⚠️Some links may contain graphic disputable content⚠️ I was replying to a comment and checked google to make sure I was spelling Cannibalism correctly. It automatically populates (in Haiti). I still can’t believe the amount of videos and news articles about Cannibalism in Haiti is on Google. Notorious for hiding the truth and it’s there and apparently trending on social media. I have linked a few websites. There’s just too many to list and they are mostly saying the same thing. I didn’t link videos because I haven’t had the chance to watch any yet.

NY Post: Gang leader named ‘Barbecue’ is now most powerful man in Haiti — as US evacuates Americans


The Cannibalism Trial That Shook Haiti

Geffrard, who was a Catholic, took office in 1859 and immediately went to work stamping out the occult practices that had been allowed to flourish under Soulouque. He ordered the destruction of Voodoo temples and altars and the arrest of those suspected of cannibalism.


US Cannibals in Haiti

In 2004, a group of murderous gangsters who called themselves The Cannibals led an insurrection against Haiti’s first democratically elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. US President George W. Bush immediately, swiftly sided with The Cannibals, now renamed, more palatably, “The National Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Haiti.”

Bush sent 1,000 US Marines who, like the assassins last week, broke into the quarters of the newly-elected President and, according to a frantic call from his wife to a US Congresswoman, seized Aristide and gave him a choice: resign or die. Aristide, a Roman Catholic priest, chose life. He was then kidnapped by the Marines and taken to a French colony in Africa.


Haitian 'Cannibal Gang' Eating Victims' Body Parts? Truth Behind Viral Video

As gang violence in Haiti escalates, the United States and Germany have withdrawn their staff from the Caribbean nation. As violence grips the Caribbean nation, a disturbing video has surfaced on social media in which an alleged gang member can be seen eating human body parts.


Newsweek talks about the collapse of Haiti but no mention of Cannibals.



Email from Chestnut School Of Herbal Medicine

Catfish, trolls, swindlers, and rapscallions have hit the herbal scene!

I have two cons to bring to your attention, along with how to protect yourself from this skulduggery, but first, let me start at the beginning. A few years ago, I began to notice people impersonating herbal businesses and natural healers. Their modus operandi: pretend to be a reputable healer, build up a following of unsuspecting folks who unknowingly follow the wrong page, and then direct message (DM) their followers with scammy requests for sessions or products.

Over the years, several grifters have tried to impersonate the Chestnut School. But last week, someone brought to my attention a scammer impersonating me with a Facebook page titled 'Dr. Juliet Blankespoor'. Here’s a video on how to protect yourself from these social media scams and how you can help me shut down this fake 'Dr. Blankespoor'.

The second swindle I want to bring to your attention involves herbal and foraging books written by artificial intelligence (AI). These are now all over Amazon. They pose a real danger because no human experts verify the information in the books, so there are gross lapses in safety and identification issues.

The book titles mimic reputable books written by human experts, and the reviews are AI-generated in fake review farms. In my article on the Risks of Using AI in Herbalism, you can learn more about the issues–and how to spot these fakes.



Video on this subject:

Dr. Blankespoor Scam - Catfish, trolls, swindlers, and rapscallions have hit the herbal scene!

Over the years, several grifters have tried to impersonate Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine. But recently, someone brought to our attention a scammer with a fake Facebook page titled 'Dr. Juliet Blankespoor'. Here’s a video on how to protect yourself from social media scams from the REAL Juliet Blankespoor, world renowned herbalist and author, and founder of Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine.


Illegals in Major American Cities 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
posted ago by moodyblue ago by moodyblue

If you are in a big American city first, praying for you. Second if you can get out do it! That’s easier said than done. If you don’t know how to shoot learn. I’ve been watching YouTube videos about illegals for about two weeks. It’s not going to get any better until we get someone willing to fight for us and deport these people. They are on the buses, trains and airplanes. Many airports are housing them under military guard. I’ve posted videos over the past weeks. These are some I’ve watched recently. Some may be a few months old. Still good information especially because nobody expect regular people are showing this. Conservatives with big shows aren’t showing this. Most of these are at least an hour. I am mostly watching three different investigative reporter accounts.

JLR@ investigates, Pete Santenello & Nick Shirley

Videos by ordinary citizens showing what’s going on in America.

  1. Detroit & Boston https://youtu.be/cJBySfSi9mg

  2. Migrants giving blood at Plasma bank Brownsville TX https://youtu.be/MeJd8LUU9HE

  3. Yuma Arizona illegals damaging crops, total loss because they are using fields for bathroom. https://youtu.be/EbrTKOcYbng

  4. Chicago ex cop gives tour to independent journalists. Lots of topics about crime, police not supported, illegals in police stations (1.5 hour but worth the watch) https://youtu.be/VWdsK3toLjM

  5. Migrant smuggler reveals how Cartel trafficking works. (Not child trafficking, people pay cartel to bring family to USA) https://youtu.be/PVXrbQcghNo

  6. Arizona deputies capture human smugglers https://youtu.be/PRZsN-YL3aE?si=Qz6GrWiidMeXOkmD

  7. Migrant Chrisis Border Patrol speaks out https://youtu.be/PRZsN-YL3aE

  8. Human Smuggler gives information https://youtu.be/PRZsN-YL3aE

  9. With Cajun Navy Migrants cross US/Mexico border https://youtu.be/rO9403nTTKI

  10. Part 1 The truth about mass migration. https://youtu.be/3V5PSbS-Jjc

  11. Part 2 The truth about mass migration. https://youtu.be/IV3ycgXRNXk

  12. Migrant Detention Camp https://youtu.be/2dQ4-VNaG3s

  13. Investigated the Texas Border Chrisis with XCartel https://youtu.be/_G3s1y5As1E


Links to several videos I’ve watched on Texas border.

Providing YouTube links in case you want to watch later. That link will be under the shortcut link.

The first three videos are very long. If you have time worth the work. He’s an independent reporter filming the Border Patrol Agents, illegals and the process when National Guard picks up illegals.

Anyone know why they make illegals take out shoelaces. They aren’t taking shoelaces from them.

Eagle Pass Texas: Protesters.
Different groups are protesting for different causes: fentanyl, eagle pass park is public land and they want the right to go to river and the park, crime because of illegals. One man says it’s for show and mentioned the election. Says national guard will pull out after election. It’s very windy and hard to hear. There’s a transcript on every video.


Direct Link https://youtu.be/g4EPnNIJXIo

Eagle Pass Protesters day Abbott came to town, 2/3/24

Direct link https://www.youtube.com/live/W0iCCki69JM

Eagle Pass on the day Abbott is due to visit. Border Patrol agents take illegals (mostly children) into custody. CNN reporter first on the scene. Video’er seems concerned and questioning why National Guard is right outside fencing where National Guard is in control.

Eagle Pass

Direct Link https://www.youtube.com/live/7GKYPGs4kb4

“I am reporting from Eagle Pass Texas just north of Shelby Park where National Guard has taken control from Border Patrol. This is a dirt road off hwy 277 near Normandy Texas.”

About 50 illegals arrived at the border by boat. In the beginning a man talks to him. Illegal says came by boat from various countries and by boat on Rio Grand. Looks like some families, a group of grown men & children either alone or with men.

Illegals coming in from Rio Grand

Direct Link https://youtu.be/g4EPnNIJXIo

Elon Musk Shares Video Of Footage EXPOSING Migrant Centers, US Govt. Spends Over 80k Per Migrant

Elon Musk US Gov spends over 80k per migrant

Direct Link https://youtu.be/IXWxa0lJwmE

Elon Musk visited the Texas border with Mexico and live-streamed his tour of the area to give people a sense of the real situation of the migrant crisis. "Went to the Eagle Pass border crossing to see what's really going on," Musk posted on the X app on Thursday. Musk live-streamed on his platform and said that he was going to go around and speak with officials and "eyeball the situation to get the real story."

Elon Musk at Texas Bordert

Direct Link https://youtu.be/2_iYuiHyzKQ

Where Illegal Immigrants Are Coming From

Direct Link https://youtu.be/Ra_t5kWNsRQ

Tucker Carlson: How China and the UN are Fueling the Invasion of America

Tucker Carlsom

Direct Link https://youtu.be/wOxksFHAHRU)


(I posted most of the article. Link at bottom)

Food producers in the European Union will be allowed to use cricket powder in flour-based products when a new statute takes effect on Tuesday. The European Food Safety Authority found that mass-market consumption of partially defatted house cricket powder is "safe under the proposed conditions" of use levels, following a review launched three years ago. The company that submitted the original application for authorization, Cricket One, states the insects are "nutritionally more efficient" than livestock and serve as a more reliable "source of alternative protein."

The regulation also mentioned "limited published evidence on food allergy related to insects in general" and linked Acheta domesticus, the house cricket, to several "anaphylaxis events."

Because the evidence on allergic reactions triggered by cricket powder is "inconclusive," the European Commission decided that "no specific labelling requirements" were needed in the EU list of authorized novel foods "[u]ntil the data generated by the research is assessed by the Authority."

People who are allergic to shellfish, the medical center asserts, "may develop an allergy to crickets" because the species share many of the same proteins. Those who suffer from an allergy to cockroaches "may react to crickets," as well.

for those who are allergic, they pose a serious threat,"
"When ingested, crickets can cause anaphylaxis and other serious reactions."

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