posted ago by europedes ago by europedes +20 / -2

Guys what are your thoughts on GME? I am on the fence about selling. I would be down about 4k but with the cost of living who knows when you will need a bit of extra cash.

The reason why I am asking is because no one honestly thought MOASS would take this long. I always thought MOASS would happen during Biden's administration to blame him for the market crash. I doubt MOASS will happen during Trumps third presidency.

Apes have been hurt before with BBBY. A lot of people lost their lifesavings on that play where Ryan Cohen was involved in the initial pump.

I am honestly not so sure RC is a white hat or GME is part of the plan. I am asking for your thoughts. Lets be honest, GME has been a pretty big disappointment so far. They are losing executives and they have so far not revolutionized the market with NFTs as many believed they would.