fabbyjuly 1 point ago +1 / -0

President Trump, please don't trust Abbott. He's not a good guy. Check him out. He didn't help Texans/Texas during the pandemic. He's talking a good game because he's up for re-election in March 2022. His record speaks for itself. Many conservative Texans, including myself, won 't be voting for him. Love you. You're still the President of the United States and I would LOVE to see you in Texas.

fabbyjuly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Abbott is ramping up his re-election campaign. Last year when we Texans needed him to stand up for us against Progressive policies, he didn't. Now he's coming out with great ideas for protecting Texas/Texans. Too little too late. He's talking about finishing the wall between Texas and Mexico. A few days later he asked for donations to finish the wall. He had allotted money to the SREC, State Republican Executive Committee ($600,000) then he asked for some of it back. He gave no explanation as to why he needed this money. Something fishy is going on. He won't get my vote in March 2022.

by BQnita
fabbyjuly 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have my vote