"I know that so many of you in the archdiocese already have a place in your heart for a guy who started out as a carpenter working for his father. I was a carpenter working for mine."
-Pretty bold comparison there Don.
"Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy —
— and a totally different policy in private. That’s okay. I don’t know who they’re angry at Hillary, you or I. For example, here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics."
Hol Lee Fuck
"Hillary isn’t laughing as much as the rest of us. That’s because she knows the jokes. And all of the jokes were given to her in advance of the dinner by Donna Brazile"
"Which is – everyone knows, of course, Hillary’s belief that it takes a village, which only makes sense after all in places like Haiti, where she’s taken a number of them."
"One thing we can all agree on is the need to support the great work that comes out of the dinner. Millions of dollars have been raised to support disadvantaged children, and I applaud the many people who have worked to make this wonderful event a critical lifeline for children in need."
-Reference the the masonic Great Work? Also thanks the audience for helping disadvantaged children, after explicitly calling out Hillary for stealing children from Haiti.
I've never seen a group of people sweat harder and look more uncomfortable in my entire life.
Before I start, I am going to say straight from the get-go that this post is not for anyone who believes the mainstream narrative of 9/11, or even for those who would dismiss the similarity between the Falling Man and the Hanged Man of Tarot as coincidence. I cannot stress enough that nothing, not one thing, about 9/11 was a coincidence. Without going too deep into the symbolism, I will use a few sentences to try to show you that 9/11 was indeed a highly symbolic, religious and occult ritual.
The two towers represented Boaz and Jachin the two pillars of Solomon's temple which were brought town when the temple was destroyed. If you think this is a tenuous comparison, please remember that WTC7 was literally called the Solomon coincidences. The Tarot also has cards for the destruction of the "Tower" in homage to the Tower of Babel, as well as direct references to Boaz and Jachin. The cards are also known as Trumps, and of course Trump was also a key figure in the media in the hours and days surrounding 9/11. The "hero dog of 9/11" was called Sirius, a reference to the morning star of ancient Egypt who's heliacal rising symbolized the new year. Now recognize that 9/11 is the first day of the year in the ancient Coptic Calendar, and so 9/11/2001 literally represented the first day of the first year of the "New Age". There is a lot more symbolism I could go into, including the flight #s themselves, the # of floors of the buildings, and the times of the explosions, but I'll save that for another time as I want to get to the main point. Most people today, and it is indeed hard to come to any other conclusion, who are aware of this symbolism are of the opinion that 9/11 was an occult ritual to bring in the Dark New Age. It is hard to deny, after all, that the results of 9/11 have been nothing short of abominable. From the Patriot act, to the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lybia, 9/11 seems as though it is a purely evil act, which set up the pretext for the surveillance state and the war on terror (also known occultly as the War on Terra or earth).
In spite of all of this evil, there is one measly picture which gives me the strangest hope that 9/11 may yet be used to bring about world-wide enlightenment. That picture is the Falling Man.
Some might want to argue that this is merely a devastating picture, and any semblance to the Hanged Man of Tarot is a coincidence. I strongly disagree. Many other parts of the event show direct correlation the many of the 22 major Trumps, and the symbolic meaning of the Hanged Man should interest anyone who wants to know what the ultimate purpose of 9/11 really is.
While a discussion of the meaning of the Hanged Man could go on for pages, I will try to keep it short. The Hanged Man is the card of ultimate surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice to the greater good. Though he is suspended upside-down, he is serene in his facial expression, suggesting that he is in this hanging position by his own choice. It is about the descent of the spiritual into the material world, and how seeing things from an "upside-down" or new point of view is necessary to achieve enlightenment. Now look at the Falling Man. Not only does he exactly mirror the posture of the Hanged Man, but the framing of the picture is incredibly interesting. The picture is EXACTLY split down the middle, with the left half (or path of severity in Kabballah) being shrouded in darkness, while the right half (or path of mercy) is bathed in light. The Falling Man from his position is staring to the left, seeing nothing but darkness, which represents the evil fallout that we have seen come from 9/11 so far. How could anything good come from such a heinous act? Interestingly, the Falling Man, though he sees nothing but darkness, it actually falling on the Light half of the picture. Could this represent the truth that he (we) have not seen yet, and the actual ultimate purpose of 9/11.
Imagine for one moment, just a moment, that there are secret societies of good as well as those of evil. Imagine that they watched as their evil brothers spent a century perfecting mind-control and brainwashing techniques, corrupting the education system, and creating a world of slaves who think they are free. Imagine that, just as the Matrix suggested, these innocent people were "so enslaved, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they would fight to protect it." In such a deeply perverted and fallen world, how could a small group of people ever hope to free mankind from their mental, financial, and physical slavery. As we've seen with Coronavirus (which interestingly corona = Kether or the highest sephirot of the tree of light, which stands for ultimate enlightenment) , while a small but growing group of civilians is indeed waking up and fighting for freedom, and ungodly amount of people will defend their governments (govern-ment = control the mind), even as they are being enslaved.
What if the only hope to wake up Humanity in a guaranteed manner was to plan a crime against humanity so heinous, that if uncovered it would completely terminate in a single moment any faith people had their government. What if this plan allowed the Patriot Act to occur, so the surveillance system that was set up could be used to implicate the criminals, who for centuries had controlled humanity from behind the curtain without leaving any evidence. What if the new computer age was what we needed to get these criminals to implicate themselves via the information (pure light) they shared between each other on these new devices.
What if there was no other way? What if to ascend, we first had to fall. Dark to light.
I've followed the Q posts since 2018. Every single post, every 4chan, 8chan, reddit thread and deep-dive. I believe there is some disinformation in there, but I also know there are some very deep truths revealed in them that could change the world if accepted by the population at large.
My trouble comes with Trump's connections to Kushner/Rothschild/Israel. While I acknowledge that there is a covert war so complicated and deep it might not be possible for anyone to be completely clean, some of the direct connections are just too disturbing to me to ignore. If Trump is saving America (and working with the Q posts which are decidedly christian-themed), why is his daughter married into an orthodox jewish criminal family (kushner). Kushner literally bought 666 5th ave for 1.8b (6+6+6 = 18). He invested in one of the largest RFID companies working on implantable microchips. When trump was close to bankruptcy in the 90s, he took huge loans from the Rothschilds, and then put a former Rothschild banker in his cabinet as treasury secretary. Kushner family is deeply tied in with Netanyahu, who himself was directly involved in 9/11. Q stopped posting the day the first gene therapy went into arms, after promising we were safe.
I don't know...I want to believe it was an operation for good. I learned a lot from those posts. I believe they helped some Americans wake up. I also believe they were effective at putting truth out there and then labelling it as insane/etc to get many americans to think the truth is lies.
I know this is a war that likely goes back millennia, and it is without a doubt far more complicated than any of us could ever begin to imagine. But some things about trump just don't sit right with me. This might be too deep for many of you, but the Back to the Future series is directly about 9/11 and donald trump. The first movie is directly about 9/11, and the second is about Biff Tannen (a clear homage to DJT) gaining access to the future and becoming the richest man in a dystopian future America through Casinos/gambling etc. Donnie Darko is also about DJT and 9/11 (I can go deeper and back up these claims if you want), and he is again not presented in a positive light whatsoever.
He was at ground zero and blamed the muslims and continues to do so to this day. For anyone who knows anything about 9/11, the muslims were complete and total patsys, and both the US and Israeli governments were highly involved.
We got no arrests, no mass awakening, harmful virus with a patented moderna sequence smack-dab in the middle of it's genome, warp speed promoting moderna products that have harmed millions, no 9/11 truth, no epstein or pedophile arrests or uncovering, nothing.
The only possibility left in my mind is that DJT could end up saving the world by playing the bad guy and exposing all these criminals who they enticed into committing these crimes against humanity. I really don't see a way where he comes out totally clean...
I'm very, very sorry for posting this, and I know a lot of people on this forum will likely attack me or want to deny it, but I'm honestly so sick and tired of all of this, and frankly am feeling like the point of Q was to tell truth and then ridicule it to make people fall asleep even more.
It's possible the NWO crumbles under the weight of it's own absurdity, and the federal reserve causes it's own hyperinflation and we can create better systems in the future. But truthfully it seems that things have only gotten worse, and it's just getting started.
Open to any and all discussion....
LeeChild has been going through the recent 9/11 "plane" thread calling anyone and everyone who claims the plane footage is fake a glowtard, shill, etc. He says he was "boots on the ground" (interesting term, military?) that day and that no one who was there that day would possibly say there were no planes in NYC that day.
Here are my questions for him:
You said in that thread that you are sure they weren't commercial flights, but military planes. Would you please explain how the horned owl Lt. Cononel knew immediately as soon as the plane hit that it was a United flight? I thought it wasn't a commercial plane, Lee. How could he know it was a United flight the moment 9/11 happened, and yet you know it wasn't a commercial flight.** Please explain. **
You say no eyewitnesses in NYC that day would say there were no planes, and shamed anyone who tried to say there weren't. Would you please explain why these eyewitnesses reiterated multiple times to the MSM FOX reporter that there absolutely wasn't a plane, it was a bomb, only to have the FOX reporter say "we saw it on tell-a-vision". This is the same FOX news that had the harley davidson guy ready and waiting to tell America that the towers collapsed "mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense". Please explain why these eyewitnesses reported no plane, although you said there would be zero eyewitnesses who would say such a thing.,-no-plane:b
How about this OTHER witness? "no a bomb, I saw it, no plane"
Would you like to explain where the plane was in this footage? (3 angles)!:f
- Could you explain why "9/11 The Great American Psy-Opera" shows conclusively that they fucked up a basic mask layer technique used in CGI, so that the nose of the United flight came out THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING. Even the news anchors said "it looks like the plane came right out the other side of the building". Please explain how a hollow aluminum nose could make it through 100 steel columns. This same documentary also shows conclusively how they used timed keyframes to match the explosions to the CGI, how the mask layers were fucked up by the FOX helicoptor, and how multiple camera angles didn't react to any high decibal "plane" noise, not even one flinch, until the explosion happened. For anyone who is skeptical, watch this entire thing, it is VITAL.
Could you please explain how an aluminum-winged United flight (again, you said it wasn't a commercial flight, but your horned owl faggot friend knew immediately it was, which one was it) so fragile that they have to write "no step" on the wing could possibly penetrate one foot thick steel beams?
Would you like to explain what happened to WTC 7 to us, Mr. LeeChild. How did it fall at the speed of gravity. Was it the boilers in the basement Mr. LeeChild, or was it a single column failure ala the NIST report. Which lie are you going with. Would you like to deny the 1. police officers ON VIDEO CAMERA saying they were about to blow it up 2. the BBC reporting it fell while it was still standing 3. the dozens of eye witnesses ON VIDEO CAMERA saying they heard sequential explosions, and saying they were told by firefighters to back up because they were going to detonate the building.
Would you like to explain these DOZENS of eyewitness reports of explosions in the lobby and other low-levels of the building including the basement. I thought it was planes that brought the towers down.
Barry Jennings "Bombs in WTC 7" interview
2000: Elect a member of the Brotherhood of Death (aka Skull and Bones) to the Presidency after his brother flipped the election in Florida
2001: Pre-planned terrorist attack on US soil by the government itself to justify the Patriot Act and Invasion of many middle eastern countries that had nothing whatsoever to do with the attack. (For those uninitiated into the reality of 9/11, some places to start are "Project for a New American Century", Pentagon missing money announcement on 9/10, insider trading of airline options on 9/11, WTC 7 and associated news reports, lack of plane evidence at Pentagon + Shanksville)
2002-2003: Continue to kill hundreds of thousands of people in countries that had nothing to do with 9/11. Take opium from Afghanistan to begin the legalization of opiates in the US which have killed a million young americans in the past two decades.
2004: Run one Brotherhood of Death member against another Brotherhood of Death member in a "free and fair election". Numerous reports of rigged voting machines (like it even matters) are given directly to congress. Nothing happens. Reports of the serious dangers of vaccines to children and clear evidence linking them to Neurodevelopmental disorders are given to Congress. Nothing happens.
2005: Bush passes bills that guarantee the future housing crisis. Cheap money for everyone so they can "get the house they deserve". He hires Goldman Sachs CEO who architected this bill to run the Treasury department.
2008: Kenyan who is getting banged by his tranny wife/husband, funded by the country that helped ensure 9/11 (SA), gets elected on "change". He immediately hires the exact same bankers to his cabinet that worked with the previous administration to ensure the housing crisis. No one gets in trouble. His banker masters buy up American companies and real estate while he gets pegged in the WH. Federal Reserve policy that was doomed to failure from the start gets set in motion, ultimately paving the way for the destruction of the dollar we are witnessing today.
2009-2014: We continue for another decade to fight a war that was started on complete lies. We are given a new "healthcare" bill that was designed by the insurance companies to legalize the massive gouging of the American people. As if the great recession wasn't enough, now they have to be ripped off by their doctors as well while they die. We "kill" the patsy who was blamed for 9/11, but don't even get to see his body. Ignore the fact that his family had deep dies to the Bush family for decades in the construction and oil business.
2015: Real evidence of a massive pedophile ring is uncovered in DC, with literally thousands of pages of evidence from pictures to disturbing and disgusting tweets. All of this is covered up by big tech and the media as a conspiracy theory.
2019: Governments around the world release a lab-created virus on their own populations to shut down groundswell freedom movements, to normalize stricter and stricter control and totalitarian surveillance.
2020: They work with Pharma to only give people drugs that don't work, refuse to allow dying people to be treated with generic drugs, and then force them under threat of their livelihood and fundamental rights to take a highly experimental gene therapy that is known from 2 decades of research to be the instructions for a pathogenic protein that can harm and kill people. Banks use this as an opportunity to print 30% of the dollars ever printed, slash all reserve requirements, and buy up even more American securities and real estate. A rigged election takes place in which a 35 year politician who's son is banging his dead brother's wife among numerous other prostitutes and crack cocaine is elected to the presidency. His vice president sucked dick to get her initial political positions in California. Big tech works with the government to silence anyone who dares speak out against the official virus narrative, including top doctors in the field of virology and vaccinology. All videos and evidence related to Hunter Biden is wiped.
2021: The consequences of two decades of cheap money are beginning to show their fruits. Americans continue to be forced to take gene therapy to do basic activities as their daily cost of living skyrockets 15-20%. This is likely just the beginning of this inflation as companies also took the opportunity of cheap money over the last two decades to take on an ABSURD amount of debt that never was going to be paid back. The government is also now in $30 TRILLION dollars worth of debt, which equates to literally 20 YEARS OF TAXES. In all likelihood, inflation is only going to speed up. We absolutely could see Weimar style inflation from here on out. Good bye US purchasing power.
I'm 28 years old. I spent the past 4 years at an Ivy-league medical school. I couldn't have been more excited to be a doctor when I first arrived on campus. Then, slowly, the truth became more and more apparent to me. I refused to swallow the dogma just because that was what was being taught in class, and always went to the primary research to see if what they were selling was truly accurate. And what I found was worse than I could ever have imagined. It would take multiple textbooks to fully articulate my feelings about the profession, but I'll try to summarize as best as I can below the horrors of healthcare in the US.
The healthcare industry in the US is explicitly designed to suck as much money as possible out of people suffering from disease. It is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the US. Insurance companies and pharma are protected by law in charging truly obscene prices for drugs that have been around for decades. If the patent runs out, they add a single change to the drug and re-patent it. This can be as fucking stupid as combining two drugs or changing the carrier the drug is delivered in. Drugs that should be priced in the $5-$20 range are routinely gouging innocent Americans for thousands of dollars. Many of the drugs are completely ineffective or even harmful and yet are routinely prescribed because they are "approved" and are literally bankrupting our nation and individual citizens.
The "healthcare" industry is perfectly designed to keep you a customer for life. At one of the "best" medical schools in the country, we not only received next to no education about nutrition or lifestyle in our entire curriculum. I'm here to tell you to your face that the biggest killers (biggest $$$) in the US are 90% due to nutrition and ARE 100% REVERSIBLE. Obesity, Type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, and high cholesterol (don't even get me started. Statins are a COMPLETE scam and are the most profitable drugs in medicine) are DUE TO WHAT YOU EAT . The diabetes and heart associations promote diets that will ensure you have your condition forever. The "heart-healthy" oils promoted by the AHA in the supermarket are the highly inflammatory oils that cause heart disease. Same goes with the ADA and sugar recommendations. Many cancers should also be included in the preventable and reversible category, but say that as a doctor and you'll be ostracized. I'll give you a ~very~ quick lesson that should make your jaw drop. Your body develops microcancers (genetically defective cells) ALL THE TIME. Your innate immune system recognizes these defective cells and deals with them on a daily basis. What does "Modern" medicine do when they find a cancer? THEY WIPE OUT YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WITH CHEMO. No matter what they say, I promise you there are other ways to treat cancer besides chemo, surgery, and radiation, but this is all the profession has to offer because they can't charge for natural immune boosts and dietary changes. It is disgusting beyond comprehension. (I will caveat here that there are a few subtypes of cancer that do respond well to chemo. the vast majority do not, and the side effects are brutal).
Without going to deep into the history of the profession, I'll just say that the main reason doctors don't wake up to the two above facts is because they are put into immense debt, and forced under pressure and shaming to learn MOUNTAINS of biochemical pathways, mechanisms, drug interactions etc that put them in a panic/fear state and as such they keep their heads down and simply regurgitate what they are taught. They also are routinely forced to work 80-100 hours a week for years on end during residency and literally go into survival mode where you just do what you're told so you won't ruffle any feathers after giving up 8+ years of your life to become a doctor. If you want to do a deeper dive, you can look into the Rockefeller takeover of allopathic medicine via the Flexner report and other mechanisms.
This wouldn't be a proper post without the most relevant topic of all today - VACCINES. Again, a full exploration would be an entire book, but I cannot stress to you how unbelievably disgusting the data is when you actually look at it. Vaccines are almost never tested against placebo, they always are compared to other vaccines so no harmful effects will be found. THIS IS NOT SCIENCE. The FDA and CDC have been fully compromised for decades. Pharma is the biggest lobby in the US. How difficult do you think it is to buy the few dozen voters at these agencies? It was done a long time ago. I'll say it right to your face. Many of the childhood vaccines are 100% 100% 100% 100% causing neurodevelopmental disorders including autism, severe autoimmune disorders and allergies that will make these children dependent on the healthcare industry for their entire lives. The rates are SKYROCKETING, the link is obvious and admitted by top officials, and it is literally one of the biggest threats to humankind's future. 1 in 33 children is being diagnosed with SEVERE developmental disorders, up from 1 in 10,000 in the 70s. The mechanistic link to vaccines is clear. THEY LITERALLY TEACH US IN MEDICAL SCHOOL THAT IT IS NORMAL FOR INFANTS TO HAVE FEBRILE SEIZURES. I'M NOT KIDDING. Listen to the parents who describe their perfectly normal kids who had febrile seizures post-vaccination and became severely delayed many times to the point of inability to speak, read, or write. You need to do your own research. You can listen to documentaries including vaxxed and others where top CDC officials admit straight up that they covered up direct evidence of harm because they were told to. Further, if you actually look at the history of many of the diseases which they are now vaccinating kids for, the incidence rates in the US had already fallen by 90-99% due to water chlorination and other sanitation improvements well before the vaccines were introduced. Some particularly disgusting examples are the Hep B vaccine (given to all newborns ON THE DAY THEY ARE BORN) despite evidence of brain inflammation, and the fact that hep B is a bloodborne illness that can't even be caught by babies (unless their mother is positive which is rare) and their antibodies wane before the age at which they would ever be at risk anyways due to needles or sexual intercourse. It's SICK. HPV vaccine data is also so hilariously bad it really makes me question on a daily basis how this world we live in is possibly real. RFK Jr did an amazing expose on this vaccine in particular years ago if you are interested. Of course the brainwashing is so complete in medical school that you will be INSTANTLY ostracized if you speak out.
I honestly could keep going. The journals are compromised by pharma (editors of top journals quitting and saying straight up their journals have been compromised. Female editor of the NEJM wrote a particularly good piece about this), the ways in which studies are designed and performed are explicitly to make them look better than they are and to cover up adverse events. Choosing poor placebos, limiting follow-up time, testing healthy populations so the results will look better than reality, among 100 other ways they manipulate the trials.
Food, water, soil, and air (all 4) in this country contains poisons from Industry and the government does nothing about it. If you want me to go deeper into this topic in particular, DM me.
When you have done the literally thousands of hours of research into the reality of healthcare as I have done, some of what is going on currently makes more sense, although it is enough to make anyone on earth cry. Pharma control was so entrenched, doctors so brainwashed, and the population so dumbed down that it literally might have taken something as disgusting as the covid vaccine (worse than normal vaccines which are already bad by at least 2 to 3 orders of magnitude) to wake the population up. It breaks my heart. but maybe, just maybe, it will bring down the empire of lies.
If any of you have any questions about anything I wrote or want more direction, I'm always open to talk.
TLDR: spent 4 years in a top medical school to become a doctor. Left it all behind because the reality is so, so, so much worse than you could ever have imagined.
Kind of a rough day to leave us hanging. Not hopeless, just a very strange coincidence.
Q has consistently referred to declass as a flood. What day was the flood in the bible? Seventeenth day of the second month. Feb 17th in our calendar?
What has Q had to say on that date in the past?
Information waterfall. 2/17/2019
Simply put...GAME OVER 2/17/2020