I wouldn’t blame the mod for healthy skepticism. They have to make judgement calls and I’m cool with that... still sucks (and now I can relate) being the guy who is all “It’s real!! Holy crap this one isn’t bs!” and getting sorted into the censor pile anyway. Nobody is perfect, mods have to make calls and I’m sure it’s not easy. For both involved.
I’ve got a bunch of videos but I’m not willing to publish my neighbors. Even if I posted a video, I worry it wouldn’t be enough for some, and that’s fine. That’s our thing, you know?! Doubt everything. Get the sauce, do the research, test it out yourself.
It’s like Pompeo- all of the sudden even the media is saying “oh gee, it might have come from the virus lab 100 yards from that market we told you it originated from” and Mike is all “I TOLD TOU THAT A FRICKING YEAR AGO!”
Sorry you didn’t get through the first time, I’m glad you stuck it out. Maybe toss some grace and forgiveness the mods’ way. That’s a tough gig with the constant fire hose of disinformation headed our way. Sadly some friendly fire happens from time to time. I trust they didn’t mean to.
I’d drink beers with you. Yes. All that. There’s noise, there’s misleading info, but it’s a thing!
Yeah, but they’re humans whom I care about. I do foolish stuff too, don’t we all? I’m just more in tune with how widespread the corruption and intentional evil has become. So I didn’t get the experimental shot. Google photos has probably analyzed every picture I’ve ever taken though... we’re all hosed in one way or the other, unless you live on a 40 acre self sustainable farm built inside a faraday cage. And who has one of those?! These are good folks who fell victim to the fear and evil, not the ones generating it. I pray the consequences aren’t as bad as we sometimes imagine.
Yeah it escalated from ‘is he just sticky’ or ‘does the magnet have some residual adhesive on it’ to ‘holy shit it stuck, did you see it pull itself the last 1/32 inch to where it wanted to be?! Can you feel it pulling??’ - like real fast. REAL fast. I’m not saying all your input needs to be ignored, I’m saying it quickly became obvious that it wasn’t some parlor trick. Two days ago I was just as skeptical. Honestly, introspectively, I was even skeptical when my wife said ‘she sent me a Snapchat and it stuck!’ What sealed the deal was me seeing it in person.
Try it out man, sounds like there’s no hard fast criteria, and around 60% of Pfizer folks aren’t magnetic... go ask a bunch of strangers if you can try it out. Avoid the sticky ones for more reasons than the experiment! When you find one and see it firsthand you’ll flip! It’s weird!!
Agreed! I threw the first one around my head last week, when it wasn’t my neighbor with the magnetic arm. They had to inject straight into the brain for it though... and 5 years is a long time to figure stuff out. Even so, I think the second link is much more likely.
I’ve got a very small sample size but was running at 50/50 with the same magnet
I can give you memorable quotes at least: “I swear if there’s a chip in there, I’m digging it out.” And “When I turn into a zombie, I’m coming to your house FIRST.”
Awesome username! We didn’t try other objects, but we tried other subjects (people) with the same magnet. Even different parts of arms and it would fall straight off. Multiple negative possibilities with the same magnet. Dude was standing up straight. The magnetism wasn’t super strong, and if we got about 1/4 inch, maybe less leeway than that, the magnet slid straight off. When the hotspot was found though, it would stay on. We didn’t make him jump around or anything, I suspect it would slide off then too... the field isn’t super strong, but it exists. I should weigh that magnet. I doubt it weighed much, but it had extra plastic on it, like the clear pink UFO looking discs you can put on magnetic whiteboards. I’m gonna go throw a chunk of wood at him and see what happens, he’s a pretty chill guy. Wish me luck!
My wife said that!!! Like not gonna rip an arm off, but it’s going to hurt like crazy getting rattled around in there! Technically we have iron pumping around our whole body all the time, but I wonder what the threshold is for an amount that’s going to make for a bad day in the MRI. Does it count if the metal is in suspension? I guess it counted for the Wal-Mart magnet!!
Weird, man. Are you an MRI tech? Let us know if something crazy happens!
Love the username by the way.
Totally fair. I’m frustrated by it too. Nothing is consistent or makes sense anymore. All of our reasonable questions are outright ignored or denied.
I don’t know the answer, there are a lot of variables. Time, vaccine batch, storage temp, brand, depth of delivery? It could be a lot of things. All I would need that will likely never happen is some real researcher saying “Wow, that’s peculiar. We’re gonna look into that.”
Psaki doesn’t count, she’s lost that privilege.
Yeah I think there is too. I wonder if it depends on the person’s ability to metabolize it also. Two neighbors who got Pfizer in January were not magnetic, and the original neighbor to whom it stuck and we freaked out said their daughter’s was still magnetic from February. It’s a crapshoot, which makes it harder to nail down!
Another idea- BMI of the magnetic folks to duration of magnetism. I wonder if it hangs out longer in folks with a little extra mass.
I’m not a doctor, I’m a data nerd! Not medical data, all sorts of other data. Just thinking out loud!
Neighbor and I were theorizing the need for really cold, and if there was a correlation between the ‘mix’ of the fe3o4 and allowing higher temp storage. Maybe that is also correlated to the clots too... more iron salts for higher temp storage and transport means higher risk for blood issues? And you’re totally right with it being hit or miss, some people it didn’t stick at all, he said he was about 50/50 with the folks he tried out. Other neighbors got in on it, they had Prizer in January and neither of them were magnetic. Takes a while to disperse I suppose. Who knows! I sure as heck don’t!
I think the moral is, and most here know, it’s experimental! That’s why this stuff goes through years of evaluation before the FDA approves it. Also, we’ve got three brands with totally different mixes going around at the same time, messing with our ability to objectively associate issues with any individual one! Was the blood stuff not associated with Pfizer? J&J it was, right?
Who frickin knows.
Yeah, I’m with ya. Other neighbor got Moderna and is not magnetic. Must be the way Pfizer pulls off the gene therapy.
@wu_flu on this thread gets the credit
Thankfully I’m nice and will suggest that you work on discernment so that you don’t fall for everything, instead of hoping your passive aggressive handshake ass gets deported.
Iron nanoparticles dude. WAY more likely.
Oh I dig :) Thankfully I live in a state where I can go drink with my neighbors on Friday nights without being fined or arrested. Thanks for taking my shift!! I owe ya! Iron frickin nanoparticles.
Nah. Microsoft can’t even get Teams to work right. We had IRC for instant messaging like a million years ago, they’ve had plenty of time to figure out the simple shit and haven’t. Chances of Microsoft conning Pfizer into injecting nanoparticles that are internet connected into hundreds of millions of people.... and it WORKS, approaching zero.
Figured there was correlation there, yeah. Check wuflu dude’s second link, that sounds legit. Iron salts in suspension to deliver the gene therapy payload.
Im still pissed that they’re getting away with “oops, it does more bad things than we thought,” but at least the iron stuff explains the magnet.
Yeah I read the first one last week and didn’t want to show him that one yet. Guy is freaked out. I hadn’t seen the second one, I’ll give that a read!
I get the doubt. I really do. We preach discernment. I get it. Respectfully, you’re dead wrong. I’m not bullshitting. It wasn’t even one of the fancy expensive magnets from a science website. We’re talking piece of crap Wal-Mart magnet with a pink plastic circle thing on it. We had to find the right little spot, otherwise it would slip right off, but if you found the spot, it stuck. No shenanigans. I’m seriously drinking beers with the dude right now, and I’m not posting pics or videos of my neighbor, but this is serious... it’s magnetic. Why!?
That doesn’t make the ‘magnets stick to my injection site’ videos any easier to watch.
Hahahahaha where’s the video?!?!
Thank goodness!! Well done then! Also, LastPass is pretty solid. Makes up some jumbled crazy password you’d never remember that auto fills. Cheers!
Hope you didn’t use the same password you may or may not use for everything. If you gave someone your email and used the same password as said email..... you may or may not be in trouble buddy.
I’ll try with the coin if he’s out drinking again tonight:) I also just bought some Neodymium magnets. Because reasons, and I’m having fun with this. 10 bucks on Amazon. I know I’m breaking rules giving them money, but dammit it’s handy.
But first I want to try something with similar weight and surface area for the moisture deal like you said.
That said, I saw that little magnet ‘suck’ the last little 1/32 inch to where it wanted to be. Frickin crazy. Still gotta rule it out.