An old friend who has had many problems in life just had his house burn down. He has been disabled for years and bought this house for his daughter and son-in-law so that he could live with them for assistance. The people are all fine, but two dogs were killed. Now, he is of course shocked and depressed. He has better resources than some, but he could use some spiritual uplifting and physical strength to resettle. Thank you.


As anyone who reads this site daily knows, there have been plenty of studies about Covid and all things relating to the pandemic. Sadly, it hasn't brought peace and resolution to any issue in the whole sordid mess. This article is an update on the state of publications. Note the article is a little click-baity: "Three Hundred Studies Retracted." Wow. Are sides being drawn? Well, not quite. This is out of 90,000 published studies so far, really a tiny fraction. I expect there will be more as time goes on and the mass of papers is reviewed. It is, however, a caveat to observe about all "studies:" lots have problems and all need reviewing several times over before anyone should hang too much on a few studies. In the long run, only a few will be really significant in a practical sense.



This article was the topic of a recent Joe Rogan interview reported in The Epoch Times. May have been posted before as it has been rediscussed, but this is the original downloadable study.


As I was reading the Epoch Times, I noticed an article on dangerous antibiotics. Link in comments. Holy Moley, these are commonly used, yet they can cause ripped tendons... and aortas.... I wonder if any of the sudden deaths are being triggered by something else in the environment.


A major research publisher has had to retract 500 papers published since 2020 because peer reviewers were collaborating to drive the results. Their agenda and bias is not revealed in this article, but since some of the journals are medically oriented and the period covers the pandemic and vaccine rollout, bet a nickle that there are some papers on it. Yes, peer review is a contrived scam and a lot of research is fake news. https://archive.ph/T3z0p


Early ballots have already been sent out In our primaries, one has to pick a party ballot. The voters who are registered with a party automatically get that ballot, the Independents have a choice of which party ballot to pick.

Some candidates are clear favorites, especially Kari Lake for Governor and Mark Finchem for Sec.of State, and that whole field is clear, Katie Hobbs will be the Dem candidate barring her arrest. Mark Salmon is a vote-splitter, another John Kyl.

One of the most important races though is for US Senate. Mark Kelly only won for one year in a special election. He is the presumed Dem nominee. Besides Numbchuck Brnovich, there are a number of vote splitters and duds running, and none have the name recognition of Brnovich. (This is where the RINOS went wrong, running Salmon for Governor. He would have been much safer for Senate.) Beside Brnovich, the candidates are: Blake Masters, Mick McGuire, Justin Olson, and Jim Lamon.

I feel the Senate candidates deserve great scrutiny because we have two Dems now, we don't want to let the Flake-Udall-McCain people get a toe in the door, and for some reason, the Voter Education pamphlet we get with everyone's blurbs, both Dem and Republican, completely skipped that race. Even though it is a Federal office, the candidates are on the primary ballot. Looks very suspicious to me that they would leave the whole office out.

The other vitally important race is for Attorney General. You've seen what happens with AGs in many states recently, they are key to moderating or enhancing the Governor. The candidates are Andrew Gould, Dawn Grove, Abraham Hamadeh, Tiffany Shed, Lacy Cooper, and Rodney Glassman.

Of course the best candidate can still lose by weak campaigning, but the primary is decided in August, so it is necessary to get on it right now. Any input on these candidates is appreciated.

I was discussing the surging price of metals with a relative in the metal-recycling business. So he does or has done business with refiners, assayers, and shippers all over the world or 40 years. Right now he is mostly using a company called QML Inc, based in RI but worldwide apparently. I said how reliable are they, are they refiners, are they going to stiff you like a certain big name did when they went bankrupt, and all he knows is "they have no debt." I started looking them up and there isn't much immediately available, to say the least, only repetitions of their PR about how great they are. They are a holding company, apparently private, they own a small specialty refinery called MST, also in RI. Otherwise it seems they collect scrap all over the world, ship it around to various refiners (right now his scrap is going to Dawa in Japan, he thinks.), collect the money? the metal? and pay the scrap dealer after arguing over the assay and deducting a processing fee. Or, they have some "pool" system of holding onto the gains until the scrap donor wants the money, in case he wants to defer a big payment for tax reasons. The pool was what got my interest.

Now aside from the fact that a lot of money is riding on blind trust, this episode made me think about all the ideas of a gold or precious metal standard, and how complicated the secondary processing of scrap gold is. What do we know about it? I can tell you anyone I ever met in the scrap business feels that there are hidden hands pulling strings, because they are never able to predict prices.

Thanks for any info on QML.


Hot off the presses, a little good news about anosmia, loss of smell. https://archive.is/dqhGD

tldr: While colds, flu, sinusitis can all cause loss of smell due to one mechanism, obstruction and swelling, Covid 19 has another mechanism. It attacks the substrate supporting the olfactory nerves. This can even lead to loss of the peripheral olfactory nerves. The somewhat good news is that they regenerate. The not so good news is that it takes a long, long time. And though it doesn't say so here, possibly in some cases the substrate destruction can't be overcome.


I just got my mail and what an interesting flyer. Jim Lamon, outsider and vet, wants to run for US Senate. We don't have an opening yet, we haven't even gotten into how Kelley stole the election, and Sinema's term isn't up until 2024. No primary next year unless Kelley gets the boot. Blood is in the water for sure, but it would be just as wise for the opposition to set up a phoney candidate now as for a patriot to jump in. This guy is just too perfect: Must stop illegal immigration! Must create jobs! I'm a vet! I will only stay two terms! I hope some eyes are out for the candidates that hopefully are going to be replacing a lot of crooks. jimlamon.com.

I like to look into the history of things. Today's topic, spurred by Chinese earthquakes and the inevitable "It must be D.U.M.B.s because it's 10 km deep," was who first came up with the ten km depth? I do not doubt at all that there are some pretty impressive underground fortresses, because building forts is a natural inclination, caves have been hideouts forever, I grew up among mountains full of tunnels, etc. However, why 10 km? I think it's because there are and for a long time have been many earthquakes at that level. So many by now that they can't all be tunnels being blown up. No need to go so deep either unless you are a sulphur based life form who likes the heat. Anyway, among other things I found this article from 2012. http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2012/12/14/deep-underground-military-base-d-u-m-b/ It has a very familiar story of patriots in the US military seeking out and destroying the tunnel system used by the CIA-Xe cabal... and that the job was almost done... more history links... have a look and catch your first impression before overthinking it.

FTA:"“The Second American Revolution is secretly being fought – deep underground. The battles are between United States Patriots of the United States military and anti-American agents of the Federal Reserve controlled United States government. U.S. soldiers are battling the CIA, Xe (BLackwater) mercenaries, FEMA and DHS agents and foreign troops (brought into the United States through the Denver International Airport DUMB).” http://heavensclimb.blogspot.com/2012/01/thousands-mia-in-classified-second.html"


is going to be mitigating vascular damage caused by spike proteins. Bad enough that people were infected naturally, now we have hundreds of millions who have been turned into spike producers by vaccines. Hating on them and saying they deserve to die for being stupid is not only immoral, it will be self destructive if somehow the spikes can be spread. I don't believe that too much, but I do believe that by being as proactive about repair as many have been about Vitamin D and similar measures anyone could do, we could be helpful to the hapless. Certainly in my mind this beats bitter virtue signalling.

To that end I started looking today for natural ways to improve blood vessal damage. Vitamin K3 and some herbs like horse chestnut come up immediately, there may be many more and probably some combination will work best.

I found an interesting article on the topic, asian men have a handicap in the recovery mechanism. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/06/140610205400.htm If true, the Chyna virus is going to boomerang. Anyway, this is my offering for a constructive research topic for what looks like a looming problem.