Coming from a crazy guy with no $ and a suma cum laude degree in Econ just FYI!
This SVB banking calamity, low grade "bank run" or whatever you want to call it, may effectively be one of the first "false flags" we've seen in the modern news era in the finance world. Whether or not this was truly an organic event is unknowable of course at this point and of no consequence.
What DOES matter is what the event is being used as cover to effect and change regarding the rules and regulations within our banking system. Never let a crisis go to waste, as they say - manufactured or otherwise.
Glenn Greenwald on his new Rumble show System Update has given EXCELLENT coverage of this issue.
Tonight's interview was with David Sacks, who potentially had a role (potentially) in igniting the crisis due to his discussion of the bank on a podcast and subsequent posts on Twitter. More importantly however, is that Sacks was one of the FIRST and LOUDEST voices calling for government intervention and could be called for simplicity "PRO BAILOUT"
I'll use his interview to springboard and describe what the BLACK HAT motivations might be for setting a controlled burn off to SVB.
Worthless paper: as the weekend auction proved out rather disturbingly, SVB paper is worth as much to the market as a roll of CHARMIN.
WTF did YOU IDIOTS DO!?!?: Well, nothing so daredevil or special, actually! Most, or ALL of this, was just a happy coincidence of TERRIBLE timing. SVB is a regional level small to mid-size bank, mostly focused on commercial side banking. During COVID they participated in the IMMENSE UPWARD WEALTH TRANSFERS like most institutions did. They decided to put their 'extra' money in Long Treasuries which has always been considered very safe, in fact they are THE PREEMINENT SAFE INVESTMENT according to Wall Street tradition.
So WHY DID IT GO BAD!? Immensely quick moves in inflation, straight up 100% Washington's creation. Not JUST the Biden cohort and the zombie Dems who serve as their yes men. Republican bad actors too. So the extremely fast rise of inflation caused by the Fed and federal spending is what caused these assets to lose value, NOT because they were inherently risky or unsafe.
Yes completely correct they had nothing exactly PRESSING on them to sell the bonds and thus REALIZE their losses and they ABSOLUTELY COULD HAVE HELD ON either to maturity or even more simple, and shorter term - just WAIT IT OUT until inflation and interest rates fall back down, potentially occurring in a shorter term length of time than on the bond itself! Surely, they DID NOT BELIEVE inflation was totally 'transitory' per the Fed - although we might ask, 'does the Fed have SOME culpability for misinforming us all about this?' 🤣
Because this firm, packed to the gills with highly intelligent financial professionals, decided to pull down their pants and paint a BIG RED BULLSEYE right over their ASS!? Instead of choosing numerous alternatives to refinance and pull in capital, which they ONLY NEEDED (supposedly) for their depositors pulling out amounts needed to fulfill PAYROLL (which would be a small overall percent of their total capitalization) these IDJEETS decided to GO RIGHT TO THE STREET FOR THE MONEY THEY WERE SHORT.
This meant they TRIED TO SELL STOCK AND GO THROUGH THE SHARE CREATION AND SALE PROCESS. Effectively they took a problem no one knew about and YELLED "HEY YALL LOOK AT THIS! I GOT SOME BAD CANCER! Now who wants to give me some money, and bet I'm gonna make it through MY CHEMO! Just bein' honest!"
Remember in Mortal Kombat 2? That one character who had SWORD HANDS, and you could do that move where he just sat still and swooped his arms back and forth? Yeah. What SVB did effectively was just RUN FULL SPEED AHEAD into BARAKA by doing this.
There were other ways of solving this problem, YET they chose to try it the least likely, most DEADLY method. Why? Are you guys crazy? Goldman advised you!?! What the....
Oh. Wait. AHA! That's the light bulb coming on. As you heard from David Sacks, this needed action because it spread to other banks with similar problems in the same moment - and OF COURSE gave the Administration a NICE LITTLE CONTROLLED CRISIS to avoid and/or solve.
The knowledge of their financial situation was WELL KNOWN to the insiders, and just by spreading the knowledge to the public they got a small, totally walled in FIRE going. It wouldn't spread, because MOST BANKS are not dealing with this level of depositors nor do they need to pull out capital for any reason, nor did they even POSSESS the same 185:1 overleveraged status and were looking over the face of a cliff at such losses.
So Monday some other financial stocks with very basic similarities in metrics went a little WOO WOO and they had to halt trading. No real threat systemically at all! BUT enough to create some SCARY SHADOW PUPPETS!
And thats exactly what we needed, to bring in the FDIC discussion and terms like "bank run" and simple rules that people know: like above or below 250K, that little rule. That's what THEY NEEDED YOU TO BITE YOUR NAILS ABOUT.
Truth is, in past bank failures, the SAVINGS and LOAN crisis etc. ALL DEPOSITS were covered and no matter how big or small you were in for, you NEVER LOST YOUR ASS simply for PUTTING YOUR MONEY IN A BANK to hold. Such a concept is ridiculous and would not happen in the last two centuries!
But, the mythos and storytime power of Mr. Farmer Goodman putting his last $100 in the town bank, and coming back Saturday to see the bank man nailing a wooden 'CLOSED' sign on the door and losing his money is a POWERFUL and LASTING type of Aesop's fable.
So, armed with that POWERFUL MAGIC of the old timeless tale in their pocket, they "SOLVE" the problem: the word goes out now, ALL DEPOSITS WILL BE COVERED IN ALL BANKS! Don't worry people! We are from the government AND WE ARE HERE TO HELP 😵
- NATIONALIZED!?!? HOW!? They are just making SURE we get what we are PROMISED and backing it with the ™️Full Faith and Credit of the USA Gov't🇺🇸™️
How could that be bad, i think you're the bad one! Yeah, you're bad!
Its the SAME THING as a bailout. Moral hazard ^ 100. Times a hundred to the hundredth power.
The Federal government- Reserve- complex has just offered, for the next 12 months, ANY BANK that needs (or wants!) to trade back its T-Bill assets, of ANY maturity length (which has SIGNIFICANT MEANING in the commercial paper & overnight lending realms) for the $ value it would have been worth BEFORE the inflation/interest knocked down its book value, to do so. The Fed is effectively saying it will BUYBACK its OWN DEBT from ANY BANK, NOT JUST ONES EXPERIENCING A RUN. Not only that but it will PAY MORE than the current asset price, it will CUT OUT the inflation effect to make that 100$ bond into 90$ and PAY THE BANK the EXTRA 10$ its not currently worth.
Why??? Why oh whyyy? Ostensibly,
"to ensure full and vigorous capitalized financial institutions continue to remain strong and liquid in the inflationary climate and act as FULL PROTECTION for the consumers and depositors in accordance with the Federal Reserve's stated mission to re-balance and regulate our monetary system."
::patriotic trumpet plays::
And they just made it up too. What I, playing the role of "them" failed to tell you is the MEANS TO THE END. Obviously if I am buying back ANY AND ALL devalued bonds the banks want to sell me in order to keep them from realizing those losses, I am then taking the loss.
Lets say -10 from our example.
But wait you guys! I know a little stuff about Money and Banking.... the Fed CAN'T hold losses on its balance sheet!? Oh but it CAN, post-2008. But in theory you're right. They have to be at 0 since they are the CREATORS AND DESTROYERS OF OUR WHOLE MONEY SUPPLY.
Thus, the Fed will PRINT AND PUT INTO CIRCULATION a 10$ bill to OFFSET the inflation reduced Bond it bought back in the exchange with our bank. But wouldn't that....
Inflate MORE? Cause a moral hazard where BANKS could GET OUT of loser BONDS and get RISKY by going to the Fed and reclaiming the capital, to buy SEXY STUFF that has BIG EARNINGS POTENTIAL?
While the Fed inflates its own balance sheet in a debt buyback that it must increase the Currency in Circulation to cover, further deflating dollar values and causing more of the same consequences we have had already from rises in Aggregate Demand coupled with artificial interest rates pegged too high in a slow growth economic steady state?
Aye, my young economist boy. Aye!
And so we have effectively nationalized our own banking system now with this move. The banks and moneylenders LITERALLY CAN'T LOSE. This is the BIGGEST BAILOUT combined with the biggest QE of ALL TIME. Just with a different name so the public will agree and say Okay and not go apeshit.
We have put our banks into a bouncy castle where the worst behavior won't ever hurt them (or us). Now if they are so inclined they can just trade out those ol' "toxic" T bills making nothing and use the free uninvested capital returned to them via the Fed, reallocate into assets that promise better returns and shorter timeframes!
Its hard to explain to non economic minded folks, I'm sorry. I am bad as a concepts explaining type. But for those who have followed along, nodding as they read, I want to offer a brief view of the next steps: and no, not CBDC payouts because that is a CERTAINTY.
The fact that this move, if it goes through and is the effective new "law of the jungle" without or with Supreme Courts or Executive Orders weighing in (I am glib when it comes to how law might intersect here) will save the various pension funds and the like in the U.S. that we are seeing begin to collapse in Europe, and particularly the U.K. as was earlier in the year!
This may be a sneaky way of them temporarily dealing with the pension and retirement fund issue, as we saw since 2008 they have had trouble keeping up with payouts relative to their investments, and thus needed more and more RISKY instruments to dive into to produce returns on balance with what pensioners, retirees and so on were due from their fund managers.
Now these groups can sell their boring and safe stuff and make some nice CASINO BETS that will not only satisfy the woman in ACCOUNTS PAYABLE but ALSO GET ME A DOWNPAYMENT on my daughters Camaro and keep my bonus stable enough for the hookers and blow NEEDED to DO THIS NERVE WRACKING CRAZY JOB! EVERYONE WINS!
Anyhow folks this is just one example I see of the "why" part of them intentionally creating a mock-crisis like the SVB debacle and what their insanity "solution" might be ACTUALLY helping. Because applying a "no small guy loses ever" tag to a crisis involving a financier that HAS NO DEPOSITS UNDER 250K isn't very rational, even for "them" now is it? And it isn't their 'style' of irrational either.
Like LIBOR to SOFR this is ANOTHER way in which we are cutting the cord from the global financial system in a desperate attempt to BEEELEEEAAAVEEE in New Monetary Theory and all its endless benefits, even as the walls collapse around us. It also pushes past the horrible pain and STING from realizing that 10 Year TBills are a "toxic asset" on a balance sheet under the current unanimous consent of the stock market.... owch! Moody's came out and DOWNGRADED THE WHOLE FINANCE SECTOR on Monday.... are the U.S. bonds still AAA though I wonder? 🤣
The sad reality is that the market is telling us what we don't want to hear as a people with an insane and asinine Federal Government in tow: our U.S. paper is GOING TO SHIT and FAR ALONG to being WORTHLESS under the critical evaluation of Wall Street. The market doesn't lie. And it got SPOOKED by a Hipster Bank that said it bought U.S. Treasuries en masse - they want to SAY that is a bank level problem, but come on, isn't it OBVIOUS its a GOVERNMENT DEBT problem?
With the unsure status of the USD as world reserve currency NUMERO UNO, the Saudi's defiant and reeling from the corpse of Biden the crypt keeper after he implored them to keep us as favored currency to OPEC & energy transactions at large, SWIFT softening and melting as Russian rubles and the Yuan are FORTIFIED even in conflict, and the GDP:Sovereign debt ratio spiking up over 100% to fund Democrat waste fraud and abuse....
Is it any small miracle our Gov't backed paper has more VERACITY than that of, lets say, Greece, right now? Look: its not a matter of patriotism, the finance guys take the train too! But lets keep it real about valuation: its getting scary how fucking wild they will go with Yellen in the pilot seat. The market tells all, and THAT is the bigger quandary and scarier part of the runoff - just how BADLY the view was to cause a MAJOR PULLOUT because of too much of an asset that was the safest paper on EARTH 5 years ago: 10 year notes, U.S.
You might think our financial system is MEGA FUCKED when you see things developing like that. I don't know if you'd be wrong.
Then, best of all and like a poison maraschino cherry on top, their SOLUTION to this PROBLEM is effectively the same as the 'policy outlook' that CAUSED it in the first place! Step 1: Buyback our own debt to keep liquidity and stop PANIC. Step 2: How? Step 3: Put it on the taxpayer increase their balance sheet/ amount owed. Print money to cover bond losses. Step 4: AOC GREEN DEAL 50SEPTILLION! MONEY NEVER STOP! WE PRINT FOREVER!
There's a reason Trump said this shit looked like a child wrote it when he looked at the bill AOC sponsored. They think money comes out of the ground and we never run out, as long as we are in a WAR and ALWAYS ALMOST HAVE WON IT. Their economic understanding is crude to the point of broken crayons.
And now they run the system. Its like if Wikipedia was only updated by Aztec scribes. What's all this about the BLOOD GOD? 🤣
One thing the trials and tribulations of the DJT era since 2016 onward has asked us all to do is screw our courage to the sticking place to quote MacBeth.
Hopefully that makes some kind of sense to you all, it is almost past words trying to describe ALL THE WAYS the decision to get onboard with us can change and shape events in our lives. Maybe that's what happens when you let the light of truth shine in to a den of lies. A den that has been cast in darkness for a long time now.
Yet the J6 footage release and the subsequent aftershocks might be the BEST PLACE TO START, if you're looking for a defining event that draws lines between the many earnest Americans in search of truth and the wicked few in the seats of power, trying to blind us continually in clouds of lies.
The recent outcry over Tucker's episodes focused on J6 and the total upending of the government narratives about that event that it caused was a completely "signal not noise" event. You knew this once you saw the Majority Leader of Senate CALL FOR ACTION by his news organization.
Keep in mind the same man said about Trump "the deep state has six ways to Sunday of getting back at you." I wonder if Schumer was ever nicknamed "the knife." 🤣
But lets think here. Murdoch is a powerful man but would that be enough to blot out the truth and stop the news, at least temporarily?
Poso has something JUICY to share about that.
There we have it. They almost CERTAINLY have stalled for time NOT JUST through media and political outcry (which came with a speed that has actually ASTONISHED the normies, it was so fast) but most likely they entreated for an ADDITIONAL security review, to prevent any "unwarranted" spillover. Only Dems get to accidentally share stuff like that, as you'll hear Kevin McCarthy say in one of my clips further along in this write up. The point is that you can BET there were MANY PEOPLE who were "in on it" that being the "movie" of J6 both Republican and Democrat - partisanship had to take a backseat when it came to the ouster of the MAGA effort to wrest control of our government back, after all.
A lot of what surrounds J6 was theater. Who is Jayden X for example? Asking about the various participants in the crowd and specifically who remains unidentifed, or how you disappear completely off the FBI Most Wanted list WITHOUT BEING FOUND AND DETAINED.... well, now you're asking the right questions! If you look into who Jayden (Sullivan) is the son of, that looks pretty spicy. It got mentioned during the 'Earth' podcast that was stickied up here for close to a week.
One of the J6 defendants representing themselves is asking about the identities of 3 particular plainclothes DC Metro Police who were filmed during the Ashley Babbitt shooting and had entered behind her, they were apparently instigating and entreating people to enter the building before that also. The judge has the info of their identities under protective seal and the defendant is raising this to a higher authority to strike that down most likely.
Its mentioned at about 43 minutes in, whole thing is worth a watch though. Julie Kelly has her finger on the pulse of MUCH amazing and remarkable info about J6...
We're almost over the target now. If they figured out and released info showing that J6 was THE CAPSTONE on THE ENTIRE ELECTION FRAUD ENTERPRISE OF 2020 and that was disseminated to the American public it could be catastrophic to the entire Intel-National Security complex and cause unprecedented, unparalleled shifts in the orchestration and management of the whole business. The [DS] plugged the hole in the bottle with their fat, chubby fingers the best the way they know how to: a good ol' FALSE fucking FLAG. Except they aren't as "hip" and "with it" as they used to be, and just like the Texas elementary school and George Floyd (when you even a tick closer at it) there are some obvious and very weird cracks in the narrative.
The unprecedented freakout you've seen by the MSM and the captured politicians in the Uniparty is ABSOLUTE PROOF of this. We're touching on the wound. They can't have that, the whole sham might come undone like a poorly wrapped bandage with any SERIOUS analysis of this footage.
It's likely Tucker and his crew found this out and are hanging in the balance right now with an incredible story to tell and they may already have the episode made and queued up, but Murdoch and their own network put the brakes on them at the last moments.
I went back and watched. Guess what? He's right! The whole thing is off and awkward. The most definitive moment to prove this was during their interview with the Capitol policeman (MAGA hat) where at one point they reference his supervisor (I forget her actual name, let's call her Yolanda) and say something like: "Yolanda Pittman never handed down the intelligence she'd been given."
Wait, who the fuck is she??? It DOES become clear afterward that Yolanda was this guy's boss, BUT THEY NEVER INTRODUCED HER. Tucker and ALL shows like this ALWAYS INTRODUCE THEIR FOILS with some type of opening. They make it so even dumb and half awake you can follow along. Not here. I don't think they even say "his supervisor" until later.
Now its Thursday and TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT is LEADING OFF WITH International Women's Day. Sorry to get a little off topic but it is CRYSTAL that this lineup for the week has been course corrected.
Listen to Beck and Tucker here.
It's a long convo so for those short on time I'll surmise: they talk about and around the J6 footage and what's going on with it, his producers hard work etc. What I'm flagging for you to notice is just how MUCH Glenn keeps commiserating with him and encouraging him, it was PROFOUND to me. You'd think Tucker was in the most distressing time of his life the way Beck sounds - and unbeknownst to us he probably is.
What is this business now of haranguing Tuck for his text messages? Why did they see fit to put him over a barrel like this, with a piece attempting to play the MAGA crowd against HIM? (their SUPREME PROPHET, in the minds of the moron CNN execs and writers) I'd just suggest this: although these texts already came out, weeks ago in fact (part of the Dominion suit) but there's no better time to kick a man than when he's down, in Lib land. 🤣
You can bet your bottom dollar they are HOPING and PRAYING for shake ups and "bloodletting" as they describe at Fox, and it's quite possible that happens, especially if Carlson's team rolls out what they have in spite of the calls from the boardroom. You've already got a couple camps within Fox - and of course, CNN is trying here to emphasize that Tucker is NOT worthy or for real enough to be in the one he is currently at the head of.
Don't forget however that the same Tucker Carlson FLEW OUT to a dinner party in progress just to find Trump and give him the business! If he despised and loathed Trump (and more importantly, the people who make up Trump's camp) so much would that have happened? If he wasn't familiar and even close with Trump would it?
Personally, I'd wager that Carlson's view of DJT has probably developed a LOT post-presidency (his stock has gone up with many people like that) and more importantly that Tucker's character should be judged on the care and compassion he shows toward the audience he and Trump share - and you just know if they found anything like that, of Carlson calling "deplorables" by their name, they'd have been ALL TOO EAGER to share it.
Look, Carlson's a rich kid and he knows he can be capricious and snooty. He's also a working stiff and a company man judging from his career and decisions made over that span. Giving him first dibs on the tape was a calculated and deliberate move - hell, it could've been orchestrated by GEOTUS himself via McCarthy.
The decisions he makes now on whether or not to publish - and subsequently what that does to his career at Fox - in my opinion will be some of the BIGGEST NEWS and DRAMA of the whole year. I'm hoping he has the stones to go through with it no matter the costs imposed on him by the system - if telling the truth is as IMPORTANT TO HIM AS HE ALWAYS CLAIMS IT IS then we NEED to know everything he's found.
Rest assured if he won't sacrifice, someone further down the line WILL and that someone will enjoy the fruits and grace of the populace's favor by doing so. It's truly a time for choosing for TC and for Fox News in general.
Tell me McCarthy and Trump didn't set it up this way. That they would want it to play any other way but this. For Carlson's sake, I hope he's brave in this moment. It will matter A LOT in the future: have no doubt.
As promised. Just watch and listen to these jerks ask McCarthy the most leading and unfair questions they could possibly dream up. I mean what the fuck, why even let him answer? Your whole fucking perspective on the story and the way you're going to frame whatever responses he has to you are plainly embedded in your questions to him. You might want to try and hide the blatant hostility a bit -- oh wait, nevermind, you work for CNN so you don't need to.
Mike Davis: Adam Kinzinger and Liz Chaney can burn in hell Just amazing stuff. Haha. You gotta love Davis!
Jim Hoft with some nice insights on Tucker.
A sabotage and smear operation
Last but not least:
Let em have it, Tucker. 😁
Some thoughts on FOX News to cap this off:
More than just this clip, its been mentioned quite a bit recently concerning the reactions to multiple stories aired on FOX over the past days.... not just the J6 footage, but the extremely damning Fauci emails.... FAUCI'S issues could lead to a much larger rabbit hole with bigger consequences than any of the J6 stuff...
It seems crystal clear that Murdoch and company HAVE TO PIVOT one way or the other, after now being called out by Bannon at CPAC on one hand, then getting attacked by their NeoCon cigar lounge buddies from the opposite side.
Might be a good idea to push Paul Ryan, Goudy and the rest of those pearly smile shitbags out the back door and start covering Trump again before it's too late and they've burned all their bridges!
If they don't defend their biggest draws like Tucker or cede some ground to their audience I think it could end up causing some of their best people to split from them. Maybe Trump is interested in starting some broadcasting of his own! Very tricky sticky stuff happening with FOX right now.