The vaccine represents an end to the lockdowns and it is clear why the Deep State would try to discredit it. Is there anything you have seen that could not have been faked or propagated by the Deep State?
Therefore, since you don't actually know whether the vaccine is good or bad, it's a trust issue. Do you trust Trump and the military, or the internet randos trying to discredit the vaccine?
If "patriots are in control" how could the vaccine be bad?
The government has funded the vaccine with $10 Billion and obviously reserved the right to scrutinize it. Under Operation Warp Speed the vaccine was created and its distribution has been micromanaged from government warehouses. By propagating the anti-vaccine sentiment you are suggesting that Trump and the military are trying to kill us all. Obviously they would know what the vaccine is. Why would they be trying to kill us?
Not that you should take the vaccine. You just need to stop trying to discredit it. Trump and the military aren't trying to kill us with Operation Warp Speed.
Why should we trust the anonymous internet randos who are trying to discredit the vaccine over Trump? It is likely that the Deep State is trying to discredit the vaccine because it represents and end to the lockdowns, and so anyone saying negative things about it should be looked at with skepticism. They are perfectly capable of using alternative forms of messaging and social media bots. If the vaccine were actually a good thing, obviously they would try to discredit it with misinformation.
It's Trump versus internet randos. Who are you going to trust?
How can you believe that "patriots are in control," but that the military would allow the Deep State to kill us all with the vaccine?
It makes more sense that the Deep State wanted endless lockdowns and Trump saved us with his promotion of HCQ and creation of the vaccine.
Haven't you seen the anti-Biden and Q-obsessed news lately? They are now mentioning Hillary Clinton and Frizzledrip in the same sentence. The DS doesn't have as much control over the media and government anymore and is using alternative channels to spread misinformation. You have fallen for Deep State propaganda and fear mongering.
Clearly, if Trump and the vaccine WAS good, they would want you to think that it's bad.
Shame on you for foolishly doubting Trump and the military.
The Army's vaccine is aimed at curing the common cold:
Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold
The vaccine that Modjarrad and his team are working on would target not just COVID-19, but also other coronavirus-related illnesses, including several variants of the common cold.
Do any of you have any real evidence that Trump is trying to kill all us with Operation Warp Speed and the vaccines, or is that just some Deep State misinformation that you latched onto that is trying to discredit Trump's work to free us from the lockdowns?
Edit: Another more recent article from Feb 12 says that the clinical trials will start this month in March:
Modjarrad and his colleagues expect clinical trials for the vaccine will start next month.
According to theory the Deep State created COVID-19 in a Wuhan lab.
If they created a virus to control us, keep us in lockdowns, and destroy our economies, it is clear that they would NOT want a cure or a vaccine. They would prefer to keep us in lockdown for years on end and strip our freedoms and wealth.
Trump made a great effort to save us from the lockdowns with his promotion of HCQ and the creation of the vaccine.
Do you really think that Trump would create Operation Warp Speed to kill us all?
Do you really think that if "patriots are in control" that the vaccine would be a bad thing?
No. Clearly, the vaccine is a good thing, and was meant to save us from the Deep State's tyranny.
All of our beliefs come from someone else, and someone may have manipulated you into you thinking that vaccine = bad so maybe Trump = bad. Maybe the DS can't stop the vaccine, doesn't have as much control of the government and media anymore, and can only try to discredit it through alternative channels. What you believe may be unfounded DS propaganda.
Clearly, if Trump and the vaccine actually were good, the DS would try to convince you that it is bad. Don't believe random information. The DS is perfectly capable of spreading misinformation through alternative channels to trick you.
Now I have had a theory that the vaccine is actually real, and a white hat operation against the Deep State's coronavirus research. It doesn't make sense that if "patriots are in control" the vaccine is bad, and nor does it really make sense to me that Trump created Operation Warp Speed to try and kill us all.
I think it is very possible that Trump has given us a gift to humanity. Not only does this vaccine cure the Deep State coronavirus, it also cures the common cold and flu coronaviruses, diseases that kill millions that we don't usually think about.
Knowing that the COVID-19 symptoms are identical to the normal flu and common cold symptoms, read the following carefully:
In the NEJM study, researchers included data from nearly 600,000 vaccinated people, and compared them to a similarly sized group of people who hadn’t gotten the vaccine. After two doses, the vaccine, it turned out, was 92% effective in preventing infection and, among those who did get infected, 92% effective in protecting against COVID-19 symptoms, 92% effective in protecting against severe disease, and 87% effective in protecting people from needing hospitalization for COVID-19.
The people who took this were protected against the COVID-19 symptoms as compared to the people who did not take it.
The COVID-19 symptoms are identical to the normal flu.
While we should continue watching this, and while we shouldn't just take the vaccine based on this data, this is certainly cause for celebration. I am happy to continue to pronounce that he did it! Trump cured the common cold!
I think finally figured it out. According to the Q theory there has been a war between forces of good and evil, and good has been winning.
Q said the military has cut off the head of the Deep State and Cabal. There is some suggestion that they did this with the assistance of other beings who are on our side of this war, although I am not sure where that comes from
According to theory the Deep State has been researching the creation coronaviruses to release into the public to cause havoc.
So, if "patriots are in control" the vaccine can't be a bad thing. It must therefore be a good thing.
Trump and Co. have been pushing the vaccine simply because they created a real vaccine using novel technologies beyond our comprehension. The vaccine is possibly a cure for all coronaviruses, the Deep State ones, and the normal flu and common cold; a killer of millions which we usually don't think about.
Coronavirus diseases have eluded cure for hundreds of years until last year, the eve of the defeat of the old guard and rise of the new ones. Coincidence? If a coronavirus disease was really cured I can only consider that a gift to humanity.
I have heard that the people who have taken this have not gotten the cold or have developed flu like symptoms, even though statistically some of them should have gotten the regular flu by now. Not that you should go out and take this based on this theory, but it is something to watch and keep track of.
Trump told us to get our shots in his CPAC Speech, and has been generally promoting it. I don't believe that Trump would have started Operation Warp Speed to kill all of us.
On the other hand most of you guys here are skeptical of the vaccine, and say that it is part of an evil plan to kill people.
Trump is, or at least was, the Commander in Chief. It doesn't make sense. Presumably he would have better intel as to what it really is. Why ask us to take it if it is bad? I see a few options:
The vaccine is a harmless placebo replaced by the military
The vaccine is meant to protect from a hidden virus that has been released, which is set to activate at some point in the future
The vaccine is meant to reverse evil gene altering that has been inflicted upon us (ie, give us more telomeres whereas the DS has been shortening them)
The vaccine is meant to do something else, and is beneficial to mankind
If the elite cabal have a plan to kill people, they wouldn't need you to take a vaccine. They have poisons and viruses and DNA altering things they can release into the water and food and air. Why would the cabal want to kill of a bunch of democrats and sheep with the vaccine, leaving Trump supporters and skeptics to rule the world?
I find it as equally possible that the vaccine could be the military's effort to save us and that the anti-vaccine efforts and lack of trust in Trump will cause people to die.
You guys keep going on and on that the vaccine is meant to kill people. But why would they want to kill the sheep and democrats who listen to the media and leave the Trump supporters to rule the world? That would be a pretty stupid plan to kill off the Democrats and give us overwhelming rule.
Clearly, it is us who they want to kill, not the people who take the vaccine. They will release a deadly virus that kills people who have not taken the vaccine. The sheep will be protected and the skeptics will die en-masse. The skeptics will go down in history as idiots and evil will prevail.
Tore is a podcaster who posts a lot of pro-Q things.
Q proved to us that he was an insider with some sort of access, considering the elaborate nature of the Q Proofs. I was on board and concluded that Q was someone very special, able to change the callsign of Air Force One and do similar amazing things. I jumped on board for that reason.
Q stopped posting after telling us that the operation was entering a sensitive phase. I can only presume that they were to start doing drastic things against the controllers of the DS. We should consider that Q failed in the plan and its team has been killed.
Consider the following:
The fishy nature of George News (Caught stealing military videos/banning dissenters). GN is an org trying to convince us that the plan is still on.
Flynn insists that there is no plan, that the military is not in control. Maybe consider taking him at his word. -
Some of Trump's videos are Deep Fakes
Trump is promoting the vaccine and told us to get our shots in the CPAC speech.
Not to say that Trump is bad. He may be manipulated as well, fed fake military information from the Deep State to convince him to tell us what they want him to tell us.
In any case, it doesn't sit right with me. As we know, for months we were in agreement in that there would be no fucking way that Joe Biden becoming president was part of the plan. After it happened it was just one weak justification after the next. The military may be disrespecting Biden by not wearing medals and performing the wrong gun salute, but it doesn't prove that he's not the president.
Maybe we should consider that we lost and proceed accordingly. Spend this time saying goodbye to your family members who have taken the vaccine.
God hasn't intervened in wars, famine, disease in the past. It would be naieve to assume that he would interfere here. In the Bible after the great flood God created a rainbow for Noah and promised to never again flood the earth, and seemed to take a hands off approach after that. It might have been up to humanity to fight the evil on our own, and we failed.
Look guys, if the Deep State and Cabal and the central banks are as alleged then we are fighting infinite money and infinite conniving.
There is a reason why George News is fishy.
There is a reason why some of Trump's videos are deep fakes.
There is a reason why Trump is pushing the vaccine.
Sadly, I don't feel that we won, or ever could have won. You should focus on telling your family members who took the vaccine goodbye while you can.
The military doesn't do anything without exhaustive study of unknowns, and creates numerous plans and backup plans for various scenarios. A US Military coup could have drastic effects on the US's status as a super power, power of the US Dollar, risk turmoil, international or civil war, etc.
They are presently at war with each other.
They are distracting from the fact that Biden can't sign bills into law.
10 days. Darkness. Q said that Trump needs to be insulated and appear unconnected.