There was something on X earlier, basically there was not a clear view of the stage, let alone Trump from the water tower. If i find it, i’ll post a link. The water tower is nonsense; however the main AGR building behind Crooks, is more plausible.
Success for some does not mean equity for all & thats why it’s criticized
Geo Webb
CrOwDsTrIkE will help get to the bottom of this
The left side is the leaked DNC memo instructing operatives on what to lie about
In Part 2 of vids Grassley released, they originally say 5 but later in the vid its updated to 8.
Closer inspection of the devastated members in the audience 😆
in 2nd vid they do count 8
Take absolutely NOTHING for granted.
The Marxists own the newspapers, cable news, TV, movies, the music industry, Hollywood celebrities, sports (NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.), corporations, the courts, schools and universities, most social media platforms, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, all of the Shadow Government: (The Unconstitutional Power of Government Secrecy) i.e., CIA, CFR, MSM, FISA, NSA, Silicon Valley, JSOC, DNI (17 Agencies), 5 Eyes, GCHQ MI6, DHS, DOS, NRO, NCTC, NGA, DOD, FBI and the Deep State (The System Behind the Government, unelected bureaucrats with zero accountability) i.e., the Federal Reserve (a private company NOT the government!), the Treasury, Wall Street, Foreign Lobbyists, Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) Lobbyists, the actual Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)/Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC) itself, Defense Contractors, Intelligence Contractors, World Bank, IMF etc., etc., and they will lie and their fact checkers will lie.
Our job is not going to be easy. Do not take anything for granted. And like President Trump dodging death in front of the nation, with God on our side, we’ve got this. > We simply MUST! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
How many billion$ for Ukraine first?
Fair point. I’m about as limited govt as you can possibly be but these are not business as usual circumstances. Let’s flip the script for a moment; assassination attempt was on a Dem and we have Dem controlled House. They would never waste the timing or urgency to investigate and find any nugget of information (to leak) ahead of an election. They would use the scenario to taint their opponent & persuade public opinion. But not the Reps; time for vacation… they’re f’n clueless, spineless weasels.
When I first read this on X my immediate reaction was that it was a threat…ie we’re not going to miss next time.
Saw that too
Harris will eventually be replaced.
Rent-a-mob bussed-in
200+ devices in Milwaukee yesterday (harris) and now in DC today protesting. You don’t say 🤔
And not just border czar; also trying to wipe her “most liberal senator” from the web
Almost. I heard gunman. Had to listen twice tho
Yeah, thats how it works 🤡