dfgjkdf 1 point ago +2 / -1

The biggest selling points of crypto was anonymity and decentralized. It is neither of those things.

Exchanges loose billions, who pays that price. When the elites that own the vast majority of crypto sell off billions worth devaluing your money, who pays that price?

Crypto has all of the same problems as cash with boat loads of added complexity and the tiny problem that it doesnt exist when theres no power. There are no benefits.

We should all fear a digital currency. Imagine for a minute a social credit score and digital currency where they 100% own you. They can shut it off or limit your ability to survive with a key stroke.

I do like that quote, im going to have to remember that one. Do you know the author?

The only thing we need to fix with our currency is changing out the petrodollar for a gold back cash system. Physical assets that we can all own and hold on to that has real inherent value.

dfgjkdf -1 points ago +1 / -2

EVERYTHING is hackable. Every physical wallet has a flaw that can be exploited. We'll see more and more of these stories.

But nice diversion attempt. I gave you numerous examples and you dwell on a reddit link. A forum that probably knows more about crypto than any other group on the planet. But ok, keep diverting. You know im right.

dfgjkdf -2 points ago +1 / -3

They will all be drained to live another day in the gamestop saga. Look at the huge sell offs. They happen simultaneously across all coins.

The elite own all crypto and charge you a fee to play their game.

dfgjkdf -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nft's will vanish faster than crypto does. Such a laughably stupid concept.

dfgjkdf 0 points ago +1 / -1

Exchanges get hacked all the time. That doesnt help your case. But wallets are hacked just as easily as a credit is. Email phishing scams or phone calls, the most basic of scams.

But outside of that bs, physical wallets can be "hacked": https://www.reddit.com/r/hacking/comments/sd3k01/how_i_hacked_a_hardware_crypto_wallet_and/


Also random coins and nft's are covering smart contracts that can clean you out. Look into "smart contracts".

Lots of ways to do it. You must not understand it very well if youre never heard of any of these. There are countless others.

But phishing for seed phrase or private key

Physical wallets can be broken into

Smart contracts.

Just to name a few.

dfgjkdf -1 points ago +1 / -2

When i purchase products from the store with cash i have no fees at all. Are you confused?

Or get this, through my bank app i can transfer money to anyone with zero fees.

Or get this, there are at least a dozen major banks with 0 fee wire transfers.

You system is the only one that charges a fee. And the people holding the billions of dollars in equipment receive ALL of those fees. The rich leeching money from the poor by charging them a small fee for every single transaction. How is that not a ponzi scheme again? And how is that any better than cash? My cash purchases arent making the wealthy wealthier.

dfgjkdf -2 points ago +1 / -3

Crypto will have 0 dollars of assets after they are drained. Average joes dont old a single percent of any coin. Bitcoin for example is held almost entirely by four private chinese pools. Very centralized.

dfgjkdf -1 points ago +1 / -2

Im sure they invested in a lot of things. Theyre heavily invested in nft's which is one of the biggest and laughably stupid scams of this decade. Let me sell you a 5th graders pixel art for a million dollars lmao. Theres a sucker born every minute. Im sure theyre riding the wave of all of this bs. They also had huge pressure from the reddit crowd to get involved in these techs.

Gold back US dollar /endofdiscussion

dfgjkdf 0 points ago +2 / -2

Billions have been stolen from hacked wallets. There is no inherent safety. And every transaction is tracked. If the traffic from a particular IP address is monitored, then every outgoing transaction from a wallet can be intercepted. The addresses associated with such transaction(s) can therefore be recorded and a link between a wallet and IP address can be established.

There is no safety or anonymity.

dfgjkdf -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yeah down with the banks! Wait youre charging me for every single crypto "banking" transaction? Lol how is that any better?

When the power goes down you have no money whatsover. It doesnt exist for that time period. Do you plan on giving the gas station attendant a crypto iou? How well do you think thats going to go over? Even worse, in a full shtf scenario a digital currency will be the least valuable thing in existence. Worse less than a bottle cap.

And i have no intention on trading my phony paper money for phony digital money.

Gold backed US dollar /endofdiscussion

dfgjkdf 0 points ago +2 / -2

All of crypto is about to be drained to zero as they the scam falls apart and they try to survive the gamestop saga another day.

Also we should fight everyday against a digital currency. That is the very last thing we want.

Also trump said many times over that he wants a gold back US dollar. And we've already seen where the plan is heading with russia going to a gold back currency.

dfgjkdf 3 points ago +5 / -2

If its digital than all of this is a psyop against us because a digital currency is the last thing we want. It would give them ultimate control over us.

dfgjkdf 3 points ago +5 / -2

Russia is already showing us the direction. They went gold backed and the value of their money doubled. And Trump has very clearly stated many times that he wants a gold back US dollar.

dfgjkdf -1 points ago +1 / -2

When trying to create "proofs'' they cant even use the right names. I mean they are using the English translations as proof of them being white.

For example, its describing the tribes of the israelites, using the name abraham. Which really was avrám. Isaac his son was Yitzhak. Do these sound like white english names? Flawed from the very start.

They also use the roman catholic empire as proof. Like wut? It was obvious that they stole parts of Christianity and combined them with other pagan religions to create a universal religion for all of its regions, to better control them. A form of government. But just because the catholic church spread Christianity by the sword, raping and forcing their politics on others doesnt mean anything as far as israelites being white.

Everyone in the bible would of had black hair and dark skin.

dfgjkdf -1 points ago +1 / -2

Jesus is a translation derived from YHWH that was translated to Yahweh, then to jesus. Even though it should have been translated to joshua, but whatever, the rest of that book doesnt make sense either so its all good.

dfgjkdf -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yahweh is who the christians call jesus. Even though it translates, eventually, to Joshua.

dfgjkdf -2 points ago +1 / -3

He wore tzitzit, or fringes, like modern orthodox jews wear. His mother was jewish, he was raised in a jewish home. He is by all accounts a jew.

Really all christians should be jews. But they got all upidity and decided they were going to create a new better religion with a higher priest who would be closer to god! Then came the new testament.

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dfgjkdf -5 points ago +1 / -6

Yes its a historical, indisputable fact. The image of a long haired white man that people typically associate as being jesus was in fact the gay lover of the painter michelangelo. Michelangelo's paintings are where that image originally came from. The model michelangelo used for those paintings was his gay lover.

There are/were no white people in the bible. To claim that image is close enough is ignorant. YHWH(jesus) was a semitic jew.

dfgjkdf -5 points ago +1 / -6

Everything i said was fact. You taking those facts and turning to insults is very telling about your character.

The image of a long haired white man that people typically associate as being jesus was in fact the gay lover of the painter michelangelo.

Also, there were no white people in the bible.

dfgjkdf 0 points ago +2 / -2

We had the same happen near us. Heavy thunderstorms, unusual frequency of thunder. Then a chain of large explosions during the thunder. It shook the ground, knocked out some electronics at near by stores, etc.

These explosions were blamed on thunder, tannerite, and even fireworks. But they were heard in a line stretching about 40 miles.

Oddly enough, we also have an abandoned water station near town. No one claims ownership.

When we were kids we snuck in there one night and there were stairs that spiraled down for what looked like forever. We went down so far that we could no longer see the lights that we left at the entrance. We got spooked by some strange sounds and never went back. A big fence was put around the place not long after that.

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