recollection.

Judge Nathan: Go ahead and ask.

Menninger: Does it refresh your recollection?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: And there was nothing sexual in the theater.

Jane: Right

Menninger: Yesterday, it said it was shortly after the pool house that you had this incident with Epstein and Ghislaine, right?

AUSA: Objection as to form.

Judge Nathan: Specify what you're talking about.

AUSA: Objection.

Menninger: This is foundational.

Menninger: You told the government you do not have a specific memory of your first time with Ghislaine -

AUSA: Objection!

Menninger: You have come up with the memory in the last two years?

Jane: I don't believe I have come up with memory, no.

Jane: It is not typed up right on this form.

Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: Another typo by the government.

AUSA: Objection!

Menninger: You told the government Ghislaine never used sex toys or a vibrator on you, correct?

Jane: Correct.

Menninger went on to ask Jane if Ghislaine ever saw her perform oral sex on Epstein (no), hand job (no), intercourse (no).

Menninger: Look at 39-008 at Page 5, does this refresh your recollection?

Jane: No.


Menninger: You said Ghislaine never saw you perform oral sex on Epstein.

Jane: I don't recall.

Menninger: Look at the document.

Judge Nathan: Let's take a break.



Maxwell's lawyer Menninger: You testified yesterday your first has sex with Epstein in his pool house in Florida. But you told the government it was in New York.

Jane: Those are not my notes. I did not write that down and it was not recorded.

Menninger: You told them you only remembered one incident in NY when Ghislaine was present.

Jane: I don't recall.

Menninger: Look at 3509-003. Hasn't your story changed?

Jane: I didn't understand the question.

Menninger: You told the government you flew to NY with Epstein & Ghislaine to see The Lion King.

Jane: I said that but I was incorrect in my timeline. I was 14.

Menninger: You were a student of theater and the arts at the time, correct?

AUSA: Objection as to form.


Judge Nathan called another break, saying that Jane needed a drink of water.

Now she's back on the stand.

Menninger: Let's go to your conversation in Feb 2020, about the Lion King.

AUSA: No objection

Menninger: I know Ms. Moe would like to come and do this for me

AUSA Moe: I object to that.

Menninger: But the Lion King on Broadway didn't start until you were 17 years old. Did the government or Mr. Glassman suggest to you that you might have meant the Lion King movie?

AUSA: Objection!

Menninger: So you recall going to the New Mexico range, a giant huge home, correct?

Jane: Like all the homes.

Menninger: And that Jeffrey Epstein's brother went with you, correct?

Jane: I don't recall.

Menninger: You weren't asked to have sex with any of Epstein's friends, were you?

Jane: No.

Menninger: Did Epstein introduce you to people in the arts?

Jane: Not really.

Menninger: To the dean of Interlochen at a cocktail party?

Jane: I don't recall.

Menninger: In 3509-001, you said you met Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago, before the pool house incident.

Jane: I don't recall.

Menninger: You said Epstein took you in a dark green car to Mar-A-Lago to meet Donald Trump?

AUSA: Asked and answered and also misleading.

Menninger: You also had some recollections about flying on the private plane with Epstein, right?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: You said you were asked your weight when you got on the plane, correct?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: In 2019 before Epstein was arrested you were contacted by the government, right?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: But you said you were not interested in getting involved.

Jane: Right.

Menninger: Then you hired Mr Glassman, a personal injury lawyer with ads-

AUSA: Objection.

Menninger: Did you see his ads, touting his big verdicts?

Jane: He's a friend of a friend.

Menninger: Is this your contingent fee agreement?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: You've talked to your ex-boyfriend Matt, right?

Jane: Right.

[Programming note: It seems "Matt" will be the next witness. Judge Nathan has said there is some issue with the jurors' delivered lunches. So this may go a while.]

Menninger: When you were 15 did you take a trip to Italy for a singing competition?

Jane: I may have. I don't remember. I was 15.

Menninger: And at 16, you traveled for a sibling?

Jane: Maybe.


Menninger: And you were in a beauty pageant sponsored by Donald Trump?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: Do you recall crying that Jeffrey Epstein only gave you $2000 for a dress?

Jane: No.

Menninger: You were on a reality TV show with Matt, right?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: And there was tension and you cried?

Jane: Reality shows are not really reality.

Menninger: You claimed you were putting a roof over your family's head?

Jane: I don't know if I used those words.

Q: You told that to Matt.

A: They were living in my house.

Menninger: And you demanded money from Ghislaine Maxwell?

Jane: I have a lawyer.

Menninger: And you sought money from the Epstein Compensation Fund - look at Exhibit J-18, at 6. You were offered how much?

Jane: $5 million.


Judge Nathan: We'll break for lunch, jurors. I hope all of your lunches are back there now.

Lunch Recess


Menninger: So you went to a specialized entertainment school, right?

Menninger: And since then you've played roles like cancer patient?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: Prostitute?

Jane: No.

Menninger: You can cry on command?

Menninger: Your accusations in this case include that you were 14 when you were abused, right?

Jane: Yes.

Menninger: But you first told the government you were 13, right?

Jane: I might have said 13 going on 14. It's a small technicality.

[Note: on "prostitute," Jane said "Not my favorite role."]

Menninger: You talk about the Lion King and say you were 14 - but it only came out when you were 17, right? And you said you were 15 when you met Mike Wallace, at his 80th birthday party, right?

Jane: I don't know how old I was.

Menninger: You don't know when his birthday is? Look at J-33, does it refresh your recollection?

AUSA: Objection.

Judge Nathan: Sustained. No basis for refreshing.

Menninger: In your civil case you got interrogatories, do you know what those are?

Jane: No.

Menninger: So your lawyer answered for you under your oath and you didn't know?

Jane: I don't know.

Cross examination of Jane peters out, with a final exhibit admitted. Unclear how press and public will get it.

Now re-direct.

AUSA: Did any of us prosecutors ever tell you what to say at this trial?

Jane: No.

AUSA: You were asked about notes of meetings with the US. Did you speak about everything all at once?

Jane: No. It was too difficult, emotionally, on every level.

AUSA: Then there were fewer of us in the room. Do you know why?

Jane: To make me more comfortable.

AUSA: Why did you speak to the tabloid reporter?

Jane: He basically blackmailed me. He said he would publish unredacted documents.

Judge Nathan: This is not for the truth of the matter asserted, but impact on the listener.

AUSA: Did you make an agreement with the reporter?

Jane: Yes. I'd talk about meeting Jeffrey Epstein, the reporter would keep my name out of it. I was working on a TV show.

AUSA: Do you know the difference between acting on television and testifying in court?

Jane: Yes. This is real. I am seeking closure. I have been running from this my entire life. I want to help in whatever way I can. And maybe find some healing.

[By the end, Jane is sobbing.]

AUSA: Do you have any financial interest in this trial?

Jane: No.

AUSA: Nothing further.


Judge Nathan: Jane, you may step down. And we'll take a break. Jurors, your snacks are here.

Clerk: All rise!



AUSA Moe: How do you know Jane?

Matt: She's my ex-girlfriend. From 2006 to 2014.

AUSA: Did you live together?

Matt: Yes. From 2007 to 2014.

AUSA: Are you still friends?

Matt: Yes. And we work on the same TV show.

AUSA: What did Jane tell you about her home life?

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection.

Judge Nathan: Any foundation?

Maxwell's lawyer: It's hearsay.




c/o Inner City Press, The Independent & Adam Klasfeld


Before Visoski re-takes the stand (scheduled for 14:30), Judge Nathan brings up again the unidentified juror who'd have to travel between Christmas and New Years.

Maxwell's lawyer Pagliuca: We'd like to know which juror it is, or at least if they are an alternate.

Judge Nathan: I think I have to excuse the juror, if they can't cancel or move the trip. I'll step down.

Clerk Ms. Williams: All rise!


Judge Nathan returns and says: I asked but it seems there is no way to change or move the trip. So I have excused Juror Number 58. The other jurors are ready. Please bring the witness into the box.

Larry Visoski, in the plexiglass witness box, says, "I'm OK."

Assistant US Attorney Maurene Comey: May the witness remove his mask?

Judge Nathan: Yes.

AUSA Comey: Good more, Mister Visoski. What assistants did Mr. Epstein have other than Ms. Maxwell?

Visoski: There were many.

AUSA Comey: Did Ms. Maxwell have assistants?

Visoski: She did.

AUSA Comey: Can you name some assistants?

Visoski: There was a Kimberly and, of course, Sarah Kellen.

AUSA Comey: Is that Ms. Kellen?

[Exhibit is a woman in a bright green dress]

Visoski: Yes.

AUSA Comey: What's this?

Visoski: The entrance to Mr. Epstein's Zorro Ranch... There is a triple-wide trailer with a faux Western facade. We had a runway and a hangar for our aircraft.

AUSA Comey: How many acres was Mr Epstein's ranch?

Visoski: Ten thousand acres.

AUSA Comey: Did you ever go into the main residence.

Visoski: Yes. To pick up luggage, and install electronics. Mr. Epstein was a real audiophile. He also had a home theater with a drop-down screen. He had a little family room off to the side.

AUSA Comey: Turning now to Mr. Epstein's island, what was it called?

Visoski: Little St. James. It was a regular destination. I also flew the helicopter, from St. Thomas to Little St. James. Also, more electronics installation.

AUSA Comey: How else could you get there?

Visoski: Boat.

AUSA Comey: OK, where did you meet Ms. Maxwell?

Visoski: She had a three bedroom apartment, I installed electronics there too. Then she bought her own townhouse.

AUSA: Why did you go there?

Visoski: Luggage.

AUSA Comey: Did Ms. Maxwell ever fly the helicopter?

Visoski: Many times.

AUSA Comey: And what are these photos?

Visoski: That's Mr. Epstein in front of his plane.

[The plane is black and Epstein is standing in front of it in a yellow windbreaker, with a smile.]

AUSA Comey: For Mr. Epstein, did you ever fly to Traverse City, Michigan?

Visoski: Yes. Must have been summer or Fall, cherry season.

AUSA Comey: Where did you pick up his luggage?

Visoski: The Interlochen School of Music [Center for the Arts]

AUSA Maurene Comey: I offer into evidence this stipulation, that the dates of birth of these individuals are correct. We are submitting these under seal. Let the jurors pick up the binders under their chairs, to see the sealed exhibits. But don't open it.

Judge Nathan: And don't put them on the screen. Paper only. [Pause] I need glasses.

AUSA Comey: Government Exhibit 12... Mr. Visoski, is this the name of the female singer you remember being a passenger on Mr. Epstein's plane?

Visoski: Yes.

AUSA Comey: We'll call her Jane. How did you meet her?

Visoski: Mr. Epstein brought her to the cockpit. She had piercing powder blue eyes. AUSA Comey: Do you remember Virginia Roberts?

Visoski: Yes. A shorter woman with dirty blonde hair.

AUSA Comey: Nothing further.

Judge Nathan: You may cross examine.

Maxwell's lawyer Christian R. Everdell: You started working for Mr. Epstein with Dave Rogers, correct?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And he let you use the restroom?

Visoski: Yes. Like I need to now.


Judge Nathan: OK, looks like it's time for our mid-morning break.

Everdell: One last question before we break - did you walk through the cabin?

Visoski: Yes, in the Gulf Stream.

Everdell: Take a break.

Clerk: All rise!

30 Min Recess


Judge Nathan: I hope you had a pleasant and TIMELY break, jurors. You may proceed.

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: I trust you're feeling better.

Visoski: Much better.

Everdell: So you walked through the Gulf Stream to use the restroom, correct?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: If Mr. Epstein were engaging in sex acts with underage girls he probably would have told you not to leave the cockpit, correct?


Judge Nathan: Overruled.

Visoski: Correct.

Everdell: So this was before cell phones, and you were using beepers, correct? Visoski: Yes. I'd recognize Mr. Epstein's number.

Everdell: And you'd mostly hear about flights from Ghislaine if she was going to be on them, right?

Visoski: Mostly.

Everdell: So former President Bill Clinton flew on the plane, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And you were told to clean up.

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: But some passengers, you were never told the names, right?

Visoski: Correct.

Everdell: I want to ask you about a few specific flights. You mentioned Interlochen, the arts center. Did you know that Epstein himself attended the summer camp, when he was a child?

Visoski: I was not.

Everdell: On your flights to Interlochen, wasn't Itzhak Perlman on one?

Visoski: Yes he was.

Everdell: And Epstein had a cabin there, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And you flew Mr. Epstein to Columbus, Ohio to see Les Wexner, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And the women we're calling Jane, you knew her real name, right?

Visoski: I do.

Everdell: And beyond the striking blue eyes, you have said she had large breasts, right?

Visoski: She was a mature woman.

Everdell: I'm sorry, we're having a choreography issue.

Judge Nathan: Can we move past it without sending the jurors back into the jury room?

Everdell: Yes, as long as I can return to it.

Judge Nathan: We'll just take a five minute break now.

Clerk: All rise!

5 Min Recess


Jury returns late.

Judge Nathan: Well at least you're getting your steps in. Please proceed.

Everdell: So there were others in Epstein's world who had the same name as the person we are calling Jane?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: Like sealed exhibit LV3a and LV3b

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: Are you familiar with Prince Andrew?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And he flew on Mr. Epstein's plane, right?

Visoski: He did.

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: Are you familiar with Annie Farmer?

Visoski: I've heard the name. But I don't know of any record.

Everdell: Put up LV4 and LV5. Mr. Visoski, do you see the documents, with names?

Visoski: Yes.

Judge Nathan: Admitted under seal.

Everdell: The person we're calling Kate, her real name is on LV4, right?

Visoski: I don't remember that name at all.

Everdell: You've mentioned Bill Clinton, Itzhak Perlman, Prince Andrew... Did Donald Trump fly on Epstein's plane?

Visoski. Yes, he did.

Everdell: And John Glenn and George Mitchell flew on Epstein's plane, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And Kevin Spacey?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: After first staying in a hotel, did Mr. Epstein put you up in an apartment?

Visoski: Yes. At 301 East 66 Street. Sarah Kellen stayed there too. And the person who's name we can't say, LV3a.

Everdell: But not Jane, right?

Visoski: I did not see Jane.

Everdell: The green sports car, who gave it to Mr. Epstein?

Visoski: Les Wexner.

Everdell: And Mr. Epstein gave you 40 acres of land in New Mexico, on which to build your home?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And he paid your two children's college tuition?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: He cared about your daughters when they were in college, right?

Visoski: And even when they were younger.

Everdell: And Mr. Epstein had back problems and needed massages, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: He used 10,000 Waves Studio in Santa Fe, yes?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And when he met him, Epstein's girl friend was Eva Andersson-Dubin, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: And Ms. Maxwell just worked for him?

Visoski: It seemed that way.

Everdell: Later, whatever personal relationship existed between Mr. Epstein and Ms. Maxwell fizzled out, right?

Visoski: Yes, in the 2000s.

Everdell: And Epstein brought in others, like personal assistant Sarah Kellen, right?

Visoski: Yes.


Everdell: And later Ghislaine was in a relationship with Ted Waitt, CEO of Gateway Computers, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: She introduced you to Mr. Waitt's pilot, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: Good time for a break.

Judge Nathan: Done.



Epstein's pilot Visoski still on the stand. AUSA asks Judge to tell court arts not to sketch some witnesses.

Judge Nathan: Mr. Everdell, you may continue with your cross examination of Mr Visoski. And Mr. Visoski, I remind you that you are under oath.

Maxwell's lawyer Everdell: People liked to go hiking on the Zorro Ranch, right?

Visoski: Yes.

Everdell: But since there were snakes, one needed boots, right?

Visoski: Yes, that would be preferred.

Everdell: And you never saw Ghislaine looking pregnant, did you?

Visoski: I never did.

Everdell: And Ghislaine seemed like a nice person to you, did she not?

Visoski: She did.

Everdell: And you have two daughters - and you let them ride horses with Ghislaine, right?

Visoski: I did.

Everdell: You saw nothing in 30 years that made you think Mr. Epstein was an abuser, right?

Visoski: I did not.

Everdell: Nothing further.

Judge Nathan: Re-direct.

AUSA Maurene Comey: Did you let your 14 year old daughter massage Mr. Epstein?

Visoski: I did not.

AUSA Comey: Nothing further. And we call our next witness, "Jane."

Judge Nathan: I order the sketch artist not to accurately depict the witness. AUSA Comey: What is Government Exhibit 12, under seal?

"Jane" - It is my birth certificate.

AUSA Comey: How old were you when you first had sexual contact with Jeffrey Epstein?

Jane: 14.

AUSA: Who was in the room?

Jane: Ghislaine Maxwell.

AUSA: Do you see her here?

Jane: Yes. There. In sort of a beige turtleneck.

AUSA: She has identified the defendant.

AUSA Comey: What type of work did your father do?

Jane: He was a musical composer. Then he died of leukemia. His employer had canceled his health insurance without him knowing. We essentially went bankrupt and had to move out.

AUSA Comey: When you were at Interlochen, did you meet a couple?

Jane: Yes. The woman had a dog and the man said they were big benefactors. They asked for my mother's phone number. A landline.

AUSA Comey: When you visited, what do you remember about spending time at the pool?

Jane: There were four woman and Ghislaine, all topless and some of them were naked. I was shocked. I hadn't seen that before. Maxwell would ask me if I had boyfriends.

AUSA Comey: Did Epstein begin to pay for things for you?

Jane: Voice lessons. Clothes. Things for school.

AUSA: Did Ms Maxwell give you some advice?

Jane: That if you fck them you can always fck them, they're sort of grandfathered in. I didn't know what it meant

AUSA: What did they tell you about their social circle?

Jane: Donald Trump. Bill Clinton. Mike Wallace.

AUSA: How was the house decorated?

Jane: Art, sculptures. Pictures of famous people, presidents. I thought some of the art was odd - naked women, creepy animals

Pseudonymous witness "Jane" - Epstein took me into the pool house. He proceeded to masturbate on me. Then he went into the bathroom & cleaned himself & acted like nothing happened. I'd never seen that before.

AUSA: Did you keep spending time with them?

Jane: Yes.

Pseudonymous witness "Jane" - Jeffrey [Epstein] proceeded to masturbate again. Ghislaine was rubbing on him, kissing on him.

AUSA: How old were you?

Jane: Fourteen.

AUSA: What was Ms. Maxwell's demeanor like?

Jane: She was very casual, like this was entirely normal. I was confused. When you are 14 you have no idea what is going on.

AUSA: Did Jeffrey Epstein touch you?

Jane: Yes. Everywhere.

AUSA: Did you touch Mr. Epstein?

Jane: [pause] Everywhere.

AUSA: I'm sorry to ask you this, but did he use sex toys?

Jane: Yes. Like those back massagers. They were painful. He did it anyway.

AUSA: Did Maxwell touch your body?

Jane: Yes.

AUSA: How often did these things happen?

Jane: Every time I visited his house.

AUSA: Did you travel to his other homes?

Jane: Yes.

AUSA: We'll back back to that. When other people were present, how did incidents start?

Jane: Jeffrey would say, follow him.

AUSA: Follow him where?

Jane: To his bedroom. Or to the massage room. He would get on the massage table and it would sort of turn into this orgy.

AUSA: How often was Maxwell present?

Jane: I can't give a precise number.

AUSA: During the incident when you were 14, was Maxwell in the room? Jane: Yes.

AUSA: When you were 14, 15 and 16 how many times did you travel with them?

Jane: About ten times. To NYC, and New Mexico. On Jeffrey's plane.

AUSA: What kind of art work did they have?

Jane: Yes, it was weird. Animal heads. Naked women. Orgies. It didn't seem very unusual at this point.

AUSA: How did you feel, in the New York house?

Jane: Like someone was always watching you.

AUSA: What would Epstein asked you to do?

Jane: To straddle his face. To pinch his nipples.

AUSA: Were there times that Maxwell was present?

Jane: Yes.

AUSA: In the NY house, where did this happen?

Jane: In the massage room.

AUSA: On the trip to New Mexico, where did you spend most of your time?

Jane: On the ranch. It was in the middle of nowhere.

AUSA: Did anyone come into your room?

Jane: Yes. Someone came in and said, Jeffrey wants to see you and escorted me to see him.

Jane (sobbing) I did not want to go see him.

AUSA: Who told you Epstein wanted to see you?

Jane: Don't know. I had to fly back to Florida to go to school. I took a commercial flight. But I was only 15 and didn't even have a [drivers] learner's permit.

Jane: So I couldn't get on the flight back to Florida, having no ID. I freaked out. But Maxwell helped solve it. She talked to someone & I got on the plane.

AUSA: What was your home life like at the time?

Jane: We were losing our home. We moved into a pool house.

Jane: My mom was enamored by the idea that these affluent people were taking an interest in me --

Maxwell's lawyer: Objection! Hearsay!

AUSA: It's for the effect on the listener.


Judge Nathan: You may ask that question. But not what the mother said.

AUSA: Could we approach?

Judge Nathan: The jurors' snacks are here. Let's take a 10 minute break.

10 Min Recess

Ghislaine Maxwell Case Updates 🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️‍⚧️
posted ago by dem6nic ago by dem6nic


Jury selection to take approximately one hour. There is a total pool of 58 prospective jurors. They will be selected from a group of the first 40 interviewed. Lawyers on both sides can challenge the inclusion of certain people. There is currently a delay in proceedings as missing members of the jury pool are located.


Jurors questioned ahead of final selection. Judge Nathan has asked the jurors if they have read, seen, heard, or researched anything about the case during the holiday recess and if there is any reason that they cannot be a fair and impartial juror.

One juror, number 87, who works for a private equity firm has expressed doubts about being fair and impartial and will be questioned in the main courtroom. Jurors are currently being held in two separate courtrooms and have been addressed remotely.

On Nov. 16, that juror said: "My only concern is, I guess given proximity to private equity and finance, that's my only concern."

Juror 87 elaborated then the concern was the "number of high-profile individuals [...in] finance generally who have been implicated in this case."


Sarah Ransome — one of several women to have accused Ms Maxwell of abuse — was seen arriving at the courthouse on Monday morning. She told reporters: “I never thought this day would come.” Ms Ransome will not be testifying.


Juror 87 has been excused after saying that he had conversations with work contacts who had expressed strong opinions about the case. He said that he had been unable to cut them off.


Ms Maxwell is in court, with Bloomberg reporting that she is wearing a white turtleneck and dark slacks and is seated next to her lawyers, who she embraced on arrival as she usually does. Her sister Isabel is seated behind the defence table in the spectator area.


The jury and alternates have been picked. They have been asked to come to the third-floor courtroom so that opening statements can begin.


The prosecution team will present its opening statement first. This is their opportunity to frame the case as they would like the jury to see it — though nothing they say is evidence.

Opening statements set the tone for the trial and often feature themes that are returned to during closing arguments once the evidence has been presented to the jury.

Prosecutors expect to keep their opening statement to approximately 25 minutes and Ms Maxwell’s lawyers hope to keep their’s under an hour, according to Law & Crime’s Adam Klasfeld.


There is a pause in proceedings as a juror speaks with the judge about financial hardship, claiming their employer may not pay them to be off work for a six-week trial.

Another juror says a spouse has surprised them with a four-day vacation over the holidays from 24-28 December. Judge Nathan is contacting the first juror’s employer.


Judge Nathan says that the juror whose spouse announced a surprise trip doesn't know whether it could be moved. The judge is inclined to move ahead regardless.


Judge Nathan has told the juror with the vacation plans to keep pushing to see if there are options to move the trip as she is inclined for the court to sit that week. She is still gathering information from the other juror regarding their employment situation. Discussions are underway as to what to do if they have to replace either of the jurors.


Judge Nathan: The supervisor for the juror expressing a financial hardship said she'd "check" whether paid leave could be extended. You have 10 minutes, the judge said.


Judge Nathan has returned to the bench as the jurors continue to try and resolve their situations — it is hoped that this can be done within the hour. She raises the possibility of having seven alternates instead of six and then proceed with the opening statements.

Addressing the remaining potential jurors who are still waiting in two other courtrooms in the building, she tells them that they may still be called upon for jury duty. A suggestion of an early lunch break is dismissed as lunch for the jurors will not arrive until 1pm.


Maxwell's lawyer said a "tsunami" of news coverage would make a fair trial impossible, but the jury knew little about the case. One juror, who never heard of her, said of Epstein: “Billionaire who solicited prostitutes and underage girls.” Also, this juror had heard Maxwell was Epstein's "girlfriend." The juror otherwise did not know about the allegations against her.

Note: The "tsunami" comment was made well before voir dire. This is a developing story, based on what the jurors said during voir dire questioning.


The issues with the two jurors have been resolved. They will be sworn in before breaking for lunch. Judge Nathan announced: “We have our 18 jurors.” She has also dismissed the remaining potential jurors, thanking them for their service, patience, and time.


The jury has been sworn in by the courtroom deputy. Law & Crime’s Adam Klasfeld notes that it “appears to be a diverse jury in terms of race, age, and gender”.

This is the first time Ms Maxwell has seen the jury that will hear her case since the wider pool of potential jurors was questioned by the court.


Judge Nathan reminds jurors to avoid all social media and not to discuss the case with anyone — not even family and friends. She also noted the significant media attention surrounding the case.

Calling the jury the “triers of fact” Judge Nathan says that they are to “decide this case solely on the evidence provided in the courtroom”.


Ghislaine Maxwell appeared to be in good spirits at the start of her trial on charges of trafficking underage girls for convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The British socialite seemed relaxed, played with her hair, smiled from behind her mask and waved at her sister as jury selection in the case began, according to press pool reports.


Prosecution Opening Statement

Poised to deliver an opening statement for the government is Assistant U.S. Attorney Lara Elizabeth Pomerantz. Opening line by the prosecution: "I want to tell you about a young girl named Jane."

AUSA says this girl was introduced to a man and a woman at camp. The man described himself as a donor there. "What Jane didn't know then is that man and woman were predators."

AUSA: "Who was that woman targeting young girls for sexual abuse? It was the defendant: Ghislaine Maxwell."

"She helped normalize abusive sexual conduct." Prosecutors are expected to talk about "grooming" at trial. AUSA: "She put them at ease [...] all so they could be molested by a middle age man."

"There were times when she was in the room when it happened." About "Jane." That's how three of the four "Minor Victims" of the indictment are anonymized. One is public.

AUSA calls Maxwell and Epstein "partners in crime," often targeting the daughters of single mothers.

They "promised these girls the world," going after girls with "difficult home lives." "They figured out what these girls wanted to do when they grew up and they promised to help."

“They were wealthy and influential people who used that cover to make the girls and their parents feel comfortable and safe,” Ms Pomerantz says.

“What came next was anything but safe. The next stage involved getting the girls comfortable with sexual contact involving Epstein,” she continues describing that massaging Epstein was used as a way of beginning the abuse by getting them to touch him and allowing him to touch them.

"They made these girls feel seen. They made these girls feel special, but that was a cover." The prosecutor describes the "so-called massages" that she says Maxwell arranged for Epstein. "What was happening inside those massage rooms was not a massage; it was sexual abuse."

The prosecutor acknowledges the case may make jurors uncomfortable, before saying: "He directed girls to massage him, while he masturbated. He sometimes received oral sex, and he sometimes penetrated the girls' vaginas with his penis."

She says Maxwell helped Epstein find those girls. "Sometimes, she touched the girls' bodies."

"Even when she was not in the room, make no mistake: She knew exactly what Epstein was going to do to those children when she sent them inside those massage rooms,” Ms Pomerantz returned to the story of Jane describing how they befriended her despite being more than twice her age, taking her shopping and to movies and giving her hundreds of dollars.

The abusive relationship continued for years at both Epstein’s residences in Palm Beach and in New York, says the prosecutor.

"Ladies and gentleman, Jane was not the only one." Maxwell and Epstein "devised" a "Pyramid scheme of abuse," encouraging girls to bring other girls — to be rewarded with cash. "You'll also hear about Epstein's staff," including the pilot for the private planes and employees from his residence, the prosecutor says.

Prosecutor to jury: You'll see FedEx records confirming that Epstein sent a gift to one of his victims when she was 15 years old. "They were exploiting kids," the AUSA says. "They were trafficking kids for sex."

Explaining how the prosecution will prove the counts against Ms Maxwell true, Ms Pomerantz says that Jane herself will take the stand. The jury will also hear from family members of the victims and Epstein’s staff, including his pilots, as well as law enforcement officers who searched his homes. Flights log, courier records, and other hard evidence will also be shown to make the case that the pair were trafficking children for sex, and that this went on for a decade.


Defense Opening Statement

Defense statement from Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim. "Ever since eve was accused of tempting Adam for the apple, women have been blamed for the bad behavior of men and women are often villainized and punished more than the men ever are."

Ms Sternheim argues that her client is not like Epstein, nor the other powerful men who abused women and that the prosecution will not be able to prove that Ms Maxwell committed the crimes with which she is charged.

“This case is about memory, manipulation, and money.”

Says Ms Sternheim: “As you will see, the accusations that you will hear from the mouths of four accusers — not like the hundreds that the government suggested you would hear from — you will hear from them and they will recount from their memories, memories of a quarter-century ago. Memories that have been corrupted by things that have happened throughout the years. Manipulated by a narcissistic man and self-interested civil lawyers and a desire for a big jackpot of money.”

Sternheim says she's "proud" to represent Maxwell: The government's story relies upon the claims of four accusers. She emphasizes the time period of the indictment dating back decades. "As we all know, memories fade over time, and in this case, we will learn not only have memories faded. But they have been contaminated by outside information, media reports" and other influences, the defense attorney says.

The defense counsel also attacks "civil attorneys" who saw Epstein and Maxwell as "easy targets" for lawsuits and money. "She is a scapegoat for a man—"

Prosecutor: Objection.

Judge Nathan: "As stated, overruled."

Sternheim says "Epstein's death left a gaping hole" for justice for these women. Referring to Maxwell, Sternheim says: "She is a brand name. She is a lightning rod. She is a convenient stand-in for man who—"

AUSA: Objection.

The parties confer privately with the judge at sidebar to see whether this is permissible theme for opening statement. After sidebar, Sternheim switches topics, urging jurors not to judge her client on her affluence: "Privileged background, comfortable lifestyle, status, they may be things that easily check the wrong box, but they are not crimes."



The code for when the UK Monarch passes is "London Bridge has fallen". This recent article claims "London's Bridges are falling down". Comms?



Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Live Nation organize the concert in Las Vegas where a massacre occured?

And didn't Live Nation organize the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester where a massacre occured?

And now the Astroworld massacre?


A little dig into this situation.

Imogene Hughes, long time owner of the Bonanza Creek Ranch where Halyna Hutchins was killed by Alec Baldwin, died two weeks ago.


Fuckery afoot. I'll add more as the dig extends.


  • Epstein's Zorro Ranch is 32 miles south of Bonanza Creek Ranch

  • IATSE’s Local 44 union emailed members to say “A LIVE SINGLE ROUND was accidentally fired on set by the principal actor, hitting both the Director of Photography, Local 600 member Halyna Hutchins, and Director Joel Souza"

  • Halyna's husband is an attorney for Latham and Watkins, a firm representing Hillary Clinton's lawyer Michael Sussmann right now.

  • Assistant director Dave HALLS grabbed the gun from the cart and brought it inside to Baldwin, "unaware" that it was loaded with live rounds. HALLS was the second unit's first assistant director on The Crow: Salvation, the sequel to the film in which Bruce Lee's son BRANDON LEE was killed by an on-set firearms mishap in 1993.

Colin Powell died! (edition.cnn.com)
posted ago by dem6nic ago by dem6nic

In hindsight it appears to me that all those big players who stepped down or were fired were those not willing to comply with the DS request to push vaccines on their workforce. Thoughts?


Honestly sick of all the emotional feelsfags crying about something or another. This is a Q research board so do some or gtfo. I don't care about your feelings.

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