Where I live soon the vaccine will be mandated. I have been preparing my "defense" for a few weeks now.
I found this curiosity; If you read this document:
You will find under Section 6.1 that two chemical compounds called "ALC-0315" and "ALC-0159" are contained in the comirnaty vaccine.
If you look at what those are, you end up at a company called "Echelon":
Now at the time of writing both of these links are broken, but I have found the tech sheets of both chemicals using the internet archive.
And in the tech sheets for both chemicals it specifically says: "For research purpose only! Not for human use!"
Maybe it helps someone out there. Maybe it will redpill some friends or family.
Check your own country... Weird.
My coworker told me just now his father got vaccinated yesterday afternoon and died shortly after getting up this morning. He was in his mid 50s. That's no age to die.
I am pretty sure quite a few coworkers will now not get the vaccine.
Yesterday, I talked to my normie friend for about an hour. The last time we talked was when the COVID-19 stuff had just kicked off.
Now, you have to understand, this man is hugely successful in business and has a PhD. And yet, he has always been part of the "thought system". He always voted left and consumes the leftist "elite" media. He has been anti-Trump ever since the 2016 election. As smart as he is, he could never see through the image he has of Trump. "He looks dumb. He makes his skin orange. His hair is funny. He speaks funny." Despite this guy being all about content and personal relationships in his work, he completely failed to understand the meaning of Trump's messages.
Ironically, we talked a bit about how bad things are in China for the Uyghurs... He did not make the connection to the world that is coming for us. "It is scary what the state does to some people!", is what he said. He mentioned some family members who are "COVID-deniers" and how this causes "problems" in the family. Of course it does, if you want everyone to be within your worldview and not an inch beyond or beside it!
He and his pregnant wife will go get the vaccine. I said his wife could easily wait until birth and then at least a few more months until the breastfeeding can be halted. Just to be safe. He replied: "Yes, that is sensible, but just this week more "data" came out!". Ah, the data. The holy data.
I did not engage any further. I felt there was absolutely nothing I could say that would help him. At what point do we give up? Do we just let these people learn for themselves?