icecream4peace 7 points ago +7 / -0

That sign is way too artsy for that guy. The curly lettering is way too gay for those beafy dudes. Someone should explain he will get doxed and researched because Qanons are nervous about being framed in a false flag. I would tell him if I could and red pill the shorts off that guy. He is either really new or a plant. Either way, he isn't pepe green.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is hot info! I am copying this to my but hurt NPC friends. Thank you!

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q is millions of researchers world wide and a small cadre of people asking questions to lead the researchers to look into certan topics. A researcher can be wrong but Q is just asking questions. The Q boards are being followed by everybody, good and bad and sometimes the Q team is talking to researchers and sometimes the Q team is talking to the bad guys or someone else, like lawiers on a case. Disinformation some times exposes the criminals and puts them off guard. The JFK hypothesis that jr. faked his death is an example of possable disinfo designed to make the ratline controlers show their hand.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where we go one we go all, is the inscription on the bell of JFKs yaht. It is a statement of unity with the annonimous researchers who are exposing the rat lines controling the unconstitutional behavior of our elected officals and media and corporations. The false flags are "accidents" designed to move an agenda and look like it was committed by patsys when actually the corrupt FBI or some other group did it. We are bracing for some patsy in a Q shirt to go all MK ULTRA on innocent people and get the innocent Q researchers blamed for it. That is how Pizzagate was shut down by a lone gunman putting a bullet through James Alephantiss computer where he stored (maybe) child porn and abuse , lists of sales and club members who practiced adrenochrome harvesting.

icecream4peace 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe it is that guy. I truely believe he is a closeted Trump supporter like I am. I hide my support because I suspect there is handycapping going on with the vote rigging and the vote riggers need accurate statistics to steal the vote. To make Trump loose the election he will have to be handicapped by negitive 75% and Chinas Joe will have to be added over 100% value because Joe is a stuffed meat sack. Look up fraction magic and diebold vote rigging to see the full picture.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I laughed out loude! It is great! The only improvement would be to photoshop a hot bodied surfer dude from the neck down! Maybe a wetsuit painted like a business suit. Fricking EXCELLENT!

icecream4peace 0 points ago +1 / -1

Back in the 1970s every school child was required to have a tiny carton of milk at lunch unless you had a note from your mother. Someone whos child was snached lobbied to have their childs picture put on all those tiny milk cartons. That went on for a couple of years, and we kids fantacized about finding some snached child and setting them free. Several children were found this way, and the program was a mixed disaster for some very bad people. There was a campaign to stop the missing child milk carton printing "because it was upsetting to children" to find out the truth. When I went seeking the truth I was lied to because "you can't handle the truth ,kid". The whole thing was threatening to expose the rat lines in the child protection agency and the Franklin Credit Union cover up was the last straw when Johnny Goshs Mother went all out to find her son and found a child sex and slavery ring going all the way to the whitehouse.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you live on a throne of lies the truth is dangerous. Why would anyone disavow the Q anons? They are bringing truth to media! They are exposing corruption and unconstitutional manipulation of government leaders. And we are not Conspiracy Theorists, they are! We are conspiracy detectives publishing the results of documented research! Conspiracy Theory is an insulting put down and the Texas GOP should just revel in the media terror untill we sue the false reporters all the way up the chain to the executives at the top and the people who guide those cheeters.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel that way some times. I suspect this Q retardation where my oldest and best friends hate Pres.Trump and really worry that Q terrorists are going to steal the election by infiltrating the sociaty is more projection, but coming from where? So, I am sitting in the waiting room of a repair shop and the TV is playing MSNBC. Oh my GOD!?! Why are they allowed to lie! Why doesn't any one sue them for the divisive lies and blatant communist propaganda??

icecream4peace 4 points ago +5 / -1

I woke up to the milk cartons and I was told they all were contested custody in divorces.! Honestly, teachers and principals told me the milk carton children were all stolen by one parent or an other.! I witnessed the FBI frame the owner of Guns and Goodies with illegal firearms, way back in the 1970s. The local airport had to fight to prevent a land fill from being put at the end of their runway, when they owned the land! Turns out the airport owners wouldn't let drug running there and the landfill was payback. Lots of politicans were against the non drug running airport! The airport was finally bought by the county, and now they run drugs. I have been watching the unconstitutional corruption since I was a child. I once tried to serve papers to my local congressman for breaking his oath over the Constitution and witnessed the stony silence and non action. as George Carlin said before he mysteriously died, "Its a big club and you aint in it"

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sadly , when I was in highschool, 35 years ago, I tried to find out world history after world war 1. I read about the arch Duke Ferdenand, but couldn't find the real cause of world war 1, and the horrible deal the vienna convention had punitively taxing the German people was believable enough for me. The Jewish issue I could not understand and no history was available to me about how our culture went from 1940s post war and 1950s industrial wealth to recreational drugs and puerile hobbies like sunday television sports and rock music. If I had known about the CIA grooming and mind games I would have understood. I was even targeted by some spooks to do their bidding but my bible thumping neighbors caught on and interviened. I wish I could intervien for my unlucky leftist derainged friends who don't understand Occams Razor at all. The convoluted tails I hear repeatedly procured through the media are laughable except the fairy tails are believed.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with her but unfortunately the manipulation is strong! I had no Idea how unbelievably brain washed my very closest friends were untill I tried to get them to understand that the NAZIS won WW2. THAT WENT OVER POORLY! The few who have stayed with me have decided they are negro(litterally, she thinks she is actually black) because her complexion has been darkening all her life. Her parents, who I know are white people that she has decided are racist. I get called a racist by her if I mention Trump. I grew up in Delaware and met both BIDEN AND TRUMP when I was a kid. Biden fingured my girl friend when we were 8 years old! Trump told me I was a smart kid who has a bright future. By the way, my friends choose not to believe me when I tell them about these 2 people. They believe CNN MORE!

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

YOU ARE RIGHT! It does seem the FBI is the extortion arm of the [globalist Bankers] They and Lois Lerner who got away with extortion and using the power of the IRS to deny the country its constitutional rights of innocence untill proven guilty.

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with you and the Babalon Bee. truth in humor. Also, the photo has a number of the girls looking for direction and approval in the picture. I pulled my little girls out of dance class because it was overly sexualized. When I was a little kid we were deffinitely overly sexualized in the early 1970s. The miniskirts were designed to show underpants, the dresses hiked up. We had teachers who revelled in the show and would get the girls to write on the chalk board just to see butt. This has been a thing for a long time.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +3 / -1

omg! those who make the most noise have the most to hide. Keven McCarthy probably struck a deal and is spilling the beans. If he isn't then he is just as frightened as Brennan. He probably wakes up every morning appologising to God for what the CIA and blackmailers and bribers made him do. Those long term senators and congress cridders have lots of blood on their hands.

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

In hoping for a land slide I am hoping to confuse the pollsters by lying to them. Fraction Majic has been the way the election was stollen for Obama, with a plausably close 49 to 51 vote that I could see was even faked where I live in a hard red state. I too am hoping for a land slide but tell pollsters that I LOVE Biden so the odds are skewed so the handycap will be harder to accurately fake for a dem win.

icecream4peace 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hi! I have been following other followers on youtube since October 2017, starting with bernie swarez and And We Know. Some who I have forgotten because they were kicked off the platform by evil communist control freek devils. The censorship is illegal and I wait with baited breath for the courts to be cleaned up so that there can be real trials instead of kangaroo banana optics.

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