China's Chang'e-6 probe has successfully landed in Inner Mongolia province. He delivered soil samples from the far side of the Moon to Earth.

Change-6 . Inner Mongolia (did not attempt to decode it yet, but may be related to Tibetan Buddhism and collective consciousness). Moon (secret) samples.

Sounds important. Along with JA today - something's going on.


Look around, see the patterns, spread the word.

God bless


Things to meditate on. I will not reply to this post, but feel free to have discussions if you want. It is really hard to put all this into writing, but it sort of fits together.

Astrological age lasts around 2160 years

Due to earth precessional rotation sun location during summer equinox (sun at MAXIMUM POWER ) changes its constellation

Previous was Pisces, next (starting around 2009) it's Aquarius

Every age signifies change in dominant world religion

What is symbol of Christianity devotee? Fish. Pisces.

How is Aquarius zodiacal sign is depicted? A flowing water from a jar?

What will be the simplest symbol of overflowing water from a jar. Q?

What is water? Information. Who dwells in water and on land? Frogs.

What is common through all dominant world religions? External or common (exoteric) and internal (esoteric) knowledge accessible only to selected few. And focus on zodiacal and solar cycles. Including Christianity. Yes, Christianity is a solar cult, worshipping the same God of previous religions

Simplest and most powerful symbol is a triad or a triangle, that signifies union and unison of material, intellectual and spiritual manifestations of God. To truly understand an entity, you must be aware of it material component, comprehend it and explore it with your intellectual mind, and aquire a spiritual understanding of its true nature.

Some cults postulate that materiae is merely a reflection of a spiritual (true) entity. Thus material "true" sun would be currently a sign opposite of the current one.

Sign opposite of Aquarius is - Leo.

New world religion symbol of new age would be WATER - based. Symbolset for initiated would be LION-based.

Lion is a symbol for Trump campaign.

Sacred knowledge exists. It does not matter if YOU do or dont believe it, because people at the top do. All the secret societes have their roots in the same symbolism.


This very vell could be a local comms language, as it relates to Russia.

Recently I found a very weird article related to mushrooms on one of popular local news websites, related to Saint-Petersburg https://www.fontanka.ru/2021/11/12/70249907/

Almost all weird articles, especially on popular resources, are usually related to hidden comms of some sort. This particular one could be roughly translated as "They are bubbling and cracking, but mushrooms are not giving up. Mushrooms in the centre of Saint Petersburg grows contrary to common sense".

My thoughts: Mushroom = deeply-ingrained organism that tend to have a symbiotic relationship with trees (big plants) and is related to plants. Usually being encountered in "forests". A lot of people, according to news, are getting lost in forests while going mushroom hunting. A lot of messages in the media refer to "mushroom poisonings". Picking mushrooms as activity is also related to as "the silent hunt".

So this particular message could be related to having trouble of rooting out the deep mk/13 cells if it was a whitehat message. Other scenario that could pop up if it was blackhat message, that despite mass brainwash, people are resisting vaxx efforts.

I think I got a decode here, but I want to confirm. Anyone else heard about mushroom comms?


since around yesterday there were reports by our company ISPs that there was an incident of fiber cable cutting impeding communications EU < - > US leading to traffic loss at least between US and EU aws regions. Something's going on?


Never was a religious person, but started to read Bible recently, and here's some thoughts, maybe even from a little crazy side. There's two main sides of the book, one is narrative-based (describing events, happennings, meetings and such), and the other is highly cryptic (quotes from Jesus, parables, some of them stand out, like Matthew 13:15). It almost feels like some hidden communication. The thing is that out-of-place thingies, passages that are really weird, they tend to resonate with current events. Maybe because they were cyptic the first place, maybe because of mistranslation. Almost to the extent that it feels it is not a book about past events, but a book of prophecy. So, now the crazy dive. Now imagine a delta of 2000 years. Could it happen?