Did a bit of digging, found on deepcapture.com which I think is owned by Patrick M. Byrne
This looks like the same dataset used in documentary, with timestamps, intrusion method, etc.
NOTE: Did a visual check against documentary, and their "Votes changed" column differs to the file I've linked to, but rest of the data looks good.
They're also saying Patrick may be claiming to actually be Q. This was based on an edit to his article.
i.e. “20 years ago I started a company called Overstock.com, my name is P-.”
Article changed "my name is P-." to "my name is -.".
Trump showing us who the clowns were. PM of Montenegro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xeCg0hCFiA
Seems a few things are pointing to something happening on 30th (or perhaps 31st). I place weight on the words of specific people, so do expect something...
If that "something" is the "Dark to Light", then I can only assume that this means the infrastructure, platforms, connections, agreements etc that have maintained this conspiracy for so long will be revealed in a series of explosive revelations released during the week. Ultimately, this must result in people realising beyond doubt the nature of their reality.
Certainly, if the above is true, then with impeachment commencing the week after, you would imagine huge public interest in testimony/evidence etc.
Is this in line with what others are thinking?
He also said Epstein is still alive.
Not sure I believe it, but given the amount of crazy things that are proving to be true of late, it's making me think about whether he's right.
Also, would give a different meaning to the "Epstein didn't kill himself" phrase that was making the rounds at the time.
user hellob posted YT link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UveK6y1DPto
Seems this is a copy of the data: https://www.deepcapture.com/wp-content/uploads/US-Election-Fraud-2020_General.xlsx
The spreadsheet is good, but really you need access to the raw logs, and most importantly, some kind of verification that they're authentic. It's a shame this information wasn't released alongside the documentary. If we had all the raw data, then I certainly could've done something with it.
Within the spreadsheet, if you look at the "SOURCE OWNER" column, you'll see that it will match with the whois description for that IP, so obviously all the work you're trying to do has already been done. May be worth randomly checking a few more to compare, but from the couple I checked, they're correct.
Also, maybe I'm wrong, but I think the trace route output is superfluous. I think the whois details is sufficient. Additionally, you'd need to anonymise/delete your own location there too to avoid giving your own location away.
Don't want to dissuade you, but the only extra value you're getting is the additional whois info that isn't in the spreadsheet....and that's probably already collected by the forensics team Mike Lindell paid for.