yes AND no
Do NOT 'invest' ANY of your money at this point. Rather invest time and effort into understanding WHY Bitcoin has become what it has.
Understand that Bitcoin is a revolution. It is NOT an investment.
It is a global, silent, bloodless revolution, where for $100 to buy some BTC and NEVER sell it, becomes something you CAN DO to unseat the self appointed gatekeepers of money.
Once you get over the bankster led media narrative that Bitcoin is some kind of iNveStMEnT into some sort of 'digital asset', which gets bought/sold/valued in terms of [their] fiat money, and realize the unthinkable - that Bitcoin is the world's first and ONLY medium of exchange that cannot be dominated or controlled by any one group of permissioned people, well, then you will be mentally prepared to lay down some fiat to purchase it.
Do NOT go forward with the investor mentality. YOU WILL GET BURNED,
There are over 10,000 Bitcoin-wanna-be coins to choose from to hand your money over to and you will.
Watch ALL of Andreas Antonopoulos videos. He's the geek that made this techno-babble understandable for the rest of us.
Once you get it....... the WHY Bitcoin is taking over, you will be much better prepared to surf the bankster created pump and dump crypto schemes as an investor.
You'll see that patterns.
With ALL wanna-be coins, understand that NO ONE is interested in them other than to gEt riCH wiTH tHe nEXt biTCoin. EVERYONE involved is only interested in taking their 'winnings' and storing it in BTC.
It's nott your opinion.
It is your belief.
Study up.
Watch Andreas Antonopoulos videos in order to understand why Bitcoin is NOT an investment and does not compete with gold and silver, but rather is becoming the medium of exchange by which you will purchase gold and silver.
The crypto as an investment narrative is designed and pushed by the bankster establishment. [THEY] are terrified of one thing ONLY.
That 100 million AmeriCANs will STOP using [their] money, will cast off the real yoke around our necks, cut [them] out of our transactions and realize true freedom.
You'll be glad you did.