I'm going to get downvoted to hell & back for this but just hear me out.

I'm writing this as a point-counter-point to all the pseudo-logical thinkers that always retort with things like "wELL iF tHAt wErE tRUE wHy woULdNt tHey JUsT tELL uS wHeReS yOUr eVIdENcE."

Does everyone here understand the ramifications of what would happen if the alliance were to be openly transparent & reveal publicly that people like Joe Biden or other DS players have already been executed/arrested and there are advanced means to "replace" them that exist within the Mil Ind Compl/Aerospace/Intelligence Apparatus - that is... until this is all "over" and such a thing could be done appropriately & VERY GENTLY?

Seriously, think about the damage and harm this could potentially wreak upon society if it were true. WHY would you have to keep this under wraps AT ALL COSTS, even if you were the good guys? Why would people like Trump have to speak about it in such a bizarre, cryptic manner?

"Joe is SHOT!"

"Joe is missing half his head"

"Joe doesn't even know he's alive"

"Obama hasn't supported Sleepy Joe, which is interesting... He knows something that you don't know, that I think I know, but you don't know"

etc, etc.

I'm not even saying this is what's happened, but suspend your disbelief long enough to kick this can down the road & humor me.


DS 'players A, B & C' are executed/arrested for "______" crimes against humanity by 'white hats'.

White Hats reveal to public (Anons, normie conservative, frothing libs etc alike) through some type of EBS that they have taken action against the traitors of the country, and attempt to present evidence to any unbelievers/Trump haters/non-conspiracy minded folk that the people they supported ACTUALLY were the traitors and the people they hated so vehemently were actually the ones trying to help.

DS immediately responds by covertly replacing said players A, B & C (through whichever method) and begin running hit pieces, smear campaigns & damage control news segments/articles about those whacky conspiracy theorists

the same people that Q team, Trump team, Alliance etc had just claimed to have 'taken care of' are on TV and all over the internet the very next day talking about how retarded it all is and it's all weaponized into another 'domestic terrorist' narrative

this all backfires through a series of consequences and increase of danger depending on which group of the population you're referring to

Anon + Normie Conservative consequence 1 - Anyone conspiracy-minded who believed this to be true and finally gets their "AHA! I TOLD YOU I'M NOT CRAZY!!!" moment takes the ultimate hit in credibility and nothing they ever say again will be taken seriously because the other groups (Normie Conservatives/frothing libs etc) will just write them off forever as being gullible, naïve retards who "believe anything they read on the internet."

Anon + Normie Conservative consequence 2 - a fraction of the Anons not completely deflated after this plus a fraction of Normie conservatives that now believe the 'crazy replacement theory' will now know that the DS players/enemy are either a) not even human (>insert ethics of "is it okay to kill a clone?"<) b) just an actor deceiving the public c) CGI d) (otherwise) - and that the DS has found a way to cover it up and get everyone to just believe their story yet again. This now infuriates & increases the percentage of these small groups having a psychotic break/snapping and hunting these "people" down themselves, which would then, AGAIN, cause another narrative to be spun & weaponized, not to mention (most importantly) increase danger levels for ordinary citizens.

Frothing Lib consequence 1 - Hillary/Obama/Biden voters, BLM activists etc will mostly pander to whatever establishment narrative being spun about the events, be hysterical about conspiracy theorists and dictators "deFrAUdiNg oUR deMOCraCy" and like previously mentioned (in contrast to the Anon/Conservative groups who take action themselves), a portion of these people will conversely begin to start trying to assassinate whoever was involved with the initial white hat "hoax". Additionally, think about the violence already occurring with BLM/Antifa (ex: Summer of Love '20) and then apply the context of these same unhinged lunatics now also hunting down anyone openly supporting Q (which would now be a proxy for all these "conspiracy theories" in their mind), as well as these low-level activists now trying to assassinate 45 himself (instead of the assassination attempts only being conducted by rogue Killary/CIA/DS black-paramilitary agents). The increased threat level to 45 would also then negate any possibility for him to be randomly doing rallies for a year & a half after the '20 election as a way to motivate & encourage while we're deep into The Storm when he hasn't even announced a '24 run.

Frothing Lib consequence + Normie Conservative consequence 2 - Any small percentage of these normie groups that are miraculously awakened by these events to the "truth", a portion of these people would inevitably be susceptible to such a shock in reality that there would be mass suicides on both sides. Not to mention the select Anons/conspiracy minded folk who are so demoralized after this that, they too, take their own life.

There are likely more nuances to these consequences that could be outlined, but I think I've gotten my point across.

Like many of the things revolving around Q, we are talking about National Security at the absolute highest levels you could imagine.

Revealing this aspect of the situation (again - if it were true) would be HIGHLY reckless and incredibly DANGEROUS, and it would be immediately removed from consideration if you were a part of military intelligence running advanced AI statistical, scenario, tactical & irregular warfare strategy based thinking.

Now, what I think is the more grandiose point I'm trying to make in all this, is now think about ALL the OTHER ultra-exotic topics & conspiracies (and there are some that exceed even this post's theme that are very dark and would be very, VERY difficult to accept) that have yet to be disclosed to the public (and could potentially be true) and apply the same logic that I've applied above.

My point is that Q is likely just the smoke to the fire in our world.

A means of elevating your altitude (perspecitve) to at least 30k ft before some truly crazy shit can be comprehended (100k ft) as humanity moves forward in battling this Transhumanist Holocaust, as it were.

"Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, TO KNOW, will be yours."

"This is not another 4 year election."

... Godspeed
