I have a one of my best friends whose son was planning on competing at World Championships the end of this month and pulled a calf muscle and when he went to the doctors they told him he had two blood clots and he's unable to fly to Budapest unless they go away. The said they could go away in just a day or it could take months.

The doctors said it was common for those who got Covid and they said it wasn't as dangerous for him because he was vaxed vs they set those unvaxed had the most risk flying. I mentioned that it could be caused by the shot and he became a little defensive saying these are highly specialized doctors (perhaps but they can still be mis-lead but he is also a WR holder so I would imagine he might have a better than average Physician.

I mentioned that their may be 2 thoughts on the whole Covid Pandemic issue and tried to minimize the situation because I didn't have the right the right study or support regarding blood clots and the vax or any information that might help eliminate the clot. He knows I'm not vaxed and we still talk just not as often as before.

He doesn't watch a lot of the news media as he's always hunting and fishing. And hardly even gets on the internet and gets most of his information from his wife who does watch a fair amount of regular TV as he does occasionally may be 30 minutes a week to catch up on news. He's very educated, typically has a lot of common sense, smarter than average with a masters degree in engineering.

My question is how far to I go with giving him any information and if so what? I'm not afraid to push it a little because he knows that I care a lot about him and his family. I worry though and at the same if something bad happens and I don't say anything or know how far to push it. Any Suggestions?


But first of all, I understand there are search engines, social media sites, email companies, the internet itself and even cell phones that can track and gather information in order to influence and control behaviors. With that in mind, does anybody have a suggestion on what is the best anti-virus protection software to protect your PC and cell phones that best protect you from these hackers? That's maybe not left-wing owned or controlled by the elite or the deep state?

And do we need a to have a good VPN with it? I am just doing everything possible in protecting others from looking or tracking my personal life. Any suggestions?

And as one of the 8 board members 7 (all but me) have tentatively agreed but will be open for discussion about putting out a statement to our community that as a group we strongly support mandating the vaccination for Covid-19. The Rotary Club has a strong community support and does a lot of good for our small community in eastern Oregon with approx 18,000 in population. It is a more conservative community with 40% already getting the vax. They believe it is hypocritical for the club to not address the issue of vaccination given Rotary's history of being involved in global polio vaccination efforts. Stating that being vaccinated embodies the motto of "Service Above Self" in that you are not just protecting yourself from Covid, but lessening the risk of community transmission. And believe the same can be said for wearing a mask which they believe is more benefit of protecting others against what you may be carrying. Obviously, I disagree with the vax and mask issue and out of the 8 board members and the President I am the only one not vaxed. One Monday with the entire Group during our lunch meeting they want to discuss this issue. Therefore, I am looking for any idea's and better than average documents or short video's countering their beliefs without creating a lot of arguments. Thoughts or suggestions?