Video: https://nypost.com/2024/03/26/us-news/baltimores-key-bridge-collapses-after-being-struck-by-a-container-ship/

Play it and watch carefully and looks for white explosions:

  1. top side of the structure in the center of the bridge - you can see it after is starts going down,

  2. top side of the structure on the left,

  3. the main bar that was hit by the vessel - the part below the road level, on the same height as the top side of the vessel

In 1 and 2 you can see white smoke going down following the place where the explosion was.

Number 1 is where the “key stone” would usually be on the arch.

Number 2 is where the left part breaks later.

Number 3 is where and when the main pillar starts to fall.

EDIT: On this video below you can watch the left part zoomed out - there are 2 explosions there and the smoke is easier to notice: https://greatawakening.win/p/17siNus3gG/moment-of-collision-and-collapse/c/


I will post my browser in comment. Please post yours too.


First have a look or listen to this, if you haven’t yet:

The below post shows simple text / definitions in the Act that basically mean: American companies are excluded.

HR7521 – The TikTok "Ban Law" is apparently NOT able to ban X/Twitter. Analysis here https://greatawakening.win/p/17si5JHxsi/hr7521--the-tiktok-ban-law-is-ap/c/

Then watch this:

This post shows the libs crying that the politicians are taking they TikTok’ies away.

… 535 elected officials sat in a room, and the only thing they could collectively agree on was (TikTok)


When I see all these “libs of TikTok” freaking about the app they’re losing access to - my first thought is this: IF WE THOUGHT that the normies and libs will need a miracle to wake up … this TikTok Act is … a miracle they need.

Look how they’re crying. It’s so sweet.

Now they start asking correct questions!

  • Politicians cannot agree about the border?

  • They cannot agree about costs of living?

  • They only took their “lovely” TikTok away?

The bells start ringing? Libs are asking dangerous questions?

Is that THE PLAN? Sounds to me like YES!

  • I can hear them crying.

  • I can hear them … thinking.


Now Trump can buy TikTok and he will be … a saviour for all these libs who can’t live without their “TikiToki’es”.

Former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is putting together an investor group to buy TikTok



Question as in the topic. As simple as that.


If we put the other nefarious goals of the deep state aside (e.g. the control of the population) and just think about what happened from the negotiations perspective - you will notice that there are 3 main stakeholders:

  • population / voters.

  • politicians,

  • pharmaceutical companies.

If pharmaceutical companies wanted the governments to accept high prices for the vax and the politicians were pushing their ministers to negotiate and bring the price down - what the pharmaceutical companies decided to do?

  • push the fear porn campaigns in the MSM to scare the population,

  • make the population (voter) to put pressure on politicians,

  • make the politicians to accept whatever price the pharmaceutical companies wanted.

They used everyone to make their $$$?

… and we know it wasn’t just that.


I just watched a “scientific” program where 2 “scientists” were showing one of the Mayan’s sites and they’ve been wondering why the site was hardly accessible, on the top of the hill with a gate.

Once you learn about the human sacrifice you no longer ask these questions.

I even wonder whether the collapse of these cultures was caused be some uprising of the normal people who no longer wanted to be sheep and victims of those sacrifices and once they’ve found out the truth - they’ve killed their “leaders”, moving out of these evil cities.

The sculptures in the tv documentary were showing gate keepers with sculls and a human carrying a baby bottom up, being held with their legs up and head down.

Some sculptures made me to recall the frazledrip, especially this face with its skin removed, the one we saw in DeGeneres home and other “modern art”.

I have found some similar photos to what I saw in the tv so you can compare too. I didn’t watch the frazzledrip but the face is something you never forget even from a simple brief of the HRC video.

WARNING: Some pictures of the Mayan sites are scary, even if they’re just sculptures and archeological findings.

Faces from Mayan culture:







Faces from Aztec culture:






What Trump was telling us today?


“We have a big night tonight” - he is talking about Nevada, or … maybe Tucker / Putin interview?

“Virgin Islands are also very much in play … so will be hearing about them later on today or in the evening” - … will Putin say something about St Little James?

The delta tomorrow is awesome:




I was inspired by this post about the military exercise and I had a dejavu kind of feeling.

I went to check the dates to see why I had that feeling. The findings are really stunning.

Here is what I have found:

4 years back

RESULT: December 2019: Covid in Wuhan + “Pandemic” declared by WHO end on Jan 2020.


RESULT: The more you know?

Both (WEF and military) events seem to go in pairs and they happen every 4 years as if they followed the US election calendar.

Can it be that:

  • the military knows the WEF plans (obviously: lots of it is public anyway and the military intelligence is … military, they know everything),

  • they organise “exercise” to screw WEF plans and apply countermeasures / remedies and monitor the level of risk / impact?

Is it just me or a huge coincidence or something big is brewing up?


The invasion is happening not only because the deep state needs the voters …

It’s also because:

  • the vaccines have killed so many people (as they expected),

  • they’ve failed to force the obedience and vaccinate 100% of the population,

  • the unvaxed are the CONTROL GROUP now - we can compare the illnesses for each group (vaxed / unvaxed),

  • they’re afraid that we can notice the population reduction in the office of national statistics.

They have to fill the vacuum, otherwise their game will become extremely visible and they will be charged for the crimes against the humanity.

They not only import the voters but they’re replacing the population with the one that’s easier to manage and manipulate.


***DELETED DOCUMENT. Deleted document number 1327 ORDER. The document was incorrectly filed in this case. It is duplicative of entry 1324. (rro) Modified on 1/5/2024 (rro).


Post 1324:




Waiting for the Epstein co-conspirator and client list is going to be priceless.

Got your popcorn yet?

Since there is no Epstein list yet - let’s enjoy the show.

People are waiting https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=Epstein&date=now%201-d&geo=US&hl=en-US

Deep state trying to dilute Google search results ahead of time https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Epstein+co-conspirators&t=h_&df=2024-01-02..2024-01-02&ia=web

I will call the waiting & the movie “Expend your ammunition please”.

  • earthquake in Japan

  • earthquake on the Roosevelt Island

  • plane fire in Japan

  • would you like to see the Sun exploding or UFO?

NASA detects strongest explosion of energy from the sun in 6 years on New Year's Eve - and there's a 25% chance it will knock out GPS and satellites TODAY


Next UFO reveal is being staged as a backup narrative for the next week: https://greatawakening.win/p/17s5RgUOcG/major-distraction-ahead--classif/c/


I remember when Epstein name surfaced for the first time, it was many years ago, I did a research and found him on the board of the company specialised in building underground flats. Then I thought: ok, I know what they’ve built below the temple.

Now I’m reading this post from Ezra and brings those thoughts back:


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