imausertoo 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm also worried but more from an employment perspective. As someone without a job and struggling to find something in my field, having a situation that's opposite the direction of getting back to normal is frightening. Need to pay the bills at some point...

At the same time letting justice goes unserved bothers me greatly.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's just how he schedules his Twitter posts...

Hootsuite is the cheapest and easiest to use social media management platform out there.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

K. I gave you the benefit of the doubt to explain yourself and you didn't take it. It's on you man.

You should be skeptical tho if you can't really think of a good motive. It should be clear as day and easily articulatable. Otherwise you likely got suckered in.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0


Rigging an election has a very easy motive: power. The complicitness by so many is due to how much the DS want Trump gone because he isn't someone they can control or is corrupt to their stakeholders. Losing control is hard when you've had it for so long.

Simple and easy motive. Risk reward is power in all future elections and keep DC insular from outsiders. Pretty huge payoff.

All I asked for is a concise motive like I listed above. That's it. If you have one then I can consider a conspiracy. Any conspiracy without a clear motive is fringe.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

K bud.

You could make a 10 minute response of a narrative.


You don't have a narrative that makes sense. Just a fringe conspiracy theory based around loose facts you need to tie together to even potentially come to any narrative. One that requires a level of bias already to put any stock into.

Conspiracies without a cohesive narrative are bunk.

I believe TWA 800 was shot down far more than this bunk.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

You gave me like 4 hours to watch. That's 4 hours too much.

I asked for 1 thing: a concise motive. If you can't come up with a legitimate reason than the entire theory is bunk just as legit as aliens rule the planet.

imausertoo 2 points ago +2 / -0

What does CLAS mean? It's listed in RED 3 with Pense or Pelosi. Is that who is temporarily in charge? Classified movements? Declassified intent?

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

They were also rushed into construction and made loopholes to clear its way building it. Both towers were made in less time than the entirety of the Empire State Building. Notice that no one builds buildings like this anymore since 911 either...

They were structurally deficient because of their simple lego-like design for prefab like assembly and the elevator design was a flaw.

Also you underestimate how explosive jet fuel is. Look up the Germany El-Al accident of a cargo plane loaded with fuel as it took off loaded before crashing. Practically vaporized an apartment complex.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read and respond to it. You still didn't address motive....and showing some people doing something controversial isn't motive.

A motive is: I did X to benefit Y that helps me. Enron shut off the grid to maximize returns. Evil but clear motive.

Dems had very clear motive during the election. DS has very clear motive to get rid of Trump. I personally never thought they would go this far but I'm not in the know.

Even the Chinese conspiracy around the virus has a demonstrable motive: to create a scenario in which they consolidate more power internally and externally become the dominant economic power of the world.

See? Clear and concise. That's the difference between possible conspiracies and rambling fringe shit

Where is the clear motive? How does Israel benefit and how does the risk outweigh the reward?

Every true crime can be boiled down to a simple motive if there is criminality. If you can't give me the motive clearly in a single paragraph that makes logical sense, then no way in hell am I gonna waste my time to watch a 17 hour nonsensical film.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

So let me get this straight....an accidental attack in which both parties have agreed are an accident is the reason for 911? What?!?

That's motive AGAINST it! God you're sense. Why would a country poke the bear of it's strongest ally when it already made a fuck up? It's like if your friend backed into your car by accident and for no reason the next day blows up your house after apologizing and paying for damages.

Since we're on the subject of folk 'dancing'...

At the time I lived in a very Jewish neighborhood. Not far from it is a highly dense Arab one. The only people 'dancing' at the time were some of the fringe folks in the Arab neighborhoods...

This was before smartphones so I don't think anyone caught it on camera but it was so despicable that it made a lot of people in the area hyper anti Islam for awhile. Which is fucked up that some select radicals can sow seeds like that but that's just human nature.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I skimmed and stopped at the Loose Change stuff...this is almost 2 decades old stuff that's been proven bullshit. Plus I skimmed some BS about a missile... I have relatives that worked in downtown who saw planes go in the buildings not a missile. It was even caught on camera by the FDNY. I trust family members over a crackpot video any day.

So no. I told you how ridiculous it sounds for Israel to have a motive. What say you? What is their motive? Crime doesn't happen without motive. You can't even open a court case without it ...

The only parties with motive were potentially the building owner for financial gain, the US government as a prelude for all the loss of freedoms since and jumpstarting wars abroad, and the Saud's for goating the US into said wars (at the time Saudis had a very different foreign policy agenda than currently. Much more expansionist).

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why people give up trying to convince you....there's literally nothing I can do to say otherwise. You have a baseless fear of the 'other' and as the other anything I say is blowing smoke. It's futile.

Whatever. Believe whatever you want. We have 2A so don't step anywhere near my family....

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

A conversation recorded on the 8th won't be leaked on the 8th...this isn't the case where in the CNN tapes they just got a Zoom link. From my understanding an insider recorded it and sent them over security the file. That person needed to research where to leak it to, how to send it over, go through the mental side of losing their job, etc.

Doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility that those in government knowing the logical events happening would be able to predict the date.

Also the source have easily asked for a specific date (or Veritas being told to release on a certain date by a government source they have). Perhaps in cahoots with the government.

For the 'cogs in the wheel' piece: Doesn't require many people involved. Just the upper echelon of the military, Trump, SoS, Comms manager, and maybe 1-3 more in his admin.

Lets not go crazy and start putting this Q in the box of religion. Makes a lot more sense that the admin is just trying to validate their plan with individuals outside of government covertly, as if the government does go to military control they need civilians to not freak the fuck out.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are you taking about...

They've LOST land since 911. Gaza and the West Bank. They have made it abundently clear through their diplomatic strategies over the past 30 years that they will literally give away land in exchange for peace.

They are the worst strategic players if their intent is to conquer more land ..

imausertoo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Okay not a drop by a specific organization, but whenever you have rats on a sinking ship then it will take several days for intel to come to light. If the intelligence community knows how Twitter is like on the inside then they would also know their response and role to play.

The first domino is POTUS getting canned. They can infer that if his Twitter is scrubbed likely others would be in the coming days. This would turn heads in the org and some so furious they would leak out. Then a few more days of lag time. So 8 days from the 0 hour event makes sense.

Honestly I find that to be pretty predictable. Censorship affects us all, and tech companies have crossed a line many including myself hoped they never would.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

So one guy who I can't even see their face is supposed to supercede me ACTUALLY LEARNING THIS IN SCHOOL

Fuck off dweeb. Next thing you're gonna sell me is the earth is flat.

imausertoo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well I guess my Yeshiva education was for nothing since you apparently know more than what I learned in school on the matter!

I'll defer to you expert deletemyass.

PS: Everything in Gemara is based on the time it was written, not law for now. We study to understand our own traditions back then and who we were as a people. This passage refers to the rule that only gentiles can be slaves but removes context of the 'debate'. Back then slavery was common. There are slaves but that only applies to people who are conquered in battle. Even then they are freed after 7 year of servitude...which is far more generous than even the Romans did.

But no. Gentiles are not slaves in our religion and not a single person I know has ever advocated such. Fuck off with that shit.

imausertoo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow so much proof.....this is the same video that's been around for decades now from skimming (I ain't watching 17 fucking hours!). Stuff from Loose Change that's been debunked to death.

Tell me exactly WHY israel would do anything and I'll consider watching more. Cuz I laid out the logic that contradicts that narratives and I've yet to hear a single conspiratorial asshole on this give me a reasonable motive and explanation that either isn't batshit or insane.

imausertoo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah I said I was Jewish. Thanks for verifying. Now go back to the hut in whence ye came.

imausertoo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well I did say they're probably in the blackmail business....

I mean if you're torchuring children as a business who the fuck cares about blackmail? Might as well. Not like that's the worst shit you do. You already fucked all your morals and sensibilities.

imo anyone who goes to that island to do that type of shit deserves to be blackmailed. Fuck em. You're acting like these ppl are forced to doing this shit rather than sick fuckers who deserve what's coming to them.

I feel 0 ounce of sympathy for them ..

imausertoo 1 point ago +2 / -1

K fam

You do realize that Israel has actually lost territory over the last 30 years?

They're doing a horrible job in land management...

And nah. I don't want to enslave you. You're not my type.

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