mjc85 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree. Look at it this way.

The Catholic church was good. The GOP was good. The NRA was good. The Salvation Army was good. The Boy/Girl scouts were good. The YMCA was good.

Because of that.....they attracted people who believe. With enough people, the organizations then had wealth and influence.

They became a source of power, for those who control that wealth and influence.

Unfortunately that ALWAYS attracts exactly the wrong type of people (sociopaths) to seek (and often attain!) leadership and control over the organizations for personal, and corrupt, purposes.

mjc85 1 point ago +1 / -0


"Stippling, also known as 'pointillism', is a type of drawing that involves creating shapes and images by making many small dots on a piece of paper. Similar to creating real-life 'pixels', stippling is an interesting, albeit time-consuming, form of drawing that can be practiced by children and adults alike. If you're looking for a new challenge ..."

His skin was full of dots from unburnt solids in the powder....

mjc85 2 points ago +2 / -0

"DEF: "Define stippling?" Det. " you're putting me on the spot here." DEF." Rosenbaum had stippling right"? Det. " correct." DEF: "on hand"? Det. " I need to see the autopsy to remember.""

He could just be stumbling through life. From his testimony.....he can't define something, then said the perp had it, and then couldn't say where.

If he sold his soul, fuck him.....

mjc85 4 points ago +4 / -0


Jenner's original smallpox preventative inoculation used cowpox. Over the years (now 2 centuries), different countries cultivated different 'smallpox vaccine' cultures. The histories of those lines have become partially lost over time.

Forensic research has shown that the US smallpox variolae vaccinia line is 99.7% similar to endemic horsepox, while being unique from both cowpox and horsepox.

It became it's own unique organism over 2 centuries of cultivation as a preventative for smallpox.

But historically cowpox, horsepox, and 'variolae vaccinia' (the US developed/cultured, horsepox based 'vaccine' organism) all provided protection from smallpox.

Also, historically, certain people (particularly those with eczema) were often KILLED by exposure to either horsepox, cowpox, or the 'smallpox vaccine' (variolae vaccinia).

So do your research before 'Go milk some cows. I'm dead serious. Expose yourself to cowpox.' Because if you're immune compromised or have a history of eczema.......that can get you killed.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eczema_vaccinatum - "Eczema vaccinatum is a rare severe adverse reaction to smallpox vaccination. It is characterized by serious local or disseminated, umbilicated, vesicular, crusting skin rashes in the face, neck, chest, abdomen, upper limbs and hands, caused by widespread infection of the skin in people with previous diagnosed skin conditions such as eczema or atopic dermatitis, even if the conditions are not active at the time."

by BQnita
mjc85 3 points ago +3 / -0

Note that Dr. Malone did not need to ask 'what are they afraid of'. He understands.....and merely pointed out it is 'fascinating', which it is.