Or, allow the market to do it's thing. Excess, you say, lower the price! What an idea!!!!!???
This is text book crony capitalism. Price fixing!!! This is the behavior of Oligarchs!
Shutting their business down will do far more than a lawyer can hope.
Corporations are situated in such a way that NO PERSON is liable, the Corporation is (it is considered a person in court) They have insurance for such things. You are just encouraging the bureaucracy and that serves to make them all money. If one were able to get a lawsuit through it wouldn't affect anyone in the corporation, they will be allowed to offer a waiver that will essentially be a gag order, enforceable because you will consent. It is how these class actions work. If you sign on to one then you accept the outcome of the whole and forfeit your right to sue individually. If they do not win, do not collect more money than it costs them to pursue or settle out of court then all of that will be for nothing. I have been in a couple. The companies get a slap on the wrist and it is business as usual.
Did you know that walmart was found guilty of cutting employees hours? Before the end of the week they would go to your time card and shave a few minutes off here and there. They got caught and had to settle out of court. Few signed on because they were afraid of clap back from walmart later. I got a nice chuck of cash for the time they took from me ($700 for .38 hours) but NO ONE GOT IN TROUBLE!!! Walmart kept doing as they do and getting worse by the day. The settlement that I entered into has that gag order on me, I am not supposed to talk about it and I am not allowed to go after Walmart for anything.
Meanwhile, you can show them what is up by refusing to work for someone that would attempt this. It isn't going to be easy or fast, but it is literally the only way to get at them at this point.
It is in no way saying anything of the sort of what you suggest, if anything it allows you to get out before they try to mandate that they have access to your medical records anyway.
I honestly do not think that there is going to be a case. Employers can fire you without recourse if you fail to follow protocol. OSHA isn't recording until 5/22 We are just making them more money until they can get rid of us. OR, we can find another job, one that wouldn't put us through this psychological mind game. They don't treat you right if they mandate this DNA altering substance, You can do better! Believe in yourself and don't wait on a bunch of doctors or lawyers to pony up. WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY RIGHT NOW? Not fighting this, but asking you to be a good boy and stay put just a little longer. This isn't going to hurt a bit, I PROMISE!
These people are not trying to help you, they are ensuring that their friends in big business can still make money while they submit the paperwork necessary to make this mandatory. You are going to have to pay these lawyers if the case doesn't go in your favor......
or where or even when!!
I used to serve a very nice gentleman, Mr. Breen, he has since passed, that was going through dementia. His wife had passed before I started working there and his mind was already going. At one point this man was on top of the world, he lived in a very expensive area, assuming some here but I can only imagine what kind of life he must of had to have been able to afford that (these days i am a little sketched) and by the time I meet him he is suffering to remember where he was or what he had ordered. Apparently when his wife went he went, just mentally. One of the most heart wrenching things I have ever experienced.
They make money off of you being there, far more than you, enough that your "indiscretions" can be overlooked. Yea, that is service. Tear it down from the inside though, maybe? Try not to get hit by anything from above as it crashes!
I am generally not in favor of unions because they also tend to exploit the worker, but DO THIS NOW!!!!!
Where does this start? I'll be Employee 0
I am suggesting that if you refuse the vaccine there will be no unemployment, just like no one is liable for damages for the vaccine until may 2022, but even then maybe not. They are moving the Goal Posts to keep us pacified.
By all means, but while you are calling their bluff others are getting it.
Everything has us so ingrained to run into battle, this isn't ours. We could stop them right now if we stopped complying with their bullshit rules, I just suggest we take it a step further and destroy them in the process.
They are making money off of us fighting them, they have used this model for a very long time. IT WORKS!
this is less about the vaccine and more about working for someone that would demand you alter your DNA for an opportunity at employment. Just don't
People think that denying the vax and getting fired for it is going to result in a pay day from unemployment. I am suggesting that if an employer tries to mandate you should listen to them when they tell you who they are. They will try again and these are not people that I would be able to stomach working for. The suggestion is to quit if they try to mandate and watch their crap stand go up in flames as they are unable to keep up with demand with dwindling workers. We do not need what most of the peddle and would be better off without them, specifically when they try to mandate a DNA altering substance.
They are quite likely to push until you are tired of denying, and they know ways to make it happen sooner than you might think you can hold out for. I am glad for this instance, but would still recommend finding a job that wouldn't put you in that situation at all.
You cannot collect unemployment if you fail to meet the standards set forth by the employer. Man, they got everyone thinking unemployment is the jam, it ain't. Furthermore, it is an insurance that the company pays into. very cheap, and actually you pay for it while you work for them. Think about that for a second. But collecting unemployment doesn't actually cost them anything. the insurance might go up, but over one employee it is negligible.
Now, if everyone quit they would likely go out of business. BIG BOOMS, ya heard?
mRNA changes the DNA, it won't be long until someone discovers a new genome from this experiment and anyone with it can be patented. 2013 supreme court, not in so many words.
a bit between the lines, ya dig?
Can't say I didn't try.
Being legally owned is gonna suck so hard. I'll try to get the laws changed, maybe.
This is the best strategy. They want you to fight because it makes them money!
notkizzalvin (1.3k • 644)
OSHA isn't recording until 5/22. no one is liable
You have none! Who do you think helped them figure out how to make you get jabbed in the first place. IT IS ALL A DAMNED LIE!
If YOUR employer demands that people get jabbed or lose their jobs people will get jabbed, if you leave maybe you can convince others too that might have taken it had you not manned the fuck up and left a piece of shit to crumble in your wake.
this isn't set up for anyone to win. The lawyers, doctors and heads of corporations are in on this together, this idea only pacifies you long enough for them to DEMAND YOUR CONSENT. They can already legally fire you without recourse for you not following protocol set by them. They will make you life hell, get out, let them surround themselves with their ilk and watch it burn. roast a marshmallow or two. it is going to be magnificent!
Pride comes before the fall.
You are only serving the Beast. They do not care about you, they are exploiting you 100% if they are demanding you get jabbed by an experimental vaccine. Your call, I cannot make you see this.
Why would you try to convince someone who has just been told that they have to do something against their will to stay? Because they might be able to make some money out of it? You are a lawyer, no way around it.
It is a trap.
You have been warned, I have done all that I can. You can shut down the enemy now, easily, or you can continue to suckle at it's tit. Your call.
When you see it in real life intervene. We cannot fall to our emotions because of what the black box tells us, everything digital can be faked. They NEED us to attack first, they can pin it on us that way. We don't want to fight, we want the fighting to stop. If we have to we will.
There is no desire in any healthy man to quarrel with his neighbors. A lot of people are waking up to the idea that what we thought was is not. that is difficult to endure alone, much less with outsiders trying to get us to destroy ourselves before we even have a chance.
We are a ship at sea, and land has been seen. Jagged rocks at it's coast
Shall we thrust our vessel, man and all? that would be a BOAST!
Settle and wait for a breech, it's far nicer on the beach!
Older you say?
Perhaps I want you to see that it is controlled? Perhaps always?
Imagine, starving people could eat for next to nothing but we destroy the crops because we can't make enough money off of them. I dunno, sounds sci-fi to me.
Oh, I had to use older articles because the new ones are mostly lies from scared farm hands that know the people are going to find out.
Some of these farms pull in millions a year, I worked for a potato farmer for a little while and learned so much.
That makes me sad.
Like I get that it has to be that way but when you realize how many people were lied to, and it's effect.