giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Homies I’m no spook, just a nerd that’s been following geopolitics very carefully since 2001.

I think we’re watching, in real time, a shakeup of the globalist stranglehold on the US.

What we’re really seeing is a realignment of alliances to reflect globalist puppet nations vs free nations.

Currently Europe thinks the US is supporting Russia when they’re actually anti-globalist. Before long Europe will reject their globalist overlords and join the US against the globalists.

The tide is turning in real time. Historians will write about this 20 years from now.

This is fucking historic.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m pretty sure that Pamela is packing a dick

Does she have a concealed carry permit for that thing?

giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

I suspect this is Trump turning into the torpedo. Push a North American union before THEY want it.

If it’s ridiculed and laughed down then it will have no credibility when the NWO / WEF want to implement it. In fact because they always oppose everything Trump, they need to oppose this too 😂.

If trump succeeds then he can do it in a way that fucks the NWO / WEF plans.

If Trump is on their side then we were toast from the start. I don’t think he is, mostly because every single part of the entire globalist machine hates him.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love this quote. But please be aware that it’s not from Dostojevski. Attribution is unknown.

giantHoser 6 points ago +6 / -0

Personally I think this whole annex Canada thing is a joke. Trump is being ridiculous to get the MSM and the left riled up about something.

I’m not totally clear on his motive but I have a guess. It’s keeping THEM from inventing something to get people riled up about.

giantHoser 5 points ago +5 / -0

I live and work in Silicon Valley at a cushy liberal company. All the libs are freaking out and having mental break downs. They’re giving people a day off work. They have mental health crisis counselors on call. They’re running fucking group therapy sessions to help people deal with grief and loss. It’s kinda sad honestly.

My boss asked me how I’m doing. I said I’ll be ok. I’ll just take a day to collect my thoughts and focus on how to move forward. So I went surfing this morning and I’ve been doing yard work outside in the sun the rest of the day.

Somehow I think I’ll manage to pull through 😂😂😂

Nobody knows I’m a Republican at work. If they knew I’d probably be laid off as soon as possible.

giantHoser 4 points ago +4 / -0

How do we know she’s not gonna be a deep state lackey RINO?

She was a WEF “young global leader” so who knows.

I’m not gonna blindly trust anyone with WEF connections. Fuck every single one of those guys.

I welcome her to the party but I’m not blindly trusting her

giantHoser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those ladies should all walk and form their own federation. Fuck the crazies, let them rule over their own kingdom of shit.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something like 70% or more of Americans think only citizens should vote in US elections, including a majority of democrats.

So there shouldn’t be a good reason not to vote for it. This is what a majority of D’s say they want.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

China imports 60% of their food, and the US controls the seas.

If China starts shit with the US their government would collapse in months when their people revolt due to starvation.

Being dependent on food imports is a strategically vulnerable place to be.

giantHoser 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pfft China needs the US to buy their shit more than the US needs their shit. And they need imports more than we do. I can afford to pay $5 more for my shirts. Without exports, and more importantly, imports, China is fucked. They import 60% of their food.

If they ever start shit with the US we’d immediately shut down their shipping. No shipping, no food. CCP implodes within months due to starvation and mass riots.

giantHoser 13 points ago +13 / -0

It’ll be just like Twitter. He’ll fire 90% of the staff and “somehow” everything will run better

giantHoser 0 points ago +1 / -1

How about this? They create a crypto coin for the US currency. Value it at $1 per coin. Create $35T and pay off the debt with it.

Then create enough to give every US citizen $35T each and hand it out.

You’ve basically wiped out the debt, crushed the federal reserve, and given every citizen some money. Then let the free market do its thing.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

TLDR, she’s slightly more black that Elizabeth Warren is Native American, but not much more than that.

giantHoser 9 points ago +10 / -1

This is all true. They are also dedicated to helping others. It is part of their religion and beliefs. Is there are Sikhs in your community you should get to know them. They will be good allies.

giantHoser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kinda. They should dangle sentencing over each of them to get the rats to turn on each other and testify against each other.

Then after they’ve all ratted each other out and we have all their confessions on tape, sentence them and the party begins.

giantHoser 2 points ago +2 / -0

With our impending control of house, senate, and White House, pass a law updating the requirements to hold security clearance to include the requirement that you’ve never used your security clearance to influence an election. Include in this rule that once it has been revoked for election interference that it cannot be restored, and furthermore dabbling in classified information once revoked results in serious penalties.

Then revoke their clearance under that rule.

Fuck these guys. I’m sick of their shit.

And…. Now I’m thinking about all the ways this can blow up in our face. Fuck big government too.

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