hillarysnoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Britbongistan anon - i would rather grate my bollox with a cheese grater than celebrate that fucking woke shite. Sorry to be somewhat explicit, but they can shove that shit up their arse.

Happy Father's day to you all pedes and all the fine Father's out there.

Love you, no homo!

hillarysnoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you look up the song experiment IV by Kate Bush, look at the lyrics and watch the video, it is all there. Released on the album "the Whole story" 1986.

They always advertise their moves. NCSWIC WWG1WGA MAGA

hillarysnoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

sorry that is 1am/Monday British Summer Time UK/Euro pedes - apologies for the previous error.

hillarysnoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes I have seen that previously, I appreciate you sending me this reminder. Thank you.

hillarysnoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many thanks, it does mean the world to me at this dark time in my life.

hillarysnoose 8 points ago +8 / -0

As a Britbong, I would just like to say, ignore this - it means nothing as Europe and the UK are fucked. I am 55 years old from England, we now have 14 million with the jab, including my parents. I have siblings, friends and acquaintances lining up for the fucking jab. I am in despair, and yes I have given up. I know God wins, but there are plenty like me that have seen all that they hold as holy and love but that is now all stripped away and it cannot be restored. The Republic of the USA must be saved, it is the only hope going forward and if God could take my life force right now to help the fight, I would willingly give my life up. God wins and I know that and my faith does not falter but the pain and the loss, I can no longer handle. The impeachment 53-47 vote, we knew from Q 3 years ago but the deaths and the hurt was not expected.

God Bless the Republic, God Bless Trump and the Q team, but to be selfish I now have lost everything. The mark of the beast on those I love and respect, my home, all of my savings due to COVID my relationships. Everything.

The Republic must win, I have offered my life force to God in prayer to help but i now exist as an empty lonely shell.

Win for the children and the future, I can no longer engage in the fight. I hope megaaanon and fbianon from the days before Q are still fighting. Megaanon well she was a true inspiration to me, the meme war of 2016 (half and infinity chan were amazing back then) was incredible but 5 years later have drained me and I am ashamed to leave the fight, but I do with nothing left to lose. Telling a lefty, I told you so and laughing at them, does not do it. I do not want to do it. I want an end to the commie evil, full stop.


All the best my frens wherever you are, I am one person clapping, I cannot help anymore.

Sean - doxx myself why not, because i have nothing else to lose.

hillarysnoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

That football was produced for the world cup 2018, it contained an NFC chip to access content from the fifa website on world cup teams, players etc. The chip is similar to that now used for goal line technology in football matches in Europe, principally does the ball cross the goal line. At the time on infinity and half chan it was surmised that Putin encoded all 33,000 deleted emails from HRC and he gave it to Trump saying, "the ball is now in your court" - it is not a dress design, but a way to pass on information, or hidden in plain sight.

You really need to research more and get up to speed with what anons have been doing with regards to information flow and trolling!

RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - remember that? The lame stream media went nuts over the football gift, knowing it contained a chip - please keep up!

hillarysnoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I should make clear. as you lick the window that you are salivating over, I am not a shill, but I am amused, thanks for the levity. Kiss kiss xx

hillarysnoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a shill, I have to give praise for the tl;dr - pulling Parkes in when it has never been a feature and I could pull the rest of it apart, quite easily. One does have to ask, why the effort, why the effort now? What a fucking retard, but amusing.

hillarysnoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

English mate, originally from Manchester but have an Irish dad so spot !

hillarysnoose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Brit anon here, BBC doing hit pieces yesterday and today. Reports of the scum in Oregon and Seattle has no mention of antifa or BLM. Apparently right wing extremists are now trying to recruit disgruntled elements of the qanon movement - fuck me I am spitting my beer out here and receiving messages from my lib sister on how great Bidens acceptance speech was and what a wonderful wordsmith the inauguration poet is.

as Q said there is Q..... There are anons.............

The rest is just a pathetic attempt to garner a concern for a loose knit political group. Well with all the Q signs everywhere they had to think of something. The BBC have become exceedingly amateur and dumb in the last 5 years.

Hold the line guys - we must. The ramping up of vaccination fear porn here is off the scale, Brussels threatening all sorts of action due to Brexit - the pedophiles and satanists are reaping the Hay while the sun shines with Biden in office, the speed and intensity of their efforts is quite frightening.

God speed pedes over in the US, I wish I was there with you standing to fight but I will do my bit from this side of the pond. Love you all (no homo)