History is your hopium (www.bitchute.com)
posted ago by jdawggg ago by jdawggg


Order 66 (Star Wars): https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Order_66

Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was a top secret order identifying all Jedi as traitors to the Galactic Republic and, therefore, subject to summary execution by the Grand Army of the Republic. The order was programmed into the Grand Army clone troopers through behavioral modification biochips implanted in their brains, making it almost impossible for the clones to disobey the command to turn against their Jedi Generals. The Kaminoan scientists who designed the clone troopers believed it was only to be used as a contingency protocol against renegade Jedi. In secret, Order 66 was the means by which the Sith intended to bring about the long-awaited fall of the Jedi Order.

During the Clone Wars, the Sith agenda was progressing relatively unnoticed until a premature activation of Order 66 resulted in the death of General Tiplar at the hands of CT-5385 "Tup," a defective clone whose malfunctioning chip caused him to turn against his Jedi officer.

The incident led ARC trooper CT-5555 "Fives" to conduct his own investigation into the matter, believing the incident to be a Separatist plot against the Republic. On the galactic capital Coruscant, however, he learned that the chips conditioned the clones to become hostile against the Jedi. Furthermore, he discovered to an extent Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's involvement in the conspiracy and attempted to assassinate him. Fives told what he knew to his Jedi superior Anakin Skywalker, but before the clone could prove it, he was killed by clone shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard.

The plan continued apace for the remainder of the war, although the Jedi High Council had grown increasingly wary of the Chancellor's motives. In 19 BBY, a group of Jedi Masters sought to arrest Palpatine upon learning his true identity as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. When their efforts failed, Palpatine used the incident to frame the Jedi Order for treason and, as such, directed the clone army to execute their Jedi commanding officers in accordance with Order 66.

Across the galaxy, thousands of Jedi were killed by their own troops while the Chancellor's new apprentice, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, led the 501st Legion in a direct assault on the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. With the exception of a few surviving Jedi, such as Grand Master Yoda, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, former Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, the Great Jedi Purge was largely accomplished through the initial activation of Order 66. Even after the initial onslaught, Order 66 still stood, and all Jedi, even people who might be Jedi, were to be killed on sight. Sidious would go on to consolidate his reign as Emperor of the Galactic Empire, ruling for decades until the prophecy of the Chosen One came to pass, marking the end of the Sith's rule and the restoration of balance in the Force by 4 ABY.

I don't like how this sounds

SAM460, Israel to Tampa, FL (globe.adsbexchange.com)
posted ago by jdawggg ago by jdawggg

Trump declared an emergency along the border, prior to the 20th. The United States <southern border> can be describing the area from California to Florida, which would essentially 'federalize' all NG troops in these states.


Proclamation 9844

Federal Register (Removed): https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/02/20/2019-03011/declaring-a-national-emergency-concerning-the-southern-border-of-the-united-states

Gov Info: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/DCPD-201900080/pdf/DCPD-201900080.pdf


Now, Therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), hereby declare that a national emergency exists at the southern border of the United States, and that section 12302 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretaries of the military departments concerned, subject to the direction of the Secretary of Defense in the case of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

National Emergencies Act: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/HMAN-112/pdf/HMAN-112-pg1119.pdf

Section 201 [50 U.S.C. 1621]: With respect to Acts of Congress authorizing the exercise, during the period of a national emergency, of any special or extraordinary power, the President is authorized to declare such national emergency.

Such proclamation shall immediately be transmitted to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.

(b) Any provisions of law conferring powers and authorities to be exercised during a national emergency shall be effective and remain in effect (1) only when the President (in accordance with subsection (a) of this section), specifically declares a national emergency, and (2) only in accordance with this Act.

No law enacted after the date of enactment of this Act shall supersede this title unless it does so in specific terms, referring to this title, and declaring that the new law supersedes the provisions of this title.

Section 12302 of Title 10, United States Code [10 U.S.C. §12302]: https://policy.defense.gov/portals/11/Documents/hdasa/references/10%20USC%2012302.pdf

(a) In time of national emergency declared by the President after January 1, 1953, or when otherwise authorized by law, an authority designated by the Secretary concerned may, without the consent of the persons concerned, order any unit, and any member not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, in the Ready Reserve under the jurisdiction of <that> Secretary to active duty for not more than 24 consecutive months.

(b) To achieve fair treatment as between members in the Ready Reserve who are being considered for recall to duty without their consent, consideration shall be given to -

The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe such policies and procedures as he considers necessary to carry out this subsection. He shall report on those policies and procedures at least once a year to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives.

(c) Not more than 1,000,000 members of the Ready Reserve may be on active duty, without their consent, under this section at any one time.

To provide additional authority to the Department of Defense to support the Federal Government's response to the emergency at the southern border, I hereby declare that this emergency requires use of the Armed Forces and, in accordance with section 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1631), that the construction authority provided in section 2808 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretary of Defense and, at the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, to the Secretaries of the military departments. I hereby direct as follows:

Section 1. The Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of each relevant military department, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall order as many units or members of the Ready Reserve to active duty as the Secretary concerned, in the Secretary's discretion, determines to be appropriate to assist and support the activities of the Secretary of Homeland Security at the southern border.

This section prescribes that the secretary of each 'relevant' military department shall order 'as many' units, or members of the Ready Reserve to active duty.

Who are the secretaries of these military departments?

John E. Whitley [BIDEN SELECTION] Secretary, Department of the Army

Thomas W. Harker [BIDEN SELECTION] Secretary, Department of the Navy

John P. Roth [BIDEN SELECTION] Secretary, Department of the Air Force & Space Force


That being said, I have a hunch that the declaration of an emergency had authorized then acting Secretary of Defense to coordinate w/ military leadership and activate different 'reserve' components of these branches that will be coming into play at some point soon.

I believe that these forces could have been federalized and re-assigned under the control of different components within the military. More below, regarding U.S. Army Total Force.

Sec. 2. The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and, subject to the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretaries of the 2 military departments, shall take all appropriate actions, consistent with applicable law, to use or support the use of the authorities herein invoked, including, if necessary, the transfer and acceptance of jurisdiction over border lands.

What I find particularly interesting about this paragraph is that it mentions only [2] military departments being included. Additionally, it authorizes U.S military to have full control, if necessary, of jurisdiction <over> border lands.

Does this 'transfer' of jurisdiction over border lands go full-stop from a proclamation by Biden, which only focused on the declaration itself?

Now, let's take this action into consideration when looking at a recent and surprising appointment that has taken place in the past days.

Charles Flynn, brother of General Flynn, was appointed to lead the US Army Pacific after the U.S. Army previously denied him being in communication w/ Pentagon and D.C. officials during the 6th. This denial is allegedly false.

**What was the phone call about? ** Supposedly it was in regards to the D.C. police looking for authorization of the National Guard to come in and support the security of the property, which to me points more towards suspicions as to why the NG was not.

What was his previous role? Deputy Chief of the G-3/5/7 https://www.first.army.mil/content.aspx?ContentID=325

G-3/5/7 is responsible for planning, coordinating, synchronizing and executing pre and post mobilization training and validation of Reserve Component forces in CONUS as FORSCOM's coordinating agent for implementation of the Army Total Force Policy and executive agent for mobilization. Consist of plans, training and operations divisions with 100 officers, NCOs, and DA Civilians. Oversees coordination of pre-mobilization training support to RC Rotational Force Pool - Non Deploying Forces; Monitors training assessments for RC Army Contingency Force Enabler units. Supports two subordinate divisions, 9 brigades and 2 active Mobilization Force Generating Force Installations spread across the Continental United States.

Army Total Force Policy: https://www.army.mil/article/42866/army_total_force_policy#:~:text=The%20Army's%20Total%20Force%20Policy,Guard%2C%20into%20an%20operational%20force.&text=29%2C%202008%2C%20that%20requires%20the,forces%20as%20an%20operational%20force.

The Army's Total Force Policy is an ongoing effort by the service to transition its reserve component forces, both the Army Reserve and the National Guard, into an operational force.

Are we watching this come to fruition, before our eyes?

Were the necessary steps and authorizations made behind the scenes during the Trump administration having executed several emergencies in several states and along the U.S. border?

How about bringing back the troops from the Middle East?

Is <Charles Flynn> the **FLYNN **that is referred to by Q? We certainly do not know for certainty.

I find it hard to believe that Biden would've authorized Charles Flynn to a position as powerful as this considering Biden's role in Michael Flynn's obstruction and fraudulent prosecution.

He was appointed to head U.S. Army Pacific from his previous role as Deputy Chief of the G-3/5/7 in Washington D.C. to now be based in Hawaii. This is a far more integrated role with operation capacity than his previous role.

**Guess who was the general of U.S. Army Pacific prior? **

General Paul LaCamera: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_LaCamera

Significant military background, and has commanded the XVIII Airborne Corps which has, as we all know, been pointing at being an ally to our movement through indirect references to Q.

He also led the** 75th Ranger Regiment**, which coincidentally enough uses a similar shield to that now displayed on the Office of Donald J. Trump @ 45office.com

I think we are witnessing a show, and the military is operational and in charge of putting people into places where they need.

I am too high to do formatting on this, or find the connections between General LaCamera & Flynn to analyze anything else, but I just see a bit of the pieces potentially connecting here.

Can somebody hurry the fuck up and do something, I don't want this nightmare to be real. DS or not, Biden is regressive in everything he signs.

Don't think Trump would have bothered just signing this shit for the PR that Biden gets when doing a 180-degree with EO's and proclamations to reverse them.


Posted on Reddit, however I think the conversation should happen here too.


This seems like another <crumb> of hidden messaging. Look at the seal used for the newly formed office, and place particular focus on the message, "E. Pluribus Unum," and you'll not notice this detail unless you were really looking for something to be different.

Great Seal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States

Office of DJT Seal: https://45office.com/images/o45logo.svg

The ribbon is 'cut' and you will not find this evidenced in the official seals, and while this could be a possibility that this is because he isn't authorized to use a great seal. I think it also can be looked at deeper than that.

What does it translate to in our understanding? Out of many, one. I think this is particularly interesting, because it begs the question as to why they would cut the 'one' as separate.

This is clearly intentional, and I am simply wondering if there is more of a hidden symbolic nature to this element than one might prescribe at first glance.

I think it could potentially point at a <breaking point> in a flawed system, and a message that there is to come a new government.

I don't think they funded and called for a '1776 report' that would be buried post-term and for such to never be used by Democrats. It talks about the founding of our government and an important conversation around what it truly means to be American, which is one thing that many have shifted from in the recent and developing cancel culture that has been applied to history itself.

Statues torn down, military bases attempted to be renamed, history being re-taught.

If social media companies can censor opposing viewpoints, citizens can tear down monuments without repercussion and tech companies can blacklist content (merchandise, books, etcetera) of 'controversial' subjects... we are a short-step from the thing that most on that side see themselves fighting against. That is fascism.

But back to the main point... the separation of E. Pluribus & Unum

I think that what is most symbolic is that the separation of the two is a direct cause of the American Eagle, which in it of itself is a symbolic element. It represents the strength and <freedom> of the nation, and our role in being united under one nation. The eagle, representative of a new nation and people, grasps the words, "Out of many," which could point towards us all coming together in our own individuality. The many separate from the <one> that was controlling us. Or, it could mean that a new nation, connected as <one> has cut off the many.

This is just a theory, but I do think that no graphic design change such as that would not be made without a group think-tank discussion underlying messaging.


I think that we've already reached a point in time where the plan has been executed.

If the <deep state> existed, it points towards the fact that the <cabal> existed. I'd say there is a differentiation between the two, because deep-state actors could simply be a system of controlling politicians and business leaders while a global cabal could hint at a reality of far graver occurrences.

When we think of the 'deep state' we think of sex crimes (pedophilia, but also blackmail is likely a large component [e.g. Epstein, Mossad, CIA] in keeping these people on a similar agenda.

When we think of the 'cabal' we think of the people controlling the <deep state> such as 'Rothschilds' or other large families that control media, energy and real estate.

The collapse of the system here in the United States would have to mean the collapse of similar and connected systems abroad. We don't know where the head of the snake is, and I think it's a little America-centric to assume that our country would be at the head of this pyramid when our nation is young and other families across the world have maintained wealth strongholds across Europe and Asia.

I think that a 'global awakening' event is not going to go down as some of you might suggest or think.

There is not going to be any 'mass de-classification' of intelligence that indicates that election fraud occurred without it involving other governments across Europe. It would instir panic and anger to the point that 'mass riots' would be occuring in the streets. Unnecessary casualties.

Instead, I think that the 'downfall' of the cabal will be done prior to any declassifications, and I think this is being pointed at (right in our face) through the collapse and mass resignations of several large nations from 2020-2021. We are talking about Germany (Angela Merkel), Russia, Estonia, Netherlands, Italy PM, etcetera).

These aren't normal resignations, and it's clear that something world-wide is happening as Germany and the UK have sent their navy fleets to China to accompany US and allies in the South China Sea.

This has to be a global operation, and I am going to expect that most of the operation is going to be taking place abroad.

No declassification on critical components (e.g. Dominion, Chinese Influence) until after the operation is completed


Other week in California, I had a UH-60 Blackhawk fly overhead fairly low over my home.

Ran outside to check, and to my amazement it didn't come up as such on globe.adsbexchange.com. The helicopter was showing as a civilian single-engine aircraft, believe it was a Piper or Beechcraft.

That should say something when you see a lot of 'trainers' in certain areas. You never know what they could be now.


https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae189a [05-4613]





Additional garbage:

50 [MIRROR] - 46 + 13 = 17

50 - 64 = 14 + 31 = 45 = TRUMP


UNITY NOT DIVISION. ( https://qanon.pub/#4593 )

This is an important message that I feel has significant relevance, and although I am still relatively new to the board... I feel as though there have been quite a few individuals that have failed to recognize this message, and I do not think you should be held to any fault.

We have all been <programmed> to certain extents, and we've been faced with the selective messaging that they've wanted us to see on a daily basis through MSM, social media and other outlets. To what extent this has occurred, and the true intent, is certainly something that is up for debate. There is absolutely no right answer to this, however those that convince themselves that 'ALL' is propaganda and have been used to justify their opposition/stance against these narratives need to take a step back and recognize something that should be protected.

This movement isn't for everybody. You're going to have shills, and you're also going to have people who have convinced themselves that they are followers of the <MAGA-Q> movement while demonstrating the complete opposite.

We've seen how important it is for the [DS] to push us against each other. We have seen everything used, and this has included race, sex, gender, political party, religion, etcetera.

We should question these things and work to understand exactly why those things have been pushed, and to what extend they've been used to push public policy decisions and certainly <public opinion> towards certain topics.

However, I think we all need to remember or acknowledge a few things. We are all humans, and we should not use this platform to be divisive.

Discrimination should have no place here on this particular board, and I do not think this is something that should be debated.

Unity will not be achieved by polarizing different groups of people based on their sex, gender, race or political party.

You cannot simultaneously push for unity while also leaving comments and rhetoric that is divisive, unchecked.

The arguments made to justify these behaviors typically include something about the <Freedom of Speech> and while this rings true, I think it is antithetical to what MAGA & Q truly stand for.

If you're one of those individuals that chooses hate over love, I truly ask you to look inside yourself for empathy and an understanding that we are all not the same.

We live in the best country in the world, and this is because we have our rights. We can be who we want to be, love who we want to be, and do what we want to do.

Hate, especially that towards minority groups ( e.g. LGBTQ individuals ) should be avoided. I personally have the belief that we have the 'freedom' to have our own opinion, however I do not believe this should translate into a means to justify ones pursuit to put others down.

How can we truly be united when we do not point out moments when someone is being divisive?

For example, sharing content that display racist comments ( e.g. N-word ) is something that might be polarizing to someone that is black. I certainly do not agree with giving words such as this 'meaning' but I also think that there should at least be some form of acknowledgement that this should at the same time not be something that is defended, nor encouraged.

I saw a particular comment recently that was relatively inflammatory towards those that are 'trans' and to my surprise, it was a relatively popular one. I won't make any reference to it in particular, because this shouldn't be about <one> post, but rather a general alignment with a movement that it seems some have strayed from.

This should be a discussion board that welcomes ALL. This movement is about a 'Great Awakening' movement, and that is inclusive of all individuals. The issues I have with this poor rhetoric is that it paints a bad image of this community to those that are new.

I want to be able to share content here without such hate being condoned, and I know that some of you agree with this.

You do not know who is on the other side of your messages. Respect is something that is important, and all I want to do is encourage some of you to see how your messaging might look to someone that might be looking to take the red-pill, because right now we're a part of a group that has been polarized as being racist, sexist, etcetera.

Content should be related to Q and, according to board rules, be civil. There are other places for unfiltered discussion, and I don't think they should be anywhere near this movement.



I know this is nothing of large significance, but two of the jets scrambled in the Netherlands have call-signs METAL01 & ANVIL01:

What is metal that you use on an anvil?

MLAT ACTIVITY UK (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by jdawggg ago by jdawggg
RED1 - POMPEO TWEET (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by jdawggg ago by jdawggg
C130 MOVEMENT (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by jdawggg ago by jdawggg


Background displays a portrait of James Monroe directly <behind> Pompeo.

For reference, here is a portrait in the White House of Monroe:


If you look at the glass table the reflection shows Pompeo almost metaphorically being the same as Monroe. The two become one.

As you might imagine, this might be significant based on the symbolism and references made to [Crossing the Delaware, 1851] which pictured Washington in the foreground & Monroe (Future President) holding the flag beside him.



It ties into a very important Q Post.

Let's find more connections to this.



United States military troops in Afghanistan are at a 19-year low. Likewise, Iraq and Syria are also at the lowest point in many years. I will always be committed to stopping the endless wars. It has been a great honor to rebuild our military and support our brave men and women in uniform. $2.5 trillion invested, including in beautiful new equipment—all made in the U.S.A.

[19] & [25]

Q POST #1925 Aug 16. 2018 @ 19:32:11

Timelines change. Watch the budget. Q


As part of my administrations colossal rebuilding of the United States military, we've totally rebuilt the military, $2.5 Trillion dollars

Some people would say that's out of the budget... I said, let me tell you something. There is no budget when it comes to our military because we don't want the wrong people running up the front lawn of the White House.



Were these 'crumbs' of any sorts? Does he want us to look at a specific budget? Is there something in one of these budgets?


Remember when Trump's legal team w/ Giuliani had a press conference at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping?

The media ran this story as having been a fluke in having no access to a proper venue, however that same day I noticed something odd. When you go to their website you can notice that their previous works are made up of a total of 4 projects. The majority of them being relatively small, while one stood out as the Comcast Center. What is the address?

1701 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19103

I think this was particularly symbolic in this circle, and especially with something else being placed out in the public eye.

Vincent Fusca was located in PA at the same time and was seen as a poll watcher in a ballot processing area.


I thought that this was particularly interesting w/ the venue chosen referencing JFK and also [17]

What is also interesting is that the pin on his mask was one of Italy. Was this intentional? Was this because Italy was believed/known to have been involved in election interference?