Yes, you are a pedophile, we understand that. You will rot in hell.
Another ironic post about being lied to. You're a weak troll.
Weak troll. Deporting is akin to punching you in the face which is preferable but not possible.
You support pedophiles and admit it. Your soul is lost.
You should probably kill yourself in minecraft then. More productive then dooming like a faggot.
Imagine being on the side of pedophiles.
You should probably kill yourself in minecraft.
So naive and so misinformed.
You have no idea what you are talking about. I feel sorry for your parents.
You have no idea what is going on in the world. Carry on.
Edit: The last person I would go to for advice would be someone who was raised in a cult. Doesn't it occur to you that you might be permanently damaged and unable to grasp reality? You are broken and can never be fixed.
Are you retarded?
You are projecting. You don't get paid to do this. You are just a sad person. I hope you find happiness one day.
So there are hundreds of shills here but none of them would upvote your shill post? No wonder you don't have a job.
Ever think maybe YOU'RE the delusional one?
No you haven't handshake. You'll never be a real woman.
This is it. Why spend time on these sites if you've won? Why wouldn't you just go on enjoying life...
The irony of this post is astonishing. Carry on dipshit.
I bought silver coins at the end of December