Why not consider seriously that this time of doubts, uncertainties with the "world leaders" is the period during which humanity is being tested? Trump was chosen by God, but he is human and has his limitations. By putting all our hopes in Trump is forgetting God. Trump is also being tested. Can he persevere? Can he remain righteous until the very last moment? Even God does not know. Poor Trump, he has one of the most difficult test to pass. If he will perseviere, then he will get his glory from God, but we also have to obtain our glory. By waking people up, remain righteous and put our faith in God, we are taking our paths, and we are also being tested, whether we persevere. Our fight is to help God to wake up all those who were "infected" by the evil. This is something God can not do, due to the Laws of Universe. The evil "infects", God can only "disinfect". As the evil can only use humans to do the evil work, God can only rely on humans too. If we do well, less lives will be destroyed, If we do not do anything, more lives will be destroyed by the evil. At the end God will have the last word, but how many lives could be taken? So there is a lot of work for all of you who know the truth, It will not be easy, as anything which can change the situation will not be easy, but the glory is at the end. In the meantime, we can accumulate "good grades' for the final evaluation by helping God to save more lives. Reveal the truth everyday to everyone you meet.
Jiang Zemin, ex president is the bad guy behind. He is still alive with organ transplants and other evil methods; Bush, Clinton, Obama were his "friends". Xi does not seem to be able to get rid of Jiang who has the military, secret service, law enforcement, judicial, education and diplomatic people under his control. Like Trump, Xi had only problems and also attempts on his life. Maybe Xi is also acting, and if he really is acting, then Trump must have helped him and is still helping him. God chose Trump not only for America but also for the world. rump knows that if he cleans up America, he needs to clean up China. We want a new world, that is the only way. God wants a new "reset" and it will be magnificent. Communism must be eradicated for good. Whether Xi is acting or he is with Jiang, no one could know now. But when there are rumors, there must be some truth.
The Chinese you put is not legible, they are not proper characters. There are also two type of characters: the simplified Chinese and the traditional Chinese, represented by Big 5, GB2312, UTF8 and ISO8859 character set. It depends on the original type used and you have to match it to your computer. I only know that I need to choose one so the Chinese can be reflected correctly.
CCP does it too in China. More children are missing in China than any other country. Hundreds of thousands of demon were born as humans.