I just learned we can post MAGA stuff on
Basically we can link up any news article, tweet, etc as long as we don’t misrepresent the article.
Some stuff gets auto filtered but I’ve been able to post a lot of red pills there.
If you wanna try to red pill normies then hop on over when you have some time to spare.
Sort by “new” and up vote the good stuff for visibility

Hey patriots,
Could you please say a prayer for my dad Tom? He’s in a hospital in Reno with an infection.
I really appreciate it
I’m at a kids swim meet with over 500 kids and adults. At the entrance to the swim meet they have signs posted that everyone needs to wear a mask per county health rules. Nobody gives a shit 😂🤣😂. Maybe 10% of the people here are wearing masks. People selling food for the event aren’t even wearing masks. Almost none of the officials are wearing them. Apparently nonody gives a shit
Has anyone found a MAGA bank? Or at least a bank that isn’t corrupted with woke bullshit and political support of communists?
I’d even settle for a politically neutral bank.
Who’s got a good recommendation? I’m dropping mine like a crazy ex.
Just found out my friend and his wife have the rona in Wisconsin. Send your prayers please! They’re pretty young and healthy so we got this!
Who do y’all see as a good, based, candidate that isn’t a Rino?
So I took my family into SF today to do the Land’s End walk and go out to lunch afterwards. I expected everyone to be wearing masks outside like a bunch of idiots. That’s what I saw about 6 months ago in SF. I was surprised to see less than 10% of the walkers on the trail wearing masks. Walking around the city the vast majority were not wearing masks outside. The restaurant we went to had a sign out front requiring masks to enter for the city to allow them to stay open.
I actually see more masks outside on the peninsula (San Mateo County) than I saw in SF
I know I can get scripts from frontline but I’d like to get a good primary care physician
Waiting drives me nuts. Like most of you, I want to take action. So I’m working on a list of stuff I can do to help, and I’d love to hear your ideas. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
- Gently redpill those that are ready
- Pressure elected officials to not be corrupt pieces of shit
- Get involved in local elections either as a poll worker or a poll monitor
- Buy from small businesses. Fuck Amazon. Fuck big box.
- I’m probably getting a gab phone when it’s available. Fuck apple. Fuck google.
- ??? What else am I missing ???
Here’s my dream. I realize it probably won’t happen but a guy can dream right? Dems pass a bill to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 15 with plans for Biden to pack the court. Hell, maybe they do it to all the federal courts. Only before anyone is nominated, the white hats roll in and arrest these fucks and hold a fair election. You know with only in person voting and thumb ink. Republicans sweep presidency, house, and senate, then proceed to fill all the positions the left just created. I’d have the biggest justice boner ever!!!
In military time that’s 17:45
Who wants to join me?!?!