Don’t post often. However just saw a post about taco bell not allowing whites into their mba program or some crap. So ive been saying this to people for a while that a good thing coming out of all this covid crap has been forcing free thinkers out of comfy corporate jobs into starting there own business whether that’s a competing business or inventing something new. So this whole exclusion of whites from mba programs for these corporate hell holes is a great thing long term. It will force the most creative to go out on their own and start their own company or create a new product. I worked in a corporate job for 10 years made great money but hated it. I know I could of stuck it out and kept making money but said nope I’m done and struck out on my own and started my own business and couldn’t be happier. Anyways just some thoughts on how this exodus from corporate world will help us all as a country and our communities down the road. I think it’s all part of this whole great awakening.