Had an epidural with my first two, no epidural with my third. There are pros and cons to both types of deliveries. I hate the term natural birth because the opposite is what, an unnatural birth? You can say an unmedicated birth. But we shouldn’t be shaming people who have to have emergency c sections (that save both mom and baby’s lives!!!) that they haven’t had a natural birth. Or that people who did choose to use drugs had an unnatural birth either. We’ve come so far in technology that birth has become a lot less scary. It is however, still incredibly dangerous for both mom and baby even with all the advances we have made. I believe the best birth “plan” is whatever allows both mom and baby to live through the process. Not one of my deliveries has gone according to how I thought it would be and that’s ok. I have breastfed all of my babies and I haven’t had any problems with it. My sister, however, had to stop breastfeeding her second son after her fourth time getting mastitis and was so grateful that formula was invented. I think the best thing to do to prepare for being a mom is obviously decide how you want things to go but if they don’t go according to plan? That’s ok too.
https://www.hildrethmeiere.org/commissions/nebraska-state-capitol-rotunda-floor-entrance-panels here is an aerial view/better view point. No sketchy stuff to be seen
https://www.hildrethmeiere.org/commissions/nebraska-state-capitol-rotunda-floor-entrance-panels You are correct, it’s the creation of the family. Pretty normal for naked artwork/sculptures. I don’t see anything sketchy from all of the mosaic work on the floor.
Yeah this definitely depicts the judgement of Solomon. Found the documents describing the Nebraska capital https://history.nebraska.gov/sites/history.nebraska.gov/files/doc/publications/1981-3-Capitol_Sculpture.pdf and you can clearly see on Page 40 it’s labeled as the Judgement of Solomon. I’ve seen ancient artwork depicting human sacrifice—this is depicting nothing of the sort. If you know your Bible stories, this one immediately came to mind the second I looked at it.
https://history.nebraska.gov/sites/history.nebraska.gov/files/doc/publications/1981-3-Capitol_Sculpture.pdf Yep here you go. On page 22, says the Judgement of Solomon is one of the panels
Could this be depicting the judgement of King Solomon? Two ladies claimed a baby was theirs. Tricks the ladies by saying baby should be cut in half and each woman given half of the baby. Real mom loses it and begs him not to kill the child, she will give it to the other lady if she has to but don’t kill the baby. Other lady is indifferent. Real mom is obviously the one who was distraught at the thought of the baby being killed and was correctly identified and was given back her child.
Have you ever looked into the Ezra Eagle prophecy in the apocrypha? There was someone who wrote about it, Last Days Anon, online but obviously the predictions haven’t come true. I don’t agree with his interpretation that things have failed but I would love to discuss the prophecy with anyone who has read it and what they think it could mean. Here is a link to the Bible chapters (11&12). https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/2-Esdras-Chapter-11/ I really thought we would get two terms with Trump somehow but now I don’t think so. I think we might be suffering under Kamala. Makes me sick to think about it but I think the plan to save the world is a lot more drawn out and long suffering than we planned. I HOPE I’m dead wrong about this. But there was no time limit unfortunately and I think our days of suffering are only going to get worse for the next little bit.
https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/02/texas-power-grid-crumples-under-the-cold/ Also this article as another data point- I thought this part was interesting “But that doesn't explain the shortfalls in coal and nuclear, and the ERCOT executive wasn't willing to speculate.”
https://www.texastribune.org/2011/02/08/texplainer-why-does-texas-have-its-own-power-grid/ There’s also this article. Guess they don’t want Texas to secede Edit: I didn’t pay attention to the year and in my confusion with looking at recent articles, thought it was recent as well. Still interesting info though.
Yep. He worked his way up for Trump at his golf course and came with him to the administration. He’s pretty much only worked for Trump his entire life so I don’t think that is going to change any time soon. Outside of Trump’s family members, Dan Scavino is 100% behind Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dan was someone who was one of the 3 non military that knew the entire plan. Where Trump goes, Dan goes.
Maybe this is nothing but https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/in_the_news/538/ it very clearly says “Heart of Darnkess.” The abstract says “ Georgia Law Professor Erica J. Hashimoto was featured on HDNet's "World Report" regarding the Genarlow Wilson case. The interview aired on the 9 p.m. show and again at midnight on 9/11/07.” Don’t know if there’s a thread to pull there. I googled to try and find that interview and the one link I found said page not found after I clicked on it. Maybe it’s nothing. I don’t know. But the 9/11 date + title does have me go ?
Pelosi and Trump have no love lost between them. However, after the senate incident of 01.06.21, Pelosi’s behavior changed. A laptop went missing and she became suddenly very vocal about EVERYTHING. First she doesn’t show up in congress for two days. Extremely odd for her—this is her throne of power. Then she’s issuing letters against Trump, rattling the bars over every little thing. I had this thought multiple times that she’s been captured and forced to play a part. Her behavior just seemed so odd. If it were me and I was trying to get the VP to use the 25th and I just spent 20 minutes on hold and got hung up on and my life was essentially on the line, would I just say oh well, I’ll try the next thing? I feel like her moves helped escalate the timeline of the trap. With her rattling the bars and shrieking over Trump’s every moves, I feel like this caused the deep state to rush into making hasty actions they are just now realizing they didn’t actually want to make. She was so vocal in the last handful of days and now suddenly, not only has she gone silent, she’s been told to not say anything.
Memes and vibes before the election were ?. Felt so proud to be part of battling the fraud afterwards. But the site started shifting and things started going downhill. I spent a few hours looking through people’s comment history’s and there are a lot that don’t have a handshake but then you go to their comment history and they are sleeper accounts and all they’ve been doing is dooming. It’s really sad. Perfect example of how the left can’t leave people alone to just have something good.
Haha. I enjoy Chinese idioms. There are a lot of really good ones. I read a lot of translated Chinese internet novels so I know a handful now. I enjoy aspects of their culture but do not like the CCP and their methods of control.
Sorry if that came out as an attack, I definitely didn’t mean it that way! My sister in law almost died with her first (didn’t dilate past an 8, baby got stuck on her hips and she started hemorrhaging) and had to get an emergency c section. She’s had a hard time with the term “natural birth” because she tried and almost died and would have died had this been back in the old days. I am not trying to be a snob or woke or anything by coming out against the term, I just think unmedicated/medicated birth is the right way to phrase things because so many women don’t have a choice sometimes and giving birth (no matter how!) is an incredible experience and we shouldn’t make women feel less if their birth went different than planned (or even if it went exactly as planned haha!) because in a world where being a mother is constantly under attack, we need to stick together more than ever!