I have noticed that on some ingredient lists a "bioengineered" statement. This is what I found on a Google search-A "bioengineered" label on an ingredient list means that the food contains genetic material that has been modified through laboratory techniques: Bioengineered foods contain detectable genetic material that was modified using in vitro recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) techniques
We now have JD Vance, a former Marine, poised to take over as vice president. I want to say Happy Birthday, today, to all Marines and congratulations to JD Vance for soon becoming our vice president. Give all the traitors what they deserve. Go Trump and Vance!!
With the election coming up, I am hearing that a lot of illegals might vote (illegally, I know). I am hoping the plan is going to realize this and we can beat the vote with enough people turning out to vote for Trump. If not, how do we stop the Commies/Dems from cheating and "winning" the election again. Four more years of this same old crap won't really cut it. I was hoping the precipice was coming, at least by election time, this year. We know the courts won't hear cases after the fact, no standing even for the former president (unbelievable to me). Does anyone here have any ideas on what might be happenig?
If Hannity is right, and Trump said this I hope Trump was just calming the Dems/Commies before he gets into office and that they will be charged for all the criminal acts they pulled on him and the American people. We need LAW and ORDER back in the USA!!