Neocons….. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by dildoschwaggins ago by dildoschwaggins

With the prevalence of ticks like I’ve never seen before, I started researching Lyme disease. This was never a concern when I was a kid; we played in the woods and tall grass all day without an issue. No one knew what a tick was.

I’m suspicious that disease carrying ticks have risen to the level they are at seemingly out of nowhere, but I have no proof other than my own speculation.

I did, however, discover some interesting parallels in my research about the disease. There was a vaccine that was released sometime in the late ‘90s and pulled from the market in 2002. It was called LYMERix. They site insufficient consumer demand as the reason for discontinuation. Interestingly, news articles from the time read almost identically to todays stories about antivaxxers spreading disinformation and that LYMERix was safe and effective. The so called disinformation spreaders were blamed for the lack of demand, when in reality people were having bad reactions to it just like today.

Here’s the kicker…the CDC’s website says Pfizer and another company are currently developing a new vaccine. Interesting when you reference that with the steep rise in disease carrying ticks over the last 5 - 10 years.

What is Lyme disease? Where did all the ticks come from? How do you treat Lyme disease? Antibiotics? Why is a vaccine needed for a treatable condition? Why do some people suffer long term, while others are cured? Why do the blood tests for Lyme disease often yield both false positive and negative results? Why are most doctors very poor at diagnosing and treating this disease?

I’d love to hear everyone’s collective knowledge on this.


The Global Cabal just can’t resist the urge to not let a crisis go to waste. I don’t watch TV anymore, and haven’t for years, but CNN was on various places as I travel for work.

The new line is that we need to “pay attention to the environment and climate change” and that “we could be dealing with this off and on all summer as wildfire season is just beginning.” Masks are back out to some extent in the East, and people are being encouraged to stay indoors.

Don’t be fooled frens; these “wildfires” are a near guarantee not actual wildfires. Also, what are we doing to help? It’s affecting our air quality, where’s the military with planes flying in to help Canada by dumping fire retardant on these blazes? I’ve heard no reporting on that. They want these forests to BURN.

What solutions will they present? Electric cars/appliances, reduced travel, more taxes? Hopefully this one fizzles out and fails, but eyes wide open.


Some fellow Anons and myself were trying to figure out how the .win communities are maintained. There is no donate button, and it's not clear what the revenue stream is that pays to maintain the servers, etc. Who's funding it?

In light of everything we've known for years (social media infiltration by the cabal), why haven't we questioned GAW? Call me crazy, but wouldn't this actually be the perfect honey pot?

Enlighten me, Frens!


Here's what NY is trying to do:

  1. Restrict locations where firearms can be carried

Hochul says the legislature will create a definitive list of sensitive locations where guns cannot be carried. This would include: schools, summer camps, playgrounds, parks, theaters, entertainment venues, places of worship, educational institutions, health facilities, government buildings, shelters, public transportation, at public demonstrations and places where alcohol is consumed, like restaurants and bars

Make “no open carry” the default for businesses

The new law would require businesses to make it clear if concealed handguns are allowed at their establishment.

“Any business, grocery store, retailer, private home – place that wants to allow guns on their premises will have to demonstrate that and establish that they put a sign out there that says concealed carry guns are welcome here,” said Hochul.

The governor says this is to protect the rights of business owners, patrons and the public.

  1. Tighten permit requirements

A provision in the bill would require applicants to turn over a list of social media accounts so officials can verify their “character and conduct.”

Hochul also wants the state to its own background checks in addition to the federally required screenings.

  1. Bolster safe storage rules

Under the new legislation, guns cannot be stored in vehicles and homes with children 16 and under must demonstrate that they store guns in a safe place.

  1. Restrict body armor sales

This includes updating the definition of body armor to include any soft or hard body armor and limiting sales only to those who need it for their profession.

What part of shall not be infringed don't they understand? I can't imagine this will stand if the house passes it. Thoughts?

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