I'm not sleeping till the 3am "votes" are counted. Anyone else?
Preface: I am not an economist, nor am I particularly smart.
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Trump wins in November. Let's also assume that he manages to enact all the various economic policies he's proposing:
- Reducing the size & scope of government
- Bringing jobs back to America by reducing corporate taxes for business making American goods
- Increased taxes (tariffs) for goods made outside America
- Various tax breaks for individuals (no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, etc.)
It seems to me like the tariffs will hit as soon as the law is put in place, whereas the tax breaks won't show until the next tax season. Reviving American manufacturing will take a few years, minimum; until then, the prices for things like semiconductors will be higher, since they're made outside the country.
To be clear, I'm not saying these are bad ideas -- I do think it will benefit the economy in the long term. I just want to know if I should prepare for a short-term crunch, or if I'm reading the tea leaves wrong.
For the sake of argument, let's say that Trump wins 2024 and completes his mission to drain the Swamp. Who do you envision as the right person to carry on his legacy? I've been thinking about this question, but I can't seem to find a satisfactory answer:
Ron Desantis: A year ago he would've been the obvious answer. Now that he's the favorite for Bushite billionaire donors and anti-Trump pundits, I'm not so sure.
Don Jr: He's a good man and has certainly seen his fair share of hardship. However, I dislike the principle of political "dynasties" -- no offense to the guy.
Current GOP: I find some tolerable, like Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, or Ben Carson. But if Trump is really going after the Swamp, sooner or later these guys are going to get implicated, and they'll turn against MAGA. (If I'm wrong, I'll be pleasantly surprised.)
Up-and-coming GOP: I have nothing but support for people like Kari Lake, but I'm not sure she's ready for the Big Chair just yet. I'd like to see her be a governor first.
I'm sure some of you have given this consideration, and I value your opinions. What are your thoughts? Is there someone I've overlooked?
Let me start with this: I like the 2A. Guns are great for hunting, self-defense, preserving American culture, and giving the finger to globalists. But of course, none of those things are the stated purpose of the 2nd Amendment.
The 2A’s purpose is to provide “the security of a free State”. (Let’s put aside for the moment the fact that we don’t have a “free State” in the truest sense.) In 5th generational warfare, the primary threat is information. Furthermore, unless Q and the “white hats” completely lose control, it’s unlikely that the current political divide will go hot. Given these points, wouldn’t it make more sense to spend time behind a keyboard than behind a trigger?
I ask that you please respect my identity and be patient with me, as I have autism (self-diagnosed).
Quick backstory - new user, lurked since 2020. Redpilled on vaccines by my based mom, who has been researching this stuff far longer than I have.
Over the past year, I've heard a lot of claims about the Covid-19 vaccines. I'd like to organize everything I know so far in one post and get some feedback from y'all: What's true? What's false/debunked? Anything I'm missing?
(1) Profit: For Pfizer et al., and probably kickbacks for politicians like Trudeau for ordering massive batches of an easily expiring vaccine up front.
(2) Social Control: For noncompliant citizens, alongside mask mandates and lockdowns. Also for noncompliant countries - I remember stories posted here about certain leaders mysteriously dying after refusing to distribute the vaccine.
What I don't get is WHY they want social control. Is it just an authoritarian ego trip, or is there some other goal in mind?
(3) Side Effects: In the short term, some people get cardiovascular issues like myocarditis and blood clots, even from non-mRNA vaccines (AZ, J&J). As to why these occur - it might be endemic to Covid-19 itself? No empirical data on long-term effects (for obvious reasons).
(4) Stuff in the Vaccines: I've heard about a bunch, including (4a) Luciferase: Emerald Robinson's claim. Has another source confirmed this? Furthermore, is this indicative of nefarious activity, or merely evidence that Covid was made in a lab? (4b) Parasites: Multiple accounts - Polypodium, Trypanosoma, amoeba, etc. Fringe cases, or representatives of a trend? (4c) Graphene Oxide: First heard from a Spanish lab. Mechanism of action explained by German doctor. (4d) Ferromagnetic Material: The "magnet stick" theory. I'm not convinced since it's largely anecdotal evidence, but what do y'all think?
I get that two things can be true at once, but do the vaccines really contain luciferase AND parasites AND graphene oxide? Or are these local cases of accidental (or maybe purposeful) contamination?
(5) Mass Depopulation: Some elites support this (Bill Gates, Georgia Guidestones), but is it just a fringe, or is there evidence that they all support it? What mechanism of action will they use? (5a) Antibody-Dependent Enhancement / "Leaky Vax": Popular theory last fall, but Covid variants haven't become like Marek's - yet. (5b) Mass Microscopic Blood Clots: Saw a video on it - forgot the Dr.'s name. He said people were slowly losing cardio function from microscopic clots in capillaries. I thought it was a good theory, but I haven't seen any follow-ups to it since. (5c) Sterilization: This theory makes the most sense to me, but I've also seen the least evidence for it (one admittedly well-informed 4chan post).
Is this another case where two things can be true at once? Or are some of these theories bogus?
(6) Shedding: I've heard lots of anecdotal evidence, but have any medical professionals supported this theory or proposed a mechanism?
(7) End Times Connection: Apocalypse datefagging has been around since the ancient Mayans. My opinion is that Covid is a "free trial" run to get people accustomed to the real deal when it shows up. But I'd love to hear y'all's opinions.
Once again, any opinions, evidence, etc. you want to offer are appreciated. I'm here to learn, and you guys make good teachers. Thanks.