onetooth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, except if he got Fauci & Birx out of the way as soon as their true colors showed & put some credible doctors into the spotlight instead who spoke the truth, then took some other steps like make HCQ over the counter, there would be no basis for lockdowns. It would have stopped their many plans for the virus. I think we all got duped by the seriousness of covid-19 for a little while. He had to see through the veneer before everybody. Why did he play dumb month after month? I feel he didn't want to deviate from the WHO & CDC due to it being an election year. Sorry, but it was no time to be making decisions for votes. The Nov. 3 cheating just made it an epic failure.

by Han9000
onetooth 3 points ago +4 / -1

What do you mean corroborates Q???