purkiss80 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is Epstein Island before Epstein Island. The Diddy blackmail operations before you knew this was their playbook.

Suspicious plane crashes, the predators in charge of the media, the mysterious deaths of the whistleblowers, and lawfare implemented to silence the victims.

There is no length to which they will not go to prevent the truth from coming out. Yet, everything that is hidden will come into the light.

Share this with people needing to wake up. This is a potent red pill that I spent hours researching. Thank you to everyone for your support! Trailer created by Truly Dasting.... https://truthsocial.com/@TrulyDasting

Full Substack Dig: https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/the-franklin-scandal-deep-dive

purkiss80 6 points ago +6 / -0

"These were two of the leading DeeSantis Simps.

Steve Deace, a Never Trumper since 2015, is now a Trump supporter again because Ron! lost and he wants to maintain his Controlled Opposition ability by burnishing his MAGA street cred.

Chris Nelson was always very dumb and hateful, but he actually comes off better here. He has shifted his support to RFK Jr to remain consistent with all the bs he spewed during the Ron! op.

Nelson even brings up Deace’s corporate media grift and it sends Deace through the roof.

None of these people should get any credit when they ‘come around’ to supporting Trump. They’re doing it for their own personal wealth, status, and power.

If the elections are legitimate, we don’t need their votes or their support. If the elections are illegitimate, we definitely should not be compromising with the enemy to win their useless/fake votes.

They spent the last 3.5 years attesting to Joe Biden’s legitimacy."

Forwarded from Very Reasonable Information (Chris Paul)

purkiss80 6 points ago +6 / -0

“Elon Musk has no social conscience or conscience whatsoever.”

“That is absolutely disgusting behavior and quite frankly, the bloke who should be jailed. And the sooner that we can bring rules in or do something about this sort of, this sort of game playing with our social media, the better off we're going to be.”

“But quite frankly, the power that man has because of that platform that he's on, it's gotta stop. It has absolutely got to stop.”

"This is the SAME attitude of many of the Marxist Woke Democrats in our own Congress. There is NOTHING more the Communist left wants than to ABOLISH the 1st Amendment. You heard the CEO of NPR say just that the other day.

We are living in the MOST PERILOUS time in the history of humanity.


purkiss80 3 points ago +3 / -0

"RFK Jr. pulls more from Trump, meaning his presence in the race is detrimental to Trump’s chances at winning. This is our worst case scenario. RFK Jr. does not have a legitimate chance to win, but he has a legitimate chance to split the vote in a swing State and give the Deep State another 4 years, and quite literally, WW3.

Trump has a better chance to win with RFK Jr. off the board. But if RFK Jr. changes his mind and chooses to accept Trump’s previous invitation to be VP, then the both of them together would create a ticket that could comfortably beat Joe Biden, outperform mail-in ballot fraud, and ensure the Deep State don’t maintain their tyrannical rule.

I understand the chance that Trump and RFK Jr. join forces seems unlikely at this point, especially given their recent public back and forth, but if both of these men are serious about the severity of our situation, they will need to put their differences aside and figure something out before November.

It’s not hyperbolic to say the fate of the world is at stake. We are barreling towards direct war with Russia, China, and Iran… There is no room for error.

I’ll keep calling for it until it doesn’t happen, but for the good of humanity, Trump and RFK Jr. need to join forces in some capacity. We cannot allow Biden to win."

purkiss80 1 point ago +1 / -0

"As Seymour Hersh recently reported, CIA Director Burns had to warn Zelensky to stop stealing so much money.

The issue of corruption was directly raised with Zelensky in a meeting last January in Kiev with CIA Director William Burns."
purkiss80 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I believe she owes Trump money for Slander/Libel/deformation.

Correct, She does.. Was just reading that in fact she Owes President Trump approx. $300,000 plus interest...

MSM = Silence...

purkiss80 13 points ago +13 / -0

“It is really interesting to me to see this man (DJT) out there today. And you look at how so many Republicans can’t even handle a minute of negative coverage from the media. And this guy has people attempting to bankrupt him, imprison him, you have actual house members trying to remove secret service protection from him - and he knows that if he were to just be no threat to the regime, it would all go away.

And every day, he gets out there and he keeps making his case. And that does a lot to explain why he is so beloved by so many Americans.”

Nailed it.

purkiss80 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The Ukrainian People are the biggest losers from this bill, because more money means more of their men and women will be needlessly slaughtered in the meat grinder. The US/NATO know that the first $200 billion didn’t stop Russia, and neither will another $61 billion.

The war is not meant to be won, it’s meant to be continuous. The West are willfully sending the Ukrainian People to their deaths, in exchange for money, knowing full-well that Ukraine have no chance at victory.

This isn’t a war, it’s a racket. The American People pay for it with their labor, and the Ukrainian People pay for it with their lives.

If you have been convinced that funding war around the globe is a good thing, now you know which side you would have been on in 1930’s Germany."

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