I’m a cryptocurrency expert who has been studying it since 2014 and had many articles written about to my research and spoken to some of the best investors in the world. I think you are a fool who thinks you know more than you actually do.
Right. And explain to me now how having a back door to the key signature is not an issue.
Go through all the legitimate proofs with them. Twitter POTUS removal, blackouts, Russia hoax, space force pre announcement etc. There have been a lot of irrefutable proofs. When you have 6 or 7 of them ... how many coincidences does it take? That’s how I’ve red pulled the people I know.
Who has been revealing them to the world and leaving them with their pants down? And even if they try to kill us, one dies and 10 pop up. What we have done cannot and will not be stopped. We are an immovable object. Even if Q is a larp, and there is no storm, guess what. WE ARE THE STORM.
Bitcoin does use SHA256. You are wrong. Period.
Don’t mention Q. They will find it eventually. Focus on the fundamentals and the principles of what’s going on. Little at a time.
We have a better alternative. Do you not understand these currencies are subject to tracking and total destruction of any financial privacy you may have? Or are you too thick to understand that. Part of the reason we fucked up so bad was adopting electronics for everything we do. Now people like you think its a good idea we relegate all our financial privacy and adopt electronic money. You people are deluded.
Fucking rights patriot. We are taking our shit back.
everyone just hold GME and never sell it again. Keep pumping it until you wipe out so many hedge fund shorts they decide to go long, and then short the fuck out of it.
You say "how convenient" when I say I dont have the link ... I understand being cautious etc. but Im not making this shit up. I spent hours and hours reading all this info to share it with people, not to larp and hurt the movement.
Okay big brain, do you bookmark every single thing you come across on the internet? Didn't think so. Since you are so hellbent on disproving what I have said, here is a link to the files. Now before you continue talking out of your ass, go read every word on every page of all the files, then come back and tell me what I said was inaccurate. Or are you just going to come up with another excuse to remain ignorant? Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HihyOflCzLBgIKHl2Thz6dzyj6oxCGql?usp=sharing Now go do your homework, or shut up.
In fact, if you really really want to argue with me about the authenticity of the evidence I just provided to you, I will upload the files to a google drive and share a link where you can download them for yourself.
Again, I did my due diligence, you did not. Stop being so arrogant.
I no longer have the link where I downloaded the leak but it's out there. As for the files there are dozens and dozens of them so im not going to go back and dig out the exact one.
There are also leaked emails where it is admitted that there are massive problems with the large batches being synthesized for distribution vs the trials.
I also got banned from twitter with a 3 follower account for posting this information. Should tell you something.
The vax does not protect you from the virus. I went through the pfizer leak and one of the reports leaked quite literally said "the models are insufficient to confirm efficacy against the disease [covid]".
Do your homework before you start talking shit.
Lincoln is the former president who enacted martial law and later questioned the constitutionality of it but said it had to be done to save the republic.
Pretty sure I’ve heard “former” used in this context very extensively. Are you new to English?
Agreed. When you have to pull some wacko logic to redefine what it clearly states you are stretching. There was no “former” president who went back and saved the republic. There was however a former president, Lincoln, who did so. These people like to over complicate shit for the sake of seeming smart, but really they end up looking like fools.
Okay faggot, make up a fake reality. Totally turned off from this group of people anyways. Have fun destroying the entire community asshole.
Watch some idiot come along and say it's the same person with 2 accounts.
Some of these low IQ losers are just as bad as the leftist communists I swear. Really just a mirror image. And for a mod to pin this is ridiculous. That mod should be removed.
Whoever posted this is a faggot. Whoever pinned this is a faggot. And the mods letting this type of behaviour transpire is a joke.
I got banned for making a post saying if Q does not end up happening, which none of us know with 100% certainty will, that we should organize a movement amongst ourselves.
That is perfectly logical.
My gf did message the mods to ask them what happened, because I had no idea why the fuck chinese characters appeared in the ban and why the ban occurred in the first place.
To the neckbearded incels trying to ridicule us, try getting out of your moms house for a few days and getting some fresh air.
Right my bad, just double checked ... makes sense considering they deal with water.
You’re lost pal. You have to understand why Bitcoin has gone up. It’s not organic, it’s being inflated and manipulated but people like you can’t seem to wrap your head around that. The price is fake. Anyone buying it is an idiot, and anyone shilling it is even stupider. Continue to be a useful idiot if you wish. You can only lead a horse to water.