Not 100% true about germany. They are having a Bundestag sitting on Wednesday where they will be discussing a vaccine mandate. The current proposal that i saw on the weekend would be 3 mandatory shots per year. We have already started planning a protest in Berlin for the same day.
Vaguely translates to. Who does that jew think he is to speak up. We must hunt them. I mean the vaxxed, not the jew... its all the same.
Although i think the Autor meant to refer to the unvaxxed but that is just an assumption from my side.
I understand your point but seperate politics from the populace. It is not the fault of the citizens and to make them pay for the Action of thier political elite is a bit harsch. Especially since the vote has been manipulate and stolen here for decades. These people have been manipulate into feeling ashamed of bieng german ever since WWII.
That would be the same thing as holding every american accountable for the things Biden has fucked up and will fuck up before this charade finally comes to an end. Don't let the elite seperate us from one another. We are all humans and all have our faults, but it is not normal everyday people that are causing this mess, it is only everyday normal people that are dealing with the brainwash that they have recieved and trying to cope in a reality that makes no sense to them.
Oops, sorry for the Terror. Thanks for the correction.
No news directly in Germany regarding this and Reiner is not currently handling cases. He setup the corona commitee and is holding Interviews which can be viewed live on youtube. Almost 3 Interviews a week, but he has also officially said that they are not involved in court cases at the moment. People were saying that they started the Nurnburg 2.0 cases but he addressed this directly as misinformation. They are only gathering info and supporting lawyers with thier cases. You can follow his telegram to get up to date info.
Yeah. The people that i have grown really close with my time here are the east germans. My best friend is as well and me and him discuss These topics alot. They are frustrated with the mentallity of the West germans because they believe everything the media and gov feed them. The difference in government trust is really the biggest difference in mentallity between east and west which is understandable taking the history into account.
Not sure if i would call it fear but people that are paying attention understand that she is going outside her power. she has passed laws like the impfschutzgesetz bypassing parlaiment and people are waking up to this. She has been openly labelling people that are critical of the policies and governments handling of the "pandemic" as domestic terrorists (i.e. querdenker). There are alot of Demos going on and they are starting to gain momentum but it still isn't enough to change the situation as is.
I can confirm. I came to Germany through the Army in 97 and ended up staying after getting married. Q is big, but it is bigger with east germans that lived under russian communism after WW2. They are woke af and understand what is going on.
I work in construction of solar plants. This is correct, the braces are angled away from what you are protecting.
I dont think they want a violent response. They dont want any response, they only want what they want through any means. They are like us sort of in that respect, the only difference is, they understand that their biggest chance to normalize this bs is through the children, because children do not question it and they know they dominante that field. If they try that bs with adults, they have to articulate responses and have confrontations and since they know they cant win there, they just brainwash the next generation and they are doing this quite succesfully. Children trust their teachers and will accept anything they teach as fact.