dem6nic 1 point ago +1 / -0


Even Trump heard it, it went through his ear.


dem6nic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't trust Mr. Beast. It's a money laundering op, among other things.

dem6nic 3 points ago +6 / -3

He's confusing things. The definition of spirit here is being butchered. The concept that Jesus dwells as a separate entity to the Creator negates him as being the Creator Himself.

Guard your faith from these things.

dem6nic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've seen footage of protests in Israel as a fair share disagree with his policies.

dem6nic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have seen a few videos of Rabbis condemning Israel's position, and they always make a distinction between Jews and Zionists.

dem6nic 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they have Palestinian roots, could it be they were visiting family?

dem6nic 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is propaganda on both sides of this battle, anons need to discern the truth and it's good to see people who have been brainwashed their whole lives finally awakening.

dem6nic 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean these swedes? The ones filming a documentary about Palestinian life?


dem6nic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Weird. From https://www.eventer.co.il/event/novaparalellotranslate/wCqCL

Tribe Of Nova Proudly Presents


6-7 October 2023


Sukkot Gathering

Dear Tribe of Nova,

We are thrilled and filled with pride and excitement to announce a truly exceptional and unprecedented event that will take place for the very first time in Israel...

The legendary Universo Paralello festival is set to land in our small but vibrant land!

Yes, just as it sounds, the most powerful and meaningful psy trance music festival in one of the most recognized and active psy trance nations, is already making its way here 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

An inseparable part of our continuous and everlasting vision is the creation of groundbreaking events, infused with international standards and filled with a unique lineup.

This time, during the upcoming Sukkot holiday, one of the biggest, most influential, and revered festivals in the world, is coming to Israel. 🌍

This special collaboration with a festival that represents the heart and soul of the Brazilian trance music community, is considered to be one of the largest and most respected international electronic-alternative festival throughout Latin America.

Together with this massive community, which has been built over 23 years, inspiring people globally across continents, the central driving force behind it is a set of fundamental and important human values:

Free love and spirit,

environmental preservation,

appreciation of rare natural values that the festival embodies

Every two years, it spreads the love for exquisite electronic music in all its variations, establishes an authentic connection to the social-artistic ideology, and channels all these elements for empowerment and the dissemination of the trance culture, which emerges as a universal cosmic light from the wild jungle and spreads throughout the world.

It is our great honor to lead one of the three unique pre-festival events taking place worldwide, as we approach the splendid 17th edition of the Universo Paralello festival.

The festival will be held during the celebrations of the new civil year in Praia de Pratigi, a hidden paradise located on the southern coast of Bahia, Brazil, within the mystical rainforest.

The meaning of the words " Universo Paralello " is " Parallel Universe " in Portuguese, the native language of the land of Samba, from which the festival originates.

The word " Supernova " refers to the explosion of a massive star, causing an immense burst of light in galactic terms.

What can one imagine when these concepts intertwine during the upcoming Sukkot holiday? 🤩

We assume that you can already imagine the result...

(Or perhaps not?) 🙃

The official ticket sales have begun, and the number of participants is limited.

Tribe of Nova invites all of you to dive together with us into a tribal journey, where the essence of unity and love combines forces with the best music, powerful and captivating international content, and breathtaking location...

These are the right parameters from which extraordinary and unforgettable experiences are created, just as we like to provide to our beloved audience 🦄


We Are On!

dem6nic 4 points ago +4 / -0

May our Creator provide you with comfort and strength, to understand His plan further enough to endure your tribulations. We pray and hope in accordance with His plan, for there is nothing better than His planning, so in this we find peace enough that we may endure any coming trials that may forge our character enough to be accepted into His Kingdom.

dem6nic 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you people talking about red-pilling are ok with a pedophile or worshipper of satan red-pilling the nation, you need to seriously look at your logic.

dem6nic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let me tell you something. I watched this guy's rise when he first appeared on BBC and subsequent channels, and back then I had a bad feeling about him. Something has never sat right with me about him. When he left the mainstream channels and began pontificating about conspiracy-related materials my gut told me he's a plant put there to discredit the conspiracy theorists.

Now look where we are. Almost everything he said may have been true, it's freely available information that anons have dug up, but him touting himself as the voice of reason just makes all of the subject matter go to waste. He's a fucked up character, his appearance is goat-like and resembles Pan and Baphomet, freely expressive of his hedonism, and his ability to talk all over people is what hooked people in.

I said it before, I'll say it again, I don't trust this guy.

dem6nic 2 points ago +2 / -0

A 16 year old girl Russell? Really? I'm holding out for the trial, if this guy is a predator I hope he goes down.

Anyone can jump on the conspiracy bandwagon and gain followers to cover up their crimes. I'm not naive to that.

dem6nic 4 points ago +4 / -0

According to people who work for Dove, they formulate their product to purposely dry out skin and hair once usage of said product stops. Avoid.

dem6nic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Liberalism is a disease

dem6nic 9 points ago +9 / -0

No, it's not different. The Creator wins every time they try hiding the truth. They can't. That's why they have to reset.

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