Whats going on over r/conspiracy? Why are people so hostile towards Q there? Any mention of it gets downvoted to oblivion.
I made a post about GME about a month ago asking for opinions to sell. I was called a shill then. I should have listened to my own intuition. I have also had dreams warning me about this investment. Today I decided to sell, losing 60% of my lifesavings as GME drops to record lows showing no signs of recovering.
We need to talk about GME and its role in the plan. I know there is no definite connection to GME and Q. Its not mentioned once in the drops. Its become more of a popular theme among us who follow and study Q.
Fuck Flynn for suggesting people haven't done enough. We all have contributed something. Many of us who invested in AMC, GME and BBBY have lost lifesavings believing in a better world. Let me tell you something, all you need to do is just be aware. Why? Because we are a living conscious collective. All our minds are really one. That's why the DS has us all divided. Once enough people are aware, our reality shifts because our collective thoughts create reality.
You don't need to run for office to make lasting change in this world. All you need is conscious intent. That is enough to activate your dormant strands of DNA when the time is ready for a global shift in consciousness.
I had hoped the divine mind would play out the MOASS scenario but it doesn't look realistic right now. GME is not a value play compared to other stocks which is reasonably why the price is dropping. All the ideas of innovation from Ryan Cohen have failed so far scaring off investors during this difficult time when cost of living is rapidly increasing. It also makes sense that MOASS would occur during the Biden administration and not during Trump. As of right now there appears to be no triggering event. The company will not reach profitability to the point where the masses will feel confident to start to buying in again.
If the plan involved grassroot investors using the stock market against the cabal then it failed. Most people will stay away from meme stocks from now on. BBBY was a bloodbath. AMC looks to be next. GME is still an unknown but far from a sure play.
Was the meme-stock craze a part of ongoing shift? To let them see the corruption of Wallstreet by losing their life savings? I still believe wall street is beyond corrupt. The stock market is obviously rigged. Perhaps more people realized this as well. Remember, our new consciousness is growing every day.
As for me my plan is to buy in at the bottom again albeit at a lower sum. If the slingshot-theory is correct GME needs to drop low before it will MOASS. But I cant afford to watch my entire lifesavings go down like BBBY did.
I wish you all best of luck with your investments. Listen to your intuition guys and don't just follow the group-think mentality when it stops making sense.
Guys what are your thoughts on GME? I am on the fence about selling. I would be down about 4k but with the cost of living who knows when you will need a bit of extra cash.
The reason why I am asking is because no one honestly thought MOASS would take this long. I always thought MOASS would happen during Biden's administration to blame him for the market crash. I doubt MOASS will happen during Trumps third presidency.
Apes have been hurt before with BBBY. A lot of people lost their lifesavings on that play where Ryan Cohen was involved in the initial pump.
I am honestly not so sure RC is a white hat or GME is part of the plan. I am asking for your thoughts. Lets be honest, GME has been a pretty big disappointment so far. They are losing executives and they have so far not revolutionized the market with NFTs as many believed they would.