Salt Megathread (www.reddit.com)
posted ago by magavoices ago by magavoices

I saw this post today attributed to Jack Posobiec tweeting about the Sound of Freedom movie: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bimWAo9E/this-is-unreal-jackposobiecw/c/

The irony is that Jack Posobiec, along with Alex Jones, are the biggest gatekeepers for child trafficking out there.



In the since-deleted tweet above, Jack said this:

Russiagate, Melaniagate, Pizzagate, and Tucsongate are all examples of mass hysteria, from both left and right. We've consistently called them out since 2016 and will continue to do so

He said if you believe in Pizzagate or Tucsongate, you fell for mass hysteria, i.e. you're delusional because Pizzagate never happened and the child trafficking camp in Tucson Arizona never happened.

The entire push by media regarding pizzagate back in 2016 was to change its real meaning (elites around the world trafficking and sexually abusing children and referencing them with pizza-related code terms) into a fake framing of the issue (it's not worldwide, it's only one single pizza joint in DC named Comet Pizza, where it supposedly has a basement but the basement doesn't exist).

Jack, along with Alex Jones, was a gatekeeper helping to invoke that changed meaning of pizzagate.

The "Tucsongate" he's referring to was about: Back in 2018 there was a child trafficking camp found in Tucscon Arizona with child restraints found on trees of property owned by the Cemex company.

Jack got himself in front of the story so that he could ultimately call it a hoax.


Have looked into this and can report there is no hard evidence this site in Tucson was used for child trafficking, the same as I reported there was no evidence for Comet Pizza. Appears to be another example of mass hysteria.

Here is a great, extensively sourced article on the subject: https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/10/09/child-trafficking-part-1-tucson-child-trafficking-camp/

Then there's Wayfair. We all know about how Wayfair sold rugs and other high-end items super expensive, where the items had the names of missing children (the implication was that Wayfair was being used to traffic those children).

Jack called it a Hoax: https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1285339013650493441

Now the Wayfair hoax is making it harder to fight actual child trafficking

Keep in mind, when you see Jack Posobiec credited for news or linked as a news source, what a complete Mossad piece of shit pro-child-trafficking influencer and gatekeeper he is.


We've decided to try to have more children and just realized our attempts were successful.

My oldest are 9, 11 and 12 and they got whatever the recommended childhood vaccinations are (mumps, measles, etc). I'm unaware of any issues the previous vaccinations may have caused, they have always been healthy.

After what has happened, I'm aware and concerned about all vaccinations. Is the general consensus here that all vaccinations are potentially dangerous? Can we safely avoid all vaccinations of any kind, including the common childhood vaccines?

DATEFAGGING (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by magavoices ago by magavoices

Just putting 2 and 2 together.

Yesterday there was this thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZE4h2ysD/i-want-to-be-clear-this-is-an-in/ "I want to be clear. This is an investigation of Joe Biden."

Today there was this thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZE4iBvA1/disgraced-ftx-founder-donated-to/c/ "Disgraced FTX Founder Donated to Six RINOS Who Voted to Impeach Trump".

One of the six RINOs who received funding from FTX was Bill Cassidy, who voted to impeach Trump.

Bill Cassidy is one of the 31 senate republicans who requested that Joe Biden be investigated. https://www.cassidy.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/cassidy-cornyn-31-senate-republicans-call-for-hunter-biden-prosecutor-to-be-given-special-counsel-authority

So ...

Bill Cassidy, RINO senator who received funding from FTX for impeaching Trump, signed the letter to go after Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.

Why? I'll post one of my theories below but for the most part the investigation into Biden probably isn't as good as originally thought.

You know military is the only way, yet somehow you envisioned Trump coming out on stage tonight, perhaps announcing the arrest of congress and the current sitting POTUS.

Arm's Length:

“Arm's length” is an expression which is commonly used to refer to transactions in which two or more unrelated and unaffiliated parties agree to do business, acting independently and in their self-interest.

Optically, Trump shouldn't even be in the same hemisphere as an independent US military intelligence apparatus initiates the arrest of bad actors.

Because that's how countries operate that are not Banana Republics.

Why did Trump fight with Sessions? To create a visual arm's length between Trump and people who are executing the plan.

Why did Trump fight with Barr? To create a visual arm's length between Trump and key people who are executing the plan.

When it happens, it can't look politically motivated. Trump will probably not be in the forefront on the day of mass arrests.


After almost two years of not posting, we have a few "new" Q posts. There were a few in June and then the recent one.

These posts are without deltas that I'm aware of, meaning Trump didn't coordinate with these Q posts by posting a minute after Q's post.

These posts seem to come and go like they make no difference at all. They're an afterthought, after we've all been in the frontlines researching about Ukraine entirely on our own for months if not years, asking these basic questions like "What groups are financing Ukraine?" comes off as almost an insult.

The pacing makes little to no sense. 3 posts in June, but nothing for a year and a half prior? 3 posts in June, but nothing else through November? You would think, if there's only going to be 4 posts in almost 2 years, that they would at least have substance to them.

On the heels of the June posts there was alot of drama questioning whether the new Q posts were legitimate. From what I recall, people accused Jim Watkins of changing the salt for generating tripcodes, locking Q out. There were some posts (without tripcodes) of sequential deltas where posts were coordinated with Trump posting, and then this individual who established the deltas claimed the board was compromised and Q was locked out.

Common sense would dictate that if Q hadn't post in 2 years, the plan called for stopping all communication (perhaps something to do with laws of war). Another reason to not post at all in years is we already have everything and Q's communication with us came to an end. Why then are there 4 new posts? They don't fit.

Q is fully able to confirm themselves beyond a shadow of doubt. Their tripcode was compromised in the past, they reaffirmed themselves with sequential photos over North Korea, sequential to prior ones posted. They can confirm themselves with deltas -- it's literally the simplest thing to do in the world. Right now, Trump is confirming past Q posts like there's no tomorrow (like the recent one saying "plus" three times with a delta of a Q post with three +++ in it).

Confirmation is easy to come by and handed out like candy by Trump.

But not Q. No deltas. No confirmations. No explanation why gone so long other than "had to be this way", but then skipping many months between June and November -- why did that pause have to "be that way"? What special thing happened between June and November allowed Q to post in June but then skip 5 months to post again?

I don't believe the current Q posts from June onward are actually Q, and I won't until there's at least a delta or another proof offered.


This is my rant against those pushing the "Khazarian Mafia" narrative.

There's a group of patriots worldwide who are ready to hang the world's elites and their minions. Every day, more patriots join the fold, and every day we get more angry at this globalist group. These elites need no explanation, we already know who they are. But, for the sake of this post, I'll outline who they are in exact detail.

  • Most actors, who became famous by being given parts because elites have kompromat on them.

  • Most politicians, who were ushered in by dominion because they've been ordained to win (because elites who control dominion have kompromat on them).

  • Most leadership of large companies that have boards of directors (because the CIA infiltrated them and installed their own as directors).

  • All leadership of NGOs that are given public tax dollars, as a money-laundering operation, who are controlled via kompromat or ideology.

  • Most leadership of colleges which have been infiltrated by communists, brainwashing youth on behalf of elites.

  • Most leadership of healthcare, from administration to doctors, who are knowingly pushing worldwide depopulation goals of elites, controlled by threat to their livelihood if they don't comply.

There are probably tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of individuals who are involved in this massive group. What they share in common is being compelled to do the bidding of the globalist elite, either from kompromat (pictures of them having sex with children) or bribery.

These tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals are receiving their orders from somewhere. From face value what is knowable from observing the news, and from reading Q posts and all the research available out there, we pretty much know exactly who this top-rung of elitists are.

They are the Bilderbergs, including specific named individuals and families such as Rothschild, Soros, Vanderbilt, other banking families, the WEF, and the CFR. We don't speak much about the Saudis, because Trump/Q neutralized them early-on, but also the house of Saud, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and the Muslim brotherhood who funded and propped-up Obama.

Nothing above is surprising to anyone, or even controversial. At most, perhaps I didn't name someone you think should be listed, and for the most part I probably would agree with anyone you suggest ... the list isn't fully inclusive.

But for the most part, above is who we're up against. We know exactly who they are. There is no doubt, no confusion, no contention.

Then enter those pushing the Khazarian Mafia narrative.

Their main goal is to convince you that the people above either 1) are the same ethnic group, or 2) don't belong to that ethnic group so they aren't important.

But there's more.

They also are very fond of Naziism, and will go out of their way to tell you how Hitler was a good person and was only protecting his nation of Christians who were fighting against the evil Khazarian Mafia.

Who are the Khazarians, according to those who push this narrative? They can't decide. Some think they're Jews. Some think they hide among Jews, but aren't really Jews. Some think they're mostly Jews. Being vague is key, because if they insist they are all Jews then their posts get removed and they risk getting banned.

Those pushing the Khazarian Mafia narrative bring nothing to the table. They aren't pointing their fingers at unknown bad guys. They're re-branding the known bad guys, from the list above that we already know about to convince you that they are from some extremely vague ethnicity.


The end result of listening to the arguments of those pushing this narrative, over the span of nearly three years now, is that they are not interested in the bad things that elites have done. Bringing them to justice is not their goal. They have one goal, that is to convince you of the ethnicity of these bad guys, while being as vague about that ethnicity as they possibly can.

Those pushing this narrative would define Khazarians as such: "From the area of Ukraine". "Not Jews, but they look like Jews because they've labeled themselves as Jews, so all the bad sterotypes you think are Jews are actually Khazarians".

Now, keep in mind, you already know who all the bad guys are. Why would you need to be convinced they're from Ukraine? Why would you need to be convinced they look like Jews? How does this information help you bring the bad guys to justice?

It doesn't.

If there is evidence that someone engaged in child trafficking, then they go to jail or get hanged for child trafficking. Their ethnicity is irrelevant.

If someone laundered billions of dollars through an NGO back into their bank account, you already know who they are and can bring them to justice. Their ethnicity is irrelevant.

Out in the wild, if you start talking about muh "Khazarian Mafia", nobody knows what you're talking about. This brings me to one of the original threads back on Voat that I saw discussing the Khazarian Mafia a long time ago.


I have slowly been red pilling a few family members and a friend by telling them how worried I am about the "Khazarian Mafia." Of course they have no idea what Khazaria is but listen to all my stories of how horrible these people are... I simply say it's an ancient country near Russia... I never mention "jew." I am hoping once they are hooked and start to research further they will make the connection to the jews... seems to be working but will have to see.

People who use the term "Khazarian Mafia" would gladly be calling them all Jews if they thought they can get away with it. But they know they can't, that they'll get their posts deleted and probably get banned. So instead, they use "Khazarian" as a synonym for Jews.

I've noticed a thing or two about all the people who push the Khazarian Mafia narrative. They all seem to hate Trump. Just now, there is a pro-Khazaraian Mafia narrative post that is stickied:


Linking to this article:


Scroll down and look at the image with Trump in it:


An image of Trump with a 6-star brooch and an unflattering face.

Those who push the Khazarian Mafia narrative the hardest absolutely hate Trump. Because Trump has Khazarian (oops I mean Jewish) children. They hate Trump as much as your average democrat. Perhaps they are democrats?

The stickied article listed above makes all kinds of arguments that are pro-Hitler.

Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and beneficial to the working class.

Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world

The gist of it is this: Hiter was good because Hitler was against the same people we're against.

Why am I posting this thread?

Because I am disgusted by Hitler and the Nazi party. They are the enemy. Read some Q posts, many are about how evil Naziism is and how they endured to this day through project paperclip. Soros was/is a Nazi. CNN's Anderson Cooper's Vanderbilt mother wore Nazi symbolism (search for the Q post yourself). Naziism and Communism are two sides of the same coin.

All the bad guys in Ukraine right now? Actual Nazis. Many want you to think they're "Khazarian" aka "Jews", but those Nazi troops hate Jews just as much as they do.

Hitler and Naziism are the two worst brands in history. Everyone in the US has been taught to hate Nazis from their youth. Imagine the average newcomer-to-Q landing on the front page and finding pro-Naziism rhetoric -- they would (rightly) be disgusted and leave, never to come back.

Like I said in the beginning, there is already a large group of patriots who hate everyone listed at the top of this post. Re-labeling that list as "Khazarians" and making people accept Naziism as a redpill in order to hold that list accountable is outrageous and ridiculous.

Enough with the Khazarian Mafiatardism around here. It serves no purpose other than to promote Naziism. It identifies nobody that hasn't already been identified. Hitler and Naziism sucks.


Was just watching a Daily Dose of Internet and saw a self-driving cargo truck that was "just authorized by the US government to operate on roads".


I always thought these self-driving trucks were bad because they destroy jobs and are likely dangerous.

My first thought when I saw this in the video was, "There's no way people will accept the dangers of this and the jobs it destroys".

But there's been the supply chain problems that would make self-driving trucks more palatable to people, accepting it as the lesser of 2 evils.

Which might just be the entire reason behind the supply chain crisis in the first place, to create justification for self-driving cargo vehicles?


I have a relative who, despite my pleading to not get vaccinated, ended up taking it anyway (under duress, she would have lost her job otherwise).

The relative is fainting, headache and bad ear infection and health generally deteriorating over time.

I recall seeing a regimen to follow to mitigate the effects here before, but now I can't seem to find it. What kind of medication or vitamins may help?


There is a psyop going on here at GA. Have you heard the word "Khazarian" lately?

It's the fancy new word being used to describe Putin's foe in Ukraine.

If you search greatawakening.win using custom date range on google, between February 1st 2021 to Feb. 1 2022, you'll see the term was used a grand total of 11 times, and most of those are from the same thread.

After February 1st, 2022, there are 1150 pages with the word Khazarian.

Why the sudden influx of using this term?

West Ukraine is filled with Nazis. Actual Nazis. We've been discussing this ever since Putin started his targeted attacks against Ukraine.

Here's a little sauce on that.


Above, the Guardian does a piece on the "brave women" fighting for Ukraine. If you scroll down, the 4th image down has a woman standing in front of a van with 1488 painted on the side. The 14 = the Nazi 14 words, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". The 88 = gematrial HH, or Heil Hitler.

Below is a video from shortly after the coup in 2014, where Nazis took over Kyiv.


I queued the video where the Nazis are marching through the streets, some wearing Waffen SS Nazi armbands.

Western Ukraine declared a holiday for Nazi "war hero" Stepan Bandera.


So we all recognize that Putin is fighting against the Nazis in West Ukraine. This created a dilemma for the small but vocal group who frequents GA and loves to blame Jews for everything.

These Western Ukrainians Nazis are their ideological counterparts. It makes it difficult for them to even participate in discussion involving Ukraine.

So they are rebranding the Nazis of Western Ukraine as "Khazarian". Why? Because the Khazarians were jews. This way, they get to speak badly of the Western Ukrainian Nazis without besmirching their precious Hitler, whom they still hold dear to their heart.


Hitler sympathizers here at GA don't like you hating on Nazis of Western Ukraine, so they rebranded the Nazis of Western Ukraine to "Khazarian", which is a synonym for Jews.


"Q as AI" is being pushed heavily here. We're getting a sticky every day saying Q is AI. Here is the opposing opinion of why Q is not AI.

Q says that everything posted has purpose, that nothing is random.

Q post #4833 (Nothing is random. Everything has meaning.) #2004 (Everything stated has meaning.) #1676 (Everything has meaning.) #1633 (Everything stated has meaning.) #1450 (Everything shown has meaning.) #900 (Everything has meaning.) #968 (Everything has meaning.) #886 (Everything has meaning.) #1732 (Everything stated has a purpose.) #797 (Everything has meaning or a purpose.) ... the list goes on, but I think the point is made.

Q explicitly does not want to be characterized as AI.

AI would not make spelling mistakes. Neither would military intelligence. The phrase "military precision" comes from just that, the military being precise. There is no way Q made so many spelling mistakes unless there was a reason. As Q said above, "everything has meaning or a purpose".

The purpose of Q making so many mistakes is to prove they are not AI. This is going to seem tedius, but I'm going to list many instances below where Q made human error. Tell me if this looks like AI making these posts:


On the move. Misspelled. Don't analyze.


Spelling error by mistake. On the move.


Not seeing an error now. Long night.


Spelling error by mistake. On the move.


Swap 'we' for 'you'. On the move.


Disregard any misspelling. On the move.


Insert 'info' between critical & from. On the move.


Country vs "county". Error made. Always on the move.


Disregard all spelling/other errors. On the move.


Disregard spelling error. On the move.


'STRIKE'. On the move. (replying to post where Q said SRIKE)


Correction. 'Squall.' On the move.


Correction 2. 'Your.' On the move - long night.


Error 'was' x2. On the move.


'War[e]fare' misspelling unintentional. On the move.


[ing] error. On the move.


Error made. Swap "of" w/ "in." Long day.


Correction: Could not have been taken post_2016. Think 2015. Long day.

There are more mistakes made by Q, but the point is made. The best artificial intelligence software available wouldn't be making spelling and other grammar mistakes.

Q made all the above easily searchable by including "On the move" or "long day". Both are human characteristics, computer software would not be "on the move" and computer software wouldn't be fatigued by a "long day".

I would also argue a military intelligence operation as important as Q would also not make spelling mistakes. The mistakes are intentional for the purpose of demonstrating that Q is NOT AI.

Q says who they are

The Q operation is characterized as people, less than 10 and only 3 non-military.


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (LESS THAN 10 people) only three are non-military.

Q expresses themselves as human beings with emotions


How was your easter Q?

We had a good laugh.

(The post was about Roseanne Barr's TV show).

At this point, I've made my point about Q not being AI. I'm not saying that Q doesn't use AI. I would venture to say military intelligence probably does use AI as one of many tools in their decision making process. But that's a far cry from saying Q IS AI.

But now, let's talk about the ramifications of promoting Q as AI in the Q community.

You are already programmed to hate AI

In the terminator movies, who is the villain? AI. There are many themes in society today depicting AI as dangerous. Elon Musk warned that AI can create an "Immortal Dictator". He warned "the development of superintelligence could result in a form of artificial intelligence that can govern the world".

All the algorithms that are currently censoring you, they are AI. The Chinese social credit system that they're currently trying to impose on the west is an example of AI.

You are already predisposed to reject AI because of the social programming you have received.

Therefore, presenting Q as AI is designed to have a chilling effect. Before, Q consisted of military intelligence patriots serving their country. These all have positive connotations, patriots = positive, military = positive. The psyop would be taking what you already know, trust and love (military patriots) and converting it into the uncanny valley. This "Q is AI" psyop literally dehumanizes Q, it devolves Q from what you love into what you're already socially programmed to hate -- impersonal, inhuman algorithms.

There is no benefit to promoting Q as AI

Above I list the dangers of promoting Q as AI. But what are the benefits?

I was never interested in following Q, but now that I've been convinced that Q is AI, I really want to know all there is about it. - Said no one, ever.

Even if this "Q is AI" push that is happening is successful and 100% of the people at GA suddenly accept that Q is AI, nothing changes. You are not one more step toward becoming free. It is quite literally a meaningless factoid. It only has potential for stirring concern, I fail to see how it could possibly stir excitement or enthusiasm.

Be honest, if you had to sit down in a vehicle and trust AI to drive you from point-A to point-B, you would probably crap yourself. It does not instil confidence, it does just the opposite.

Of course, all the above is my opinion and everyone is free to come to their own conclusions.

I will say this though. Q went out of their way to establish that they err and they are human. I think it is safe to say that Q disapproves being characterized as AI.



The Saker has been a source of pro-Russia, pro-Eastern Ukraine, anti-Western-Ukrainian news coming from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions since the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Their comment sections are filled with people living in or reporting on the status of Eastern Ukraine.

Of course, all the information is posted from the bias of Eastern Ukraine.

Example of a good information thread about what is going on in Ukraine right now: http://thesaker.is/the-situation-is-about-to-quickly-escalate-probably-in-the-next-days/

Summary, Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk regions as their own republics for the first time, then outlines steps Ukraine must take to avoid direct Russia action:

Putin said in his speech:

  • The Ukraine must recognize Crimea and Sevastopol as Russian territory
  • The Ukraine must officially renounce joining NATO
  • The Ukraine must negotiate a settlement with the LDNR Republics
  • The Ukraine must be demilitarized and declared neutral

The site is essential if you want to dive deep into what is going on in Ukraine right now.

the vax made you sick and the test says you have hiv - false positive! (media.greatawakening.win) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
posted ago by magavoices ago by magavoices

The entire medical profession has been subjected to a form of MK Ultra mind control.

It takes between 11 and 13 years to become a doctor. During this period of time, they are forced to work 80 hour weeks.

After they have graduated, it can take another 13 to 25 years to repay their loans.

In for a penny, in for a pound. The system has them by the balls.

Imagine suffering that level of hazing for a decade or two, being in debt for another decade and then throwing it all away to do what is right, guaranteeing you'll be in debt forever.

The system is designed to churn out slaves that will do exactly what their industry tells them to do, promote all the risky pharmaceuticals they're told to promote and turn a blind eye when it becomes obvious people are getting sick and dying.

neigh (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by magavoices ago by magavoices

I know many people have probably already seen this, but in case you haven't ...


Deadzone was a popular TV show, the premise was a guy who got visions by touching things. In this episode, he gets a revelation and predicts

  • a coronavirus
  • comes from China
  • lockdowns
  • curable by hydroxychloroquine
  • gets mocked because it's an antimalarial drug, says it's still the cure

The above link isn't the full episode but it covers much of what happened.


If you hang out here, undoubtedly you've seen one of the many posts that either outright praises Jack Posobiec (such as the current #1 unsticked post here https://greatawakening.win/p/12igmKYEx4/bold-post-from-posobiec/c/ [Bold Post from Posobiec], or simply use him as a mediary when linking to other news (i.e. posting Jack when Jack is merely posting a link to reuters or some other news, such as here https://greatawakening.win/p/12igmKWruC/at-least-90000-confiscated-from-/).

So here's a top 10 list of why you should stop linking to Jack Posobiec.

#1) Jack Posobiec is a Mossad asset


#2) Jack Posobiec forged a chat with a friend of his called "microchip" that attempted to prove that Q is his friend and that Q is a fraud.


In the above link you'll see Q proving that Jack Posobiec forged a discord chat with "microchip". You can tell its forged because it uses stock Apple iphone images and that it links to a Breitbart article that hadn't even been published yet.

#3) Jack Posobiec attempts to deceive autists

from https://qalerts.app/?n=2124

Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL.

#4) Jack Posobiec is only doing it for money

from https://qalerts.app/?n=2124

We are a threat to their livelihood [+CLAS].

#5) Jack Posobiec attempted to corrupt OANN

Do not let their attempts corrupt GOOD organizations.

Think OANN.

#6) Jack Posobiec wants to divide us

from https://qalerts.app/?n=2124

They (referring to AJ associates) want you DIVIDED.

#7) Jack Posobiec was caught on June 13, 2017, tweeting from CIA headquarters.

from https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/10/09/child-trafficking-part-1-tucson-child-trafficking-camp/

Jack Posobiec was caught on 2017 Jun 13 tweeting from the CIA headquarters, indicating a CIA connection, so lets just say he has issues regarding trustworthiness.


The tweet is still on archive.org


4:51 PM - 13 Jun 2017 from George H.W. Bush Center For Intelligence (CIA Headquarters)

#8) Jack Posobiec is still on twitter.

With all the attacks on conservatives and the great purge of them from twitter, HOW is Jack Posobiec still on there?

#9) Jack Posobiec protects child traffickers

Jack mocks anyone who suggests Wayfare was child trafficking

Now the Wayfair hoax is making it harder to fight actual child trafficking


#10) Jack and the Cemex Child Trafficking Camp incident

Back in 2018 there was a child trafficking camp found in Tucscon Arizona with child restraints found on trees of property owned by the Cemex company.

Here is a great, extensively sourced article on the subject: https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/10/09/child-trafficking-part-1-tucson-child-trafficking-camp/

In summary, from that article


Then suddenly on June 8th, in an extraordinary U-turn, several people started to brief that it was not a child trafficking camp. Craig Sawyer, Alex Jones /Infowars, Jack Posobiec, An Open Secret/Gabe Hoffman and Revenge of the Cis all started to attack Lewis Arthur and Veterans on Patrol

Out of nowhere, they started insisting that it was a hoax and mocking anyone who suggested otherwise. What made Jack Posobiec so certain that child trafficking never happened on that camp that Cemex bulldozed? Did he have a crystal ball and was able to see in the past, every minute of the camp's existance?


Jack posobiec hates you. He hates Q followers. He hates Q. He mocked you every chance he got and made it his mission to destroy Q's message.

He's a gatekeeper. He pretends to be against child sex trafficking so when you start sniffing too close to home (Wayfare, child sex trafficking camps), he can mock those who take that position so as to controll discourse, limit discourse, on topics his masters don't want you to know about.


I see many people posting links to news through Jack Posobiec's twitter feed. He, and many other Alex Jones associates (including AJ himself) are against Q and work to undermine us.


In the above, Q was responding to this:


…you're telling me Q just posted again.

Bu-bu-but Micro told me he was ending the LARP.

I feel so used….so ass-fucked (wipes tears)

The post was mocking Jack Posobiec, because he said he knew who Q was (someone called microchip). He said microchip did it as a prank, and the whole Q movement was spawned from that prank.

Not to mention, Alex Jones himself said he knew who Q was (that he went golfing with Q). He came up with his own version of Q, he called "Zach". He tried to play this Zach off as his own government insider while he tried to say Q was fake.

In Q #2089 Q said this:

Ask yourself a (simple) logical question…

Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?

Why are we a threat to them?

Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility?

Why was this done in the past?

We knew this type of "attack" was coming.





In Q #2124, Q dismantled Jack Posobiec's lie about microchip being Q. He did this by highlighting in the chat logs Jack provided where they linked to a breitbart article that was posted in the future, as well as it using apple stock images to show the cellphone pictured was using Apple stock images.


This isn't the only reason you should distrust Jack Posobiec. Does anyone remember back in 2018 there was a child trafficking camp found on Cemex property in Arizona? It had straps attached to trees at child-height and the camp was believed to be used for child trafficking.

Jack Posobiec jumped on it to make clear to everyone that the camp was never used for child trafficking and branded anyone who thought so as a conspiracy theorist.

He's preaching that Wayfair was only a hoax:


That's his purpose. He's there to blow flowers in your ears and make you think he's the #1 patriot until it's time to lead you into a different direction on a topic. In psychology, that's called "pace and leading", where someone first mimics you so you become comfortable with them, so that you are more inclined to change your mind when this like-minded person asks you to.

Jack Posobiec is a traitor and should be hung with the rest of the cabal.


The final Q post so far, 4953:


Links to this video:


With the sound track "We're Not Gonna Take It".

Today, December 28, this was posted:


It's a video of GEOTUS Trump and Trump Jr. singing "We're Not Gonna Take It" on stage with Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider.