Don’t forget about hunter being on the board there too.
Join the party. We are just hanging out, torching shills faster than they can create accounts.
Thanks for this comment. I dunno why but it was fucking glorious!
Always a winner there. Unless you are drunk and throw one in your mouth right out of the oven. Fuuuuuuuuuu
I think they will all flock back after all is revealed.
Mr Lavine: Even with that gaping rancid axe wound between your legs. Even after all the shame and humilation that ends up causing you to OD in some pills. Your headstone will have your birth name so as not to disgrace the family any longer and as your male born body fades into dust, that will be when you truly realize Richard Lavine, that you will never be a woman.
I miss those old TDW days a few months back. Feeling it getting stronger by the day.
Some new pics surfaced on telegram today of his 14 year old niece. It’s pretty obvious he was molesting her and the kids mom as well as joepedo knew all about it.
Ok playtime is over. Deport the concern fag
Fuck you and your lazy ass concern trolling. If Powell slandered dominion, they will win their case. Pro tip: they won’t win.
Fuck yes. It’s going to be hilarious. Let’s just ask one question. So your systems don’t context to the internet correct?
Come on man. You gotta try harder. We all know his twatter account was burned weeks ago. Don’t be a pussy ass shill. Go big or go home ya pansey.
All these edgy shill posts. Ayyy bro, try to be incognito ya pedocrat. Your communism is ahowing
Lol. Shills are telling us to fuck off now? Wut?
Hey lil guy, what’s a matter? Having a bad day? Boss man yell at you again? I like to think that just before you fall asleep tonight, you will be very proud that you made a shill account that survived an hour on the site. Then I hope you take the next moment and reflect on that that this is what your life has become. This is your reason for existing. Mind blowing huh? Some people are meant to change the world. Your entire existence only value is your contribution to shilling on this site. Wow.
Lol. It’s scared.
Fuck this loser. Shill account. Ignore and report.
Sad bruh. You don’t need to convince me that you have a full and robust social calender. What are they all up to tonight that made you stay and home and shill on the internet? They they forget to call again? Mom ground you again? Message me lol fella, let’s chat
Says the handshake account.
Poor lil fella. You lonely? Need a fren?
Poor lil fella. Tryin so hard to be relevant. So close!
If $600 is gonna make or break someone after year long lockdowns, they have mischief bigger and immediate worries than some political posturing by joepedo
How did you keep your shill account alive so long. Well done but time to deport Mods
Shill confirmed by actual Human! Bye!
Walnut sauce. The sick fucks