I was in the area where one was a few weeks ago, I thought about going but then anxiety got to me I got this really bad feeling and just decided to not go, ended up watching it online instead
The time to disconnect has already passed, you should take a break now, I've already disconnected a few times, taken trips out of the country, etc. You need to stay fresh for when/if shit really hits the fan
What do you mean by taken out? Context? Sounds interesting but I'm not sure what you're referring to
We live in a communist country
I posted about these channels yesterday, they are compromised. I was banned for saying that someone shouldn't post about Cuba in the channel because the focus should be on saving America (some mod had posted some video about freeing Cuba, I want Cuba to be free too but that's not what an audit channel should be about during a time like this). I think they are most likely honeypots. I noticed a lot of people were using their real names too which is a really bad idea
"5 high ranking commies become good commies"