by skanon
foghornleghorn_007 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think they're supporting banning it, just suggesting that we recalibrate.

by skanon
foghornleghorn_007 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think anytime you turn on the TV, you submit yourself. THe idle mind is the devil's playground. Also great response to OP

by skanon
foghornleghorn_007 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel bolstered in my life as well. Are you me lol?

by skanon
foghornleghorn_007 10 points ago +10 / -0

Porn is a device used to brainwash a large population of people. Distorts your mind as to how sex works, gender roles, etc., and you're not living your own life while you're being distracted. Pornhub is in trouble for a reason, guys! Not just general principle, but the vice for underage girls wasn't being crippled either. If you're awakened, you would actually interact with the world outside of your computer.

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +2 / -0

WTF Anything goes in Commie California i guess

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +2 / -0

And also HIPAA. I'd have to be extremely careful not to release footage that violates someone else's privacy rights

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recently, my employer enacted a "no pictures/videos" policy. So if I were to turn in any footage, if they find out it's me, I'm toast. They loosened up the cell phone/personal electronics policy, but boy, are they going to track that too! So I'm running a risk if I do hidden cameras. How would I pull that off? Any advice would be awesome

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've considered a home birth as well. A lot of people are conditioned to just go to the hospital, because everyone else goes there too to give birth to their children. Like, how many people know a midwife nowadays?

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +2 / -0

i'm glad you woke up to this. I am thankful I've been raised in a household where I was told to think for myself. I used to come home from school and say, Hey, Mom, this is what I heard! and she'd be telling me that not everything you read is true, and how do you know it's true? THat's the big thing. I think that if we keep telling people where to find stuff, they will pass that along too :) WWG1WGA

foghornleghorn_007 3 points ago +3 / -0

YOu're welcome And thankth And there are some cold-ass people out there. You find out who they are when something like this happens.

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for that. I know doctors that have all this debt hung over their heads. One doctor has a bazillion kids, went to college, got a loan through a bank, which is also the backing behind the hospital he's employed with. He pays for his kids' college, and paying off his own debt through the same bank. So now they have a pawn in their system of profit.
Part of the city board, which a few months ago had mandated masks. He voted For, which tells me he was being controlled by whoever is really running the place (bank). The hospital is being financed by a private entity, so they are clutched by the balls every move they make. They are controlled. So if he makes one wrong move, he loses his job that funds his lifestyle. He got the vaccine (very publicized locally), and that contradicts his Catholic beliefs. mRNA vaccines, I guess, must be an exception to his faith. IDK, I guess he's compromised on a huge scale. If he voted against masks and didn't get the vaccine (which he is against both), he would be done for. It's not just "can't wait" for their jabs, they are being forced to by dirty politics as well, in some cases

foghornleghorn_007 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thankth fren. I honestly was not expecting this to blow up like it has

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my line of work, even turning over a room is questionable. Before anyone can even walk in, if the room is ventilated for negative pressure, that's a 30 min wait, so that the "air can cycle out the bad germs" If it's positive pressure, it's an hour. Then you put on your PPE, goggles, face shield, mask, gloves, shoe covers, surgical scrubs, the whole getup. Then after that, you clean up the room as needed, then use the UV light robots to really "kill the germs." You toss out your PPE, then you take out the trash Before the UV lights come out. Lots of holes in keeping things "sterile" To add on, surgery staff will go outside,and come back in, with the same clothes on and carrying outside stuff into the sterile area. "sterile" sorry Hospitals are set up, so that the air recycles throughout the whole building, and in Covid rooms, that's being really concentrated in one room. The negative pressure literally has no effect on how clean a room is. To add on the whole "hospitals are irresponsible" argument. You're right, more than you may know. In my hospital, no one is allowed past the door now without being screened. And anybody can lie on the screening questions, just like staff can lie on their mask fitting tests. In the name of safety. What an illusion we have created for ourselves.

foghornleghorn_007 2 points ago +3 / -1

I thought that too lol They move the goalposts for diabetes, high/low blood pressure, etc. Any way to make money

foghornleghorn_007 6 points ago +6 / -0

God bless you. I do that too! I think that if the hospital policy was lifted, you'd see all the Karens taking off their masks, except for the stubborn few that are totally brainwashed. I know that my hospital would.

foghornleghorn_007 3 points ago +3 / -0

But that dept in a hospital is the only one that was used to it before Fauxid.

foghornleghorn_007 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's hiding the corruption on a huge scale. Same happened at a place I used to work had before I had enough

foghornleghorn_007 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's what I was thinking of was the ventilators; sorry about not being specific. Thanks man

foghornleghorn_007 6 points ago +6 / -0

That would make sense. The costs of medical care are fucking ridiculous, and predatory towards lower-income patients

foghornleghorn_007 21 points ago +21 / -0

That's the bullshit I see too! The fact that it doesn't matter what kind of mask you wear is all you need to know about "protecting others from COVID"

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