… because all of the fraud we’re seeing right now will force people to question the outcome. Thoughts?
What kind of "foreign relations" are they referring to? As we know, these lizards are always dangling their agenda in our face to receive our "consent". Who is the foreigner in this exchange? They're not foreign to each other... is there a party to this NGO that is foreign to all of us? What do you think?
I would like to do some bible study, keeping in mind the revisions done by our adversaries over the years and including the apocrypha (especially Enoch). I'm not keen to join a church, but I'm interested in perspectives. Any thoughts? I've always been a non-denominational Christian, but I'm just recently more interested in knowing what the bible tells us. Thank you in advance.
We've heard Trump speak about his plan for a Garden of Heroes upon his reelection. Who do you think will be in this Garden of Heroes? It's my personal belief that it will be recompense for the many players who suffered reputational degradation in their roles in the "movie". i expect that many people who were compromised and threatened, but flipped, will be included. Here are some players I expect to see represented: Adm Mike Rogers, General Langford, Mike Pence, Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions, etc. Can you name some?
If you were going to introduce a normie to the concept of a psyop (psychological operation), what would be the psyop you would mention? I need to open someone's mind to the fact that the media has used MKULTRA to make us believe things that aren't true or react in ways that are not logical. What examples would you use that a normie would accept in order to open their mind to other psyops that they may currently reject? I believe this is important, because normies need to be primed to look at EVERYTHING critically. Additionally, this could be seen in terms of which psyop could a "leftist" or a "rightist" believe. For example, a "leftist" would believe that the "weapons of mass destruction" was a psyop, or a "rightist" would believe that "diversity is our strength" is a psyop. They both must know that it goes FAR beyond that. Discuss :)
My child lives in WA with his mother and I live in a different state. I need to share this with my child's mother, who most likely won't believe it unless I show it to her. I know WA passed this abomination in 2023? Thank you in advance.
Kamala is an anchor baby, "Joe Biden" may already be dead, and SOTH Mike Johnson is next in the chain of succession. Hmmm...
I saw a clip of Tim Scott speaking with the NWO pyramid from the back of the one dollar bill projected behind him, but the jumbo projection of him speaking cut off the head of the pyramid. Any thoughts or analysis on this? I’ve been busy traveling.
When I found GAW, it was in early 2021 or late 2020. I was scared to death due to the stolen election and the J6 false flag. I was just beginning to listen to X22 Report and And We Know. I started reading Q in late summer of 2020 and had a handle on the whole operation, but I was still very scared. Unfortunately, I missed out on Voat. Reading GAW gave me more perspective on the battles we are fighting, and some valuable information. Since then, my relationship with God has become much stronger, I discovered the Devolution series and Righteous Russia, leading me to following Badlands Media (which is absolutely worth checking out, if you haven't already). Watching things slowly fall apart for the "cabal" has instilled hope for me, and I'm prepared to see another election stolen - but this time I will be at peace knowing that the declas operation is at play. The conversion of Twitter to X has been a great example of how they are losing this war. Having said that...
When I first was on GAW, there were posts that had updoots in the high hundreds and some in the low thousand. I've noticed traffic here slowing down quite a bit. I think X and Truth Social have something to do with that, but I also think that many, like myself, have moved onto larger non-Q oriented conspiracy topics, some of which could get you in trouble on GAW. I think people have gotten weary of waiting for this movie to end. I still check GAW a few times a day, but not with the same enthusiasm. I don't think I'm alone.
I do want to say that GAW has been my saving grace (literally), and when this all starts to accelerate, I hope people come back here to share information and support each other. Thank you so much for being there for me.
With all the build up regarding the solar eclipse, could this be the "sky event" that Q refers to? National Guard in Texas, emergency declarations, 7 towns named Nineveh in the path of the eclipse, CERN, NASA rockets... what's it all going to lead to?
I have a son in 4th grade who lives with his mother on the west coast. I asked him what he's learning and he said "expansive form". I asked him what it is and he said "it's way too easy" and they shouldn't be teaching it. He refused to tell me any more about it. It is the west coast, and they've been using the term "gender expansive" as a code for induced gender dysphoria. Do any of you pedes know anything about this?
I've been wanting to post this for a long time. What are your non-toxic products-of-choice for toothpaste (non-fluoride), bar soap, shampoo, conditioner and deodorant? I've tried some things, but nothing I'm happy with. We need to share health resources to get through this storm. Thanks in advance.
Back when the Corporate Information Aggregator (CIA) was trying to get me root for this rock band of "woke feminists", that's when I started to think Vladimir Putin was being framed as the globalist's boogeyman. I remember they were jailed and released, and I was supposed to cheer "yay for sluts"! Whatever happened to them? I would consult Whackopedia, but I know there will be a slant and I trust pedes far more.
After seeing Mike Johnson’s eulogy to Henry Kissinger (R.I.H.), I’m coming to believe that the America First contingent (and people like Javier Millei) are publicly supporting Israel for several reasons. 1. Palestine will split the Democrat party and force Jews (not Zionists) to accept Trump. 2. To eventually expose the Zionist conspiracy to actual Jews. 3. Expose Mossad/Hamas as a two headed dragon. What are your thoughts?
We are not responsible for the debt. The money exchanged to create this illusory debt is fake anyway. Let's immediately disown this monstrous, satanic debt.
I ask because I'm going to see a concert in Canada and I want to make sure I can freely travel and spend money. Thanks in advance.
It would be nice to share some pede history with some newer pedes. Thanks 🙏🏻
I check this page every day. I’ve noticed that, while I like to keep on top of the changes, I have an abiding confidence that the plan is working and God is winning. How about you?
... why would they tell us? What's more, what is their official rationale for doing this? Are they still trying to make us think that we should fear Covid meat? Just want to start a discussion here.
Many of us doubt that Resident Biden is the real Biden. What if the entire senior class of the "Biden Administration" are all actors and plea bargainers? After all. the DS has been able to run these psyops, why couldn't MI do the same? The Administration can't get anything meaningful started, and seem to go according to a script that only reveals their intentions. This may be obvious for others, but have you ever imagined this to be the case?
Throughout this whole ordeal, I've balanced the axioms "trust the plan" and 'the end won't be for everyone" to assuage any personal discomfort I've had. I do believe and ascribe to WWG1WGA, but I'm responsible to a few people other than myself. I would have a hard time imagining a plan where retirees are left destitute when the cabal banking system is toppled. It's not quite as bad for the people who are currently working and pulling down an income, so long as their jobs aren't affected. But what about those who are retired or living on fixed-income? There has to be a shadow banking system in place that would replace the pyramid. I've always assumed that the phrase "the end won't be for everyone" to mean that some would die from the vaccines, or low-level collaborators would not enjoy the new system. I'd love to hear the thoughts of fellow pedes. I don't see the elderly starving as part of the plan, and not everyone can replace all of their invested wealth with precious minerals or commodities.
I’ve been thinking that a Communication Blackout, while appearing to be a black hat strategy, would be a great time unseal indictments, collect criminals, prevent escape and prevent comms leading to escape. Thoughts?
…they should be forced to wear a mask all of the time, except when drinking vinyl chloride and eating bugs.