idnomydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

You think there's a widespread push for this guys other books such as...."Mike Hunt smells like fish"? Lol come the fuck on, it's a joke. Pretty shitty one, but no one is pushing for 'My big black hawk' in schools. Jesus christ

idnomydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

but doesn't 1x1 work out just the same as 1x5? You never add the single stick in the other hand. It's not 2, the same as it's not 6. Both equations follow the same logic. If you have to swap to addition for the 1x1 you're doing addition, not multiplication. Does 1x2=3? I'll try to expand my thinking and conduct some due dilligence, are there any books or repubtable people delving into the 1x1 = 2 theorem? lol

idnomydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

No it doesn't help lol. If you have 5 sticks in each hand and crunch the equation 5x5 you're hopefully going to arrive at 25. You're likely not going to spontaneously have 25 sticks in your hands though. Same for 1 stick in each hand doing 1-1. The second stick doesn't vaporize out of your hand, you're still holding 2 sticks, but 1-1 sure as shit ain't 2. It's nonsense

edit: Lemme probe further. If 1x1 is 2, because of 2 sticks in your hand. Does 1x2=3 because of 3 sticks in your hand? Likewise for 1x3=4, 1x4=5 etc. What if we take I dno some really crazy complex math, say... 3x3. Now you have 6 sticks in your hands, 3 in each hand. So is 3x3 6?, or 9? Or since 3x3 can also be understood as 1 times 3, 3 times. and 1x3=4, so is it 4, 3 times, which is 12? Though 4x3 is also only 7 sticks in my hand, so it's almost certainly 6, 7, 9, or 12.

idnomydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now yall see getting arrested for 90some felonies was all part of the plan. He wanted to be in court so he wasn't home to be assassinated. Big brain. Where we go one we are all retarded

idnomydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I asked somewhere else on here, but I figure the more people I ask the better answer I could get. I'm a normie, that's been lurking here, trying to wrap my head around what y'all are suggesting is happening.

I'm confused...if the 122? I think it is now, people that voted against Jim are evil pedo demoncrat RINO monsters. Why don't they just vote for Jeffries with the dems, or Hillary, or whomever else. Apparently 340ish people are on the evil death cult demonrat side, vs 40-some on our side. So what's stopping them from just....winning. Voting 340 times for Hillary, or Soros or whoever they want.

idnomydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a bit of a normie, so maybe I'm not understanding but maybe you have the answer for me; if the 120ish RINO's that voted for Jim to fuck off are on the same side as the 220ish or whatever Dems......why haven't they taken there 340ish votes and just....elected whomever they want. No need for any shenanigans, or tricks. Just take your overwhelming majority and elect whatever shitter they want, Hillary, or JeffStein, or fkn Oprah, i dno. Especially now that they've 'shown their hand' and are apparently going to be primaried out.

Sometimes it seems like this movement looks for these complicated riddles, games, and cloak and dagger dramatics. They apparently have a shitload more people on there side then they need. Has it not occurred to them to just.....elect whoever they want with the ample votes they apparently have?

edit: Some other people are postulating that no speaker means no sending money to Israel/Ukraine etc. which makes more sense to me, but it sort of runs counter to your post that suggests the no votes are bad. In there scenario I guess Gaetz and his ilk are the baddies though, and kind of goes back to my original question, why don't they just take there votes and elect Hillary or whomever, with there majority.