DOJ just leaked to Bezos Post that Q has everything and nothing can stop what is coming.


MI:1 - Shady fucks steal a Non-Official Cover list (just like Joe and Hillary sold out CIA spies to the Chinese) or like the US just recovered the Chinese NOC list

MI:2 - Shady fucks invent a disease Chimera (COVID) and a magical bullshit serum Belleraphon (Remdisivir) and protagonists need to neuter the virus

MI:3 - Shady fucks are after the "rabbit's foot" whatever the fuck that is that exists in China.

MI:4 Ghost Protocol - Shady fucks try to take over a former military satellite to launch nukes that could easily be avoided if there were a Space Force Orbital Defense unit to shut it down at the source

MI:5 Rogue Nation - The government of the United Kingdom created and funded a "Deep State" shadow government called the "Syndicate"

MI:6 Fallout - Remnants of the Deep State Syndicate are in the last efforts to fuck the world and seek to detonate nuclear weapons (Hawaii?)