Going over some of what we have been hearing and seeing from MSM and Congress as this fight over House Speaker McCarthy has played out.
Matt Gaetz in particular had an amazing line: You can't drain the swamp by putting the biggest alligator in charge!
That one should live on long after this.
But others have given brilliant assessments too:
Chip Roy summed it up so well.
Speaking with some Faux News jerks like John Roberts (who should be MORE famous for his fight in the White House Press Room with Kayleigh McEnany where he INSISTED she answer a ridiculous white supremacy attack smear about Trump, then went absolutely Maudlin when she tried to remind him its been settled many times before) who could barely veil their loathing towards him. Why so angry??
Check out MTG on War Room. Heated, wouldn't you say? And her points about why are pretty weak tbh. It dosen't take long for her to start personally attacking the Congress members putting up resistance. Insulting their voting record and implying that McCarthy's camp made TRUE concessions. Not very believable. It kind of sounds like she's just BUTTHURT that she wasn't requested to be in ANY COMMITTEES!
MTG is a good fighter but she isn't exactly a brainchild. It has become pretty clear from this latest saga that someone on the wrong side has got her ear and is winding her up pitting her against her own Caucus. It has been WAY too easy for them to do that to her. This is going to end up a bad mark against her, to the voters and to our leadership.
NEWT and Hannity really let the Freedom folks have it the other night! Notice the language: "insurgent" "hostage" "terrorist demands" Its VERY funny how quickly some of these REPUBLICAN ALLIES of ours in Washington have turned to DEMOCRAT TACTICS with this kind of fear mongering and over the top embellishments in their rhetoric, no? Maybe its because such things are UNIPARTY MOVES NOT DEMOCRAT ONES ONLY. Caught 'em!
Lauren Boebert has been surprisingly strong as a proponent! Not all of us knew she had it in her.
Of particular interest, listen in at around 5:00-6:00. It's been mentioned elsewhere that Boebert drew her hard line on the "Motion to Vacate." 5 members together can put this up against the Speaker and call a vote to remove them. Its one of those often threatened but never used tools - as she says, accountability and a check on power.
IMPORTANTLY: Nancy Pelosi was the FIRST House Speaker to DO AWAY WITH THIS VITAL TOOL. For almost 200 years before that it was ALWAYS there. All the Freedom Caucus is asking for is to RETURN to normal procedure by re-instituting the Rule.
Now! Let's listen to that PIRATE TRAITOR and his Faux News buddies: Crenshaw 'Nobody knows who Bob Good is'
Wow, really worried about your camera time and who is the likely prom queen this year Danny Boy!? Don't worry: your ridiculous eye patch and decorated service to the 🤡 will make sure old guys drinking a beer sitting on a cooler in parking lots across Americs still think you're great. Wuss.
MORE IMPORTANTLY: Listen to how the Mockingbirds chirp! They called the Motion to Vacate 'a controversial rule' ... yes, very controversial, its only been there for 200 years until Pelosi removed it! Are we calling her moves rational now?! Boebert already told you in the prior clip that McCarthy only caved on it at the LAST MINUTE and the aide announced it. Faux makes it sound as though he genially abided them and was willing all along to reinstitute the rule, as though he'd ever be comfortable potentially abdicating his long coveted THRONE.
The Fauxers continued: The worst crisis GOP has faced in DECADES! OH NOOOO! Commence the wailing and gnashing of teeth!
Reality check: This happened in the RECENT PAST! Remember that guy Paul Ryan and how he got the job? They definitely SHOULD know at Faux - I mean Paul Ryan WORKS THERE after all! Kind of funny how they forgot about this same exact thing happening during our last Republican majority. This one is a MAJOR CRISIS though!
Mike Davis gave a nice breakdown of the case and recalled when Newt lost his ass in 98.
So lets not PRETEND this is some unprecedented thing. Actually this is completely NECESSARY to keep our country from going over the cliff. We NEED to move the Uniparty fucks in the GOP further to the right and Populism with a move like this to RESPOND APPROPRIATELY to the Dems going radical in their majority's tenure. If they won't play ball then they GET THE FUCK OUT and so this chess move against McCarthy is VERY NEEDED PUSHBACK against the numerous traitors who like him, have no guiding principles beyond lining their pockets and serving the Uniparty Overlords. Ask yourself: How is that BETTER than Biden?
Look: if we want change we have to have serious people with integrity at the levers of power. Biden and McCarthy are TWO of a kind - their desire to make themselves personally wealthy and remain endlessly in power by any means necessary are the only guiding political principles they have. Endless compromises and smiley gladhand handshakes are what caused our country to be sold thru NAFTA and TPP and our political class to become nothing more than Company Advertisements on the side of a NASCAR vehicle. Bought and paid for.
We can't do it all in a day. We can't just take all the money out of politics and put handcuffs on all the corrupt actors in the swamp. We can't undo the damage they've done and retool in the Rules committee to return actual accountability to these elected offices which currently enjoy a ridiculous immunity that, when coupled with no morals or scruples in a person, end up like we've seen Washington behave for the last few decades.
This, however, is a start. I was impressed with the organization and planning that went into this and it shows the process CAN still work if the right people get together. This was airtight: no leak of the alliance made it out and the numbers were more favorable than ANYONE (especially McCarthy, whose lifelong dream was this job) would've anticipated.
Let this shakeup serve as the MODEL for how we get real changes in Washington, roll back the clock to a time of serious politics and fiscal fortitude, and take our damn country back.
We are building something with each Twitter Files release, that much is apparent by now. I want to present to you a loose timeline and analysis of the releases so far... the timeline is based less on each specific release however. Instead I am going through the narrative arc based on the way the whole story has developed. I believe there is a method here, and I previously defined it as:
My analysis of the method that I've given in other posts is they are dripping this out bit by bit, with each successive drop showing more criminality and nefarious, arrogant behavior by these assholes than the last. One more word before we dive in.
There's been a lot of talk about the COVID part of this, as we all know that it's coming at some point. Because the same types of actions were taken with regard to COVID people's mortality was at stake of course, and we know Fauci and his cohort in leadership of the biomed establishment was likely responsible for numerous injuries and loss of life.
That's what makes it so reprehensible and in turn makes Fauci public enemy #1. In the broader world the ** strongest emotions and concern** are held out for him. I'd wager that the normie public really won't turn on to this story UNTIL Fauci and the COVID part is told in full, in fact. That will definitely touch a very broad audience and transcend political views or opinions on free speech and exceptions to the rule, etc.
Unfortunately people today are not very "up on" the sacred nature of our founding documents and we've all seen the polls showing almost 2/3 Dems and even 25% of Rs dont think free speech is absolute, or that censorship is okay and good sometimes. Particularly the younger generations have broken rank on this most grave of issues.
But as i said before lying and censoring that has human life as the cost will, I believe, transcend the whole spectrum of people's political thought processes, opinions and so forth. It may even change some minds about how they feel about that to begin with. Much like the idea that 'the children' will be the thing to unite all of us Fauci may have the same implications when that release comes. Almost everyone has been touched by COVID or the vaxx at this point.
I think Fauci is coming in January. They likely want it to be as close as possible to the committees and the new Congress to prevent any kind of resistance or deflection of the evidence that's coming. Its going to be a late Christmas present of sorts.
What I hope for is that others find for themselves a stark and sadistic realization that I came to around April of 2020, while I was incredibly sick and literally gasping for breath at times. When I broke and visited a doctor, then two, who refused to give me any type of medicine.They brainwashed these doctors into helping people DIE. The first illness in years where the correct approach was NO approach. Just stay home until your lips turn blue.
The pandemic response mirrored the BLM riot response at every level: THERE WAS NONE. Mayors were letting their fucking cities burn down and hospitals were letting people die on breathing machines. Why? Why?
Because Trump. That's how far they will go. They would literally KILL YOU to make him look bad. They would rather have burned America down than accept his 2nd term. All of it fomented and planned to take him out.
Sorry, I could go on about that for much longer. But really I just sincerely hope we all can share this truth, regardless of our politics, after this DECLAS is done.
So following that meandering introduction here we go:
A) Twitter colluded with the FBI (first shown more indirectly, i.e. Elvis Chan 'point person' working through standard channels {501c shit like ADL and other do-gooders providing tips and info to Chan which he relays to Twitter, for example} which is fairly normal. DHS FBI and other agencies in fact should have relationships with various companies as necessary part of their intended functions) followed by more straight line back and forth comms between SF office and Twits, with peculiar coziness and high volume
B) Next how Twit leadership were happy to take any/all IC agency 'tips and requests' due to the insane hyper-partisan politics shared between them and obsessive hatred of Trump Admin
C) Heavy numbers of ex-agency or bureau folks working at Twitter seems to smooth over complicated, baseless decisions made such as banning of sitting U.S. POTUS Trump (but again remember, nothing illegal about it, even though they violate their own 'policies' and seem to some encounter employee hesitance despite aforementioned backgrounds and 97% political alignment)
D) Hunter Biden laptop interference & subsequent debacle, banning of NYP etc. (Logic/message same as above, still nothing illegal really, agency involvement etc. remains unexplored territory of election law, still ultimately guidance/requests)
D1) KINETIC: Baker fired. (Signals RAMP UP in veracity of Drops forthcoming)
E) Existence of an FBI FTIF task force of up to 80 agents established. Mass patrolling of activity being conducted across the platform. Requests for various actions on accounts of all sizes, reasoning often dubious or unknown. Compliance by Twitter almost standardized procedure. Importantly: master-slave dialectic intro'd into narrative by Taibbi. Tone in Comms shifting from FBI from helpful friend, "saw this, maybe you should take action, just a suggestion" to elder sibling "do this, please" big brother knows best.
E1) Vijaya, Jack, Yoel, and now Baker established as in-the-know, major villain characters of story. Based on findings released, Twit leadership/Jack may have perjured themselves in Congressional testimony. Still no Gov. side malfeasance, technically.
E2) Civil 'preponderance of the evidence' threshold swells for both guilty parties, but "surrogate" status not established, thus, no violation of rights by agency/Fed gov't.
F) Subsidiary Drop/ response. Before was the carrot, this is the stick. " [FTIF] demanded to know how Twitter came to its unpopular conclusion [on propaganda activity level]" Roth asks for guidance in how to approach, says he is 'uncomfortable' with Agency demanding written response and that it feels more like it's coming from a Congressional committee. FTIF cited public journalism in clarification "as if to show Twitter they got it wrong." This was of grave importance to FTIF/Bureau leadership because significant justification for this action monitoring program would have been a glut of foreign propaganda/interference, esp. related to elections. Having direct company sources with expert knowledge of the subject matter refute this would create doubts about the necessity and put the whole program in jeopardy. In response to Twitter the FBI falsely claimed its conclusions had backing from the larger IC and agencies, which are tasked with national security and foreign side activities within their scope. Taibbi: FBI acting as conduit for the Intelligence Community is interesting, given that many agencies are barred from domestic operations.
F1) Not only catching the Fuds in a little bit of a fib here, but now the Drop is penetrating the veil to begin establishing true criminality on the part of Gov't. Plainly, this IS the stuff that holds up in court. The type of court where sentences are handed down, not just $ and wrist slaps.
F2) Building out from our prior knowledge of the incredibly cozy relationship between these two entities, now shown demands made and threats delivered by Gov. to Twitter. Casts 'tips and requests' in an entirely different light legally. Most importantly, existence of consequences from noncompliance completes the circuit of Gov. using the private sector company "as surrogate" to censor and silence its citizens. First Amendment violation is now on the table. Criminality ESTABLISHED. As we know however we're going to blow right past that.
G) Pt.7 confirms and is to date the best direct link to a BROAD RANGE of criminal behaviors/charges able to be confirmed and levied against Gov't actors. Carrying with them much more egregious penalties (and an altogether different level of seriousness). Financial transactions between Twitter and Feds, maybe most importantly, can be the base of the pyramid in the construction of a RICO case. Elon knows: Government paid Twitter millions of dollars to censor info.
G1) Major inflection point here. "Pay to play" financial relationships, between govt and a private business to in essence violate people's First Amendment rights is quite serious business. The effect this has on the 5th generation wargames playing field, whether or not prosecution results even, cannot be understated. There is significant and timely precedent here to make this a crime capable and worthy of prosecutions that would be almost impossible to avoid a guilty verdict on.
G2) Unlike their thin and feeble DOJ & J6 indictments (which, very suspiciously, they seem overeager to ramp up now) the nature of these revelations are apolitical and have legal backing that is well established. It will be hard to stay "above the law" the way they have remained in the past (such as during Russiagate) when the facts now so plainly show criminality. The financial aspect significantly raises stakes and profile. Subsequent moves by the [DS] power brokers will now need to be evaluated with extra care, with the potential for reprisal out in existence like this.
G3) They should be getting scared if they aren't already. Considering the manifest ways they have employed lawfare against their political opposition up until now, and the great success they have had doing so, this type of revelation and further links it could possibly establish significantly levels the playing field for Republicans, who have had no such luck (nor much appetite) at using the legal system for offense. However I would expect that to start to change in short order. Combining the information of these drops with the precedents set by the party in charge will produce a lot more fireworks than they could muster in last couple of years, if you catch the drift.Another way to say it is people in glass houses SHOULDN'T throw stones.
H) This next step we are being shown is to help us further understand the scale of Gov't of Twitter and by proxy the other companies in its field. We will broaden the scope of it now (and public's thinking and understanding) once more highlighting the depth of the capture and intensifying pressures against them. Bringing in the military I think will put significant pressures on Biden and his masters. With the Twitter releases so far they've been content to let the MSM handle it. Call it a nothingburger, reiterate that nothing illegal was being done, casually dismiss as standard procedure.
H1) Lets realize that they are NOT concerned with public opinion. As long as they can keep up the facade of a 50/50 divided country, steal every next election, and the MSM can use its full weight to push enough hive mind lies out such that it prevents outright rebellion they consider the matter handled. Legal and illegal don't matter to them. Only preventing full scale civil unrest such that would slow down their work of destroying the country. That's a pretty low bar honestly. But, like any good globalists, they are DEEPLY concerned with international perception. They care a LOT about what other countries and those news organizations will think and say. They care about being held to account by their masters in the U.N. far more than lifting a finger to help their domestic citizens, which is why THIS STORY opens them up to a whole new range of countries and citizens as victims of crimes, committed against them with the help of their tech tools they illegally used to do said crimes.
H2) So it puts Biden both as diplomat and dutiful globalist in crisis now. Additionally, i think it brings into focus the topic of these companies and national security once more. Does the government capture of Twitter amount to a threat to our national security? This topic helps legitimize once more the idea that the tools available to them could be and were used for election interference. Did Biden know? Was he briefed by JSOC? You have to like the direction this is going in, which i believe will be this way.
I want to include a discussion about civil versus criminal burdens of proof in relation to the Twitter Files that I found very helpful. Its a 40 or so minute pod with Will Cain and Ilya Shapiro.
Please keep in mind this was recorded BEFORE some of the drops we have now. So the conclusions they are coming to are not accurate for where we are at today!
It goes by quite quickly and gives you a good framework for understanding how the law works in relation to this stuff and it will help you as you read through my piece, especially if you weren't following along when I mentioned civil and criminal stuff.
There are so many angles to work out still. I plan to put out another piece that will serve as a loose companion to this one where we discuss the effects Twitter Files will have on the Republican side. As more of this drops, the mandate of the people on the Republican party to investigate and hold their colleagues to account grows ever larger. It will have the effect of bringing out each and every Uniparty rat that still is burrowing in our side of the house, as they'll be unable to justify their unwillingness to handcuff their buddies behind the scenes. Meanwhile, the brave few that are willing to take the personal and professional risks necessary to use the truth to shine the light of justice are going to enjoy support and popularity that will be unrivaled in the history of American politics since the founding of our Republic.
Please let me know your thoughts if you found this timeline to be helpful if you haven't had time to immerse yourself in each and every drop, or if you have but were missing something I was able to provide clarity on.
Thanks for taking the time, and stay tuned!