All the threads are coming together!
Oh my?! which trafficking ring, what were they doing with the children? How old are they?
The constitution is key to the rule of law.
If Bill Clinton can prevent the justice department from looking into the Uranium 1 scandal, the bengazi affare, the Bundy ranch theft, Haiti Clinton foundation child organ slave trade, all the dead Clinton advisors since the 1990s, Oh hell, if the justice department doesn't look into those things I know a few million vigalanties who will. Bill, you are fucked!
I am collecting video clips on a thumb drive.
I tried to drag my normie friend through this as it went down, but they were too deranged to actually pay attension.
Like copycat suicides, faking a killing so others copy?
Here ya go. war nurse rocks!
paedofiles doing it too.
That is SO correct! anyone who votes for Biden is voting for an easilly controled paedofile, and anyone against Q anon is against research and law and order. A vote against Qanon is an action in favor of child abuse and corruption in government.
Has any one seen the movie "REDS" with Robert Redford and Annie Hall ? It details the bolshevic revolution with american agitators stiring up and manufacturing a communist take over of the Russian population.
Eh? future proves past. wait and see...
I suspect the shills are trying a new tactic by pretending to be a patriot, but devide the movement through petty innuendo. Nikki Hailey is probably not all perfect but she did her job faithfully for her boss.
I wish I could make a riot but I got so fat durring the lock down that all I can do is research the treasonous ass holes who put me here.
Media treason and sedition exposed and soon the class action law suits for libel and slander!
Soon LGBTQ will stand for Liberty Guns Beer TRUMP & Qanon!
Oooooh, Camp Justice! I like the name!
Who paid for NoNames campaigns? Was he a puppet of Ratheon?
The Anons who quietly research the crimes of bankers and politicans are the criminals? Seems like some bribe taking human sacrificing arms salesman is trying to use the color of law to inhibbit our quiet research. You can take down 1 patsy but you won't stop our relentless research into your crimes and treason. Remember, you took an oath to the constitution.
We do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us!
Oh my, are a few Anons going to find you out and publish your crimes? See if you can make the first ammendment illegal under color of law. That won't last as long as your testimony. I am enjoying the show immensly. Riggleman is what I call the bait when I am fishing. MALINOWSKI AND RIGGLEMAN just put giant targets on their butts.
And our democrat congress cridder is trying to hide his dealings with NXIVM by making mask laws and shutting down small business.
Wow! this is the most convincing argument against Trump racism I have ever heard.
me too, enjoyed the summary.
Thank Q sir! o7