icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

GOLDEN, and just sent to the TDS

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Boxes and boxes of ballots, spilling everywhere!!

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can't have this NOW!

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeh, you can't know the news unless you seek out the source yourself.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bible verse! NOICE!

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hunter Biden significant. Biblically significant because it can be used in other trials and on the news.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bitchute is brittish owned. Mailing lists like Brasscheck tv never let me down.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Memes to send the deranged.

icecream4peace 5 points ago +5 / -0

Some of us already know. Unfortunately twitter fakebook and others are blocking info from the sleeping giant. Will we ever see trials for crimes against humanity? Maybe not unless we make some noise, especially after the vaccine starts killing people. As for the obvious unconstitutionality of denying humanity of life liberty and healthiness unless we are administered a tracking bio tag,... well Lets hope prez.Trump can clean up the courts.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the media are criminals for not reporting it.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have heard this story before, maybe from Q researchers racing through rabbit holes in 2016 or 7, before Q was known. Has proof, whistleblowers and corroberation finally surfaced?

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy SHIT??!! Where did you find this?? On Hunters laptop?? I went to a school in North Carolina that had a boys club for the ballet students who went out to the Ballet masters farm for nights of porno movies and boys stuff out on the farm. Only boys went on these expeditions and reportedly, sex was involved with the "teachers" and other dancers. This was one way young men could earn good reports for future possitions in the New York Ballet and other excellent gigs.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, Trump publishing unredacted documents really shows who is working for unconstitutional forces. Those who refuse the order really show their colors.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Omg! Here is Joes Campaign song! https://youtu.be/ylRgUxrVkxs

icecream4peace 4 points ago +4 / -0

Normalizing peadophilia and pushing it on children is what the sick bastard fassion industry and advirtising industry do. Since all the world wide trafficking stings are reducing the trade to nothing, refrigerated cargo and billboard advertisements is all there is as far as recrutement goes. Yes it is sick, and it is a sign of the times. We should educate the children about this instead of the birds and bees. This needs to be recognised and understood so that the programming no longer works.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

omg! good to know! My neighbors live in a 20 foot long cargo container. I wondered how the human trafficking could still be going on. Refrigeration is the answer. I wonder if the rapes still happen on the journey?

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish I could have convinced my father in law about this when I first saw this video 10, 5? years ago. Grandma developed alzheimers disease after a course of lippitor and to prevent her from getting the flu she was given flu vax every september, for the last, 10 years or so. Grandma is a mess and I am convinced the vaccines and drugs are what did it to her.

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is crazy weird. Do ya suppose the refrigerated truck is to prevent everyone from dying of heat stroke in the arizona desert heat? 100 people in a space 8 feet wide by 20 foot, at most 40 foot. 160 sq.feet for 100 people. that is tight.! I wonder if children were involved?

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is weird, horrizontal directional drilling equipment is for fracking , oil drilling wells that fracture the shail to bring out the crude oil. Ukraine has oil, and Potus Trump sort of burned Merkle for buying Ukrainian oil through Russia. Now we see an oil executive send illegal gun parts to Ukraine to hasten a 3rd revolution to stop the oil and destabilize the regeon?

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great movie, seems like there are parralels, like the NGO invasion of media and color revolutions seemingly backed by the people, but not really.

icecream4peace 1 point ago +1 / -0

We really have to use this technology for the good people and not the criminal gangsters. This whole hacking a lie into reality trick is....., well, it is what happened to Jesus Christ.

icecream4peace 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know a few hard core blinder types, but others see , or at least suspect. 2 kinds of people. Black smiths, get it generally, because they see hundreds of wealthy people a week at work, and have private conversations with every horse owner. Cow boys don't get the exposure so they don't know the truth and are easilly manipulated by the 1 hour of news they fall asleep to at 10:30pm.

icecream4peace 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh m g, I had puppys a couple of months ago.!! We kept one, named her Mayonaise. That name will always remind me of the vice presidental debates. Kind of smooth, kamala was greesy, a little dishonest ingredients, maybe perservative, funky bacteria. Pence was the other half of mayonaise, watery, needing to be whipped, helpful in cutting the dishonest flavor with salt. I might rename the dog Pence, the better half of Mayonaise.

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