The CIA supports the rise of the vast drug network of Pablo Escobar -> Pablo Escobar and his cronies meet fate at hands of US Army Intelligence and US and Columbian Special Forces

The CIA supports the budding Panamanian government of Manuel Noriega, who commit evils with their consolidated power -> The US invades Panama and disposes the evil government

The CIA supports Saddam Hussein -> Saddam Hussein is brought down by US Intelligence and Special Forces

The CIA supports the startup terror network of Osama Bin Laden -> Osama Bin Laden goes too far by attacking the US and many connected terror groups are brought down by US Intelligence and Special Forces

The CIA supports Epstein child trafficking network -> The US arrests Epstein and gains access to the information and clients [Ongoing]

It's the same pattern again and again and again. Obviously if the CIA were absolutely malicious and had no purpose, the US Military would have gotten rid of it. The CIA are allowed to exist and has a purpose. The evil people and organizations it funds would likely have continued to exist without their involvement, but the US Military would have less information and be in a worse position to stop it when the time came.


I thought many people here believed in the Biden shadow presidency, the Hillary Clinton double and other doubles, and the Q narrative. RRN mostly aligns up with that. It is odd that believing RRN's narrative that the White Hats are already conducting Q's predicted military tribunals behind the scenes in secret is a step too far for you.

I mean, if you already believe Biden and the Clintons have been replaced with doubles then you should strongly consider that it had something to do with tribunals.

If this really was a group of bad elite people committing election theft and crimes against humanity and crimes against children, do you think that the military would just wait until 2025?


Anyone see this one?

Someone seemed to have access to seventeen sets of this guy's false tax documents to stop him in his tracks in the middle of attacking DJT to try to get him removed from the ballots.

Twitter post: https://twitter.com/BehizyTweets/status/1745196620789002271

Article: https://archive.is/kJY2g


It is clear that the military doesn't want to publicly admit that the US elections are a sham, but they may be willing to correct it under the guise of correcting glitches. At this point the Dominion software is well known to be glitchy. Just recently a race was turned over in favor of the Republicans due to a "glitch". Expect several corrections between now and Jan 20th before the new Congressmen are sworn in.


This would be the obvious way to take control and direct the left to its own destruction.


Trump has now doubled down on the vaccine yet again in his latest response to Alex Jones. Despite everything, Trump still insists the vaccine is safe. Here is how Trump could be right:

Analysis: 100% of Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots are From Only 5% of the Manufacturer Lots According to VAERS

According to this article 100% of the deaths are coming from 5% of the batches. This suggests that if there is malice, someone is tainting an otherwise safe vaccine with bad batches. If the vaccine was inherently bad the distribution of deaths should be spread across all of the batches, not just certain batches. There are also sites such as howbad.info where you can go to to put in your batch number and find out if you got one of these bad batches.

Ask yourself:

  • The development, manufacturing, and distribution of the vaccine was done under the watch of the US Military via Operation Warp Speed. It is pretty absurd to argue that the Military wasn't keeping a watchful eye on safety and wouldn't know that it was developing and distributing a poisonous vaccine. Is the Military be trying to kill us with Operation Warp Speed?

  • Trump has the ear of the Military and Military Intelligence. How does Trump not know it's a bad vaccine?

  • The original purpose of the vaccine was a counter to the Covid-19 lockdowns that was disrupting the country. Why would Trump and the Military try to counter the Deep State lockdown with a poisonous vaccine?

  • An article titled Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold shows that the Military has far grander plans for this technology; to eradicate the common cold that is the cause for millions of deaths.

The conclusions are irresistible. If you believe in Trump and if you believe in the US Military then you should believe that the vaccine was created with good intentions. You should believe that the vaccine is harmless, and that an otherwise good vaccine has been tainted with bad batches.

To further the lockdowns the Deep State would want to discredit the vaccine. The Deep State is perfectly capable of fabricating alt-right controversy and outright lying about it, playing you like a fiddle. They have billions of dollars to study you and convince you of this in their psywar efforts against Trump and the US Military. They are now starting to blame Trump for the vaccine deaths.

Trump has now doubled down on the vaccine yet again in his latest response to Alex Jones. Despite everything, Trump still thinks the vaccine is safe. Here is how Trump could be right:

Analysis: 100% of Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots are From Only 5% of the Manufacturer Lots According to VAERS

According to this article 100% of the deaths are coming from 5% of the batches. This suggests that if there is malice, someone is tainting an otherwise safe vaccine with bad batches.

Trump stands by the vaccine, and so by extension the White Hat Military does as well. The vaccine was originally meant to counter the Deep State's endless lockdowns and plunging the country into despair, which would be continuing today.

I think Trump's continued support might also have something to do with this:

Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold

We see that the military was involved in Covid-19 vaccine development. We were blessed with a technology that could eradicate the common cold and the flu. The flu and the common cold have killed countless millions to the point where it has been accepted as a common part of life. A cure would be a priceless blessing to humanity.

The Deep State could be trying to quash this White Hat Military technology and cease attempts to end the lockdowns by tainting the batches of the vaccines and encouraging alt-news to disparage it. The DS is perfectly capable of that. They are now trying to blame vaccine deaths on Trump.


I do think that there have been some covert assassinations in the US, notably Robert David Steel. But there have been no public assassinations of prominent figures and the White Hats seem to have the US Deep State generally in their control.

Joe Biden is obviously a controlled White Hat asset in a shadow presidency playing out the motions. The project mockingbird liberal news media is being directed to gradually change its narrative on some topics. There are also some indications that entities like Black Rock are being controlled to their own destruction.

Trump's primary picks winning in spades is evidence to me that the White Hats have the election systems under control now, and can prevent manipulation. Things are looking positive to my eyes.


What will happen next is pretty obvious.

The military seems very interested in carefully cataloging and collecting information about the election fraud systems but has not seemed too interested in getting rid of the machines or prosecuting anyone publicly or doing anything to result in fundamental election reform. Dominion and other tainted brands of machines from 2020 are still being used. I predict that the military will use the machines to lean towards red Trump picks in the mid terms and offset the DS cheating. The Deep State will complain and accuse but will ultimately relent, as not to open Pandora's box to expose their own cheating.

After the mid terms the DS will be very upset that their cheating failed and go on the offensive. After the mid terms it will escalate to the level of bombings and assassinations, not just dirty tricks.

Already, we can see that the vast majority of Trump's picks are winning their primaries in spades. If the DS had its way, they would rig the Republican primaries too towards their desired Rhino. The DS is not able to use the machines to cheat anymore and I have a suspicion that the military is in control.


I have been doing my own research and it seems that we have been lied to by the liberal media about China. China is not a bad country. They believe in honor and have high moral standards. The "tyranny" and "authoritarianism" you hear alleged about China are actually the "tyranny" against criminals and degenerates. You see, China is actually an ultra conservative state which does not give liberals or degenerates an inch.

China is everything MAGA would be if we discarded free speech and kept liberals and degenerates in line. China sides with the moral side of MAGA, and this is illustrated on a surface level by the fact that China is Pro-Trump and Anti-Obama:


  • China approved of Trump. Trump was given the high honor of being the first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since founding of modern China. (source)
  • China insults Obama. Obama was denied the usual red carpet welcome and forced to 'go out of the ass' of Air Force One.(source)
  • China was rooting for Trump to win the 2020 election(source)

While being gay is not illegal in China, China uses its police power to suppress promotion of homosexual and degenerate content in media and entertainment. In China people have a right to live free of degenerate influence, and so the degenerate freedom of speech is suppressed. Liberals hate this, and they hate it when countries police morals, so China is demonized.


  • China regularly bans movies with LGBT content, like Disney's latest Lightyear movie and Marvel's latest Thor movie. Degeneracy is simply not allowed.
  • Xi criticized male entertainers for being too effeminate and censors blur out earrings if a man is wearing them
  • Gay and trans anything is stuffed in the closet
  • Liberals and degenerates are scorned
  • Gay Marriage is banned in China (source)
  • China pressures gay pride events to shutter (source)
  • Ten years' jail term for Chinese author of homoerotic novel (source)
  • China bans gay content from the internet (source)
  • China bans depictions of gay people on television (source)
  • China bans 'sisy idols' and ‘effeminate men’ from entertainment industry (source)


  • In China women don't act like hoes because respect is a big deal in collectivist culture
  • Prostitution is illegal in China (source)
  • Abortion banned after 14 weeks (source) (Compare to 15 weeks for Florida)
  • If someone in a marriage cheats they give up the 50% ownership stake, and it is grounds for divorce (source)


  • China does not ban religion. But people in China have a right avoid religion, so religious activities outside of religious venues are banned in China.

IP Infringement:

  • Chinese state encouraged infringement is simply a lie. The win rate for IP court cases from foreign entities was over 70% in 2011 and 80% in 2018. (source)

Higher Education:

  • China invests in higher education. College cost in china is extremely cheap and accessible, like colleges were in the US 60 years ago (source)


  • Drug dealers and traffickers are executed
  • Cannibis is banned in China (source)

Child Protection:

  • Under 18 banned from playing video games more than 3 hours per day (source)
  • Chinese authorities invoke tougher sentences to make examples of child molesters (source)
  • Convicted child sex offenders have their personal information made public, including names, ID card number, photo, age, gender and the nature of their crimes.(source)

Pornography is banned:

  • China bans all pornography (source)

Death Penalty, not only for murder and treason:

  • Drug related street crimes (source)
  • Rape (source) (Very based. Compare to various states which consider the death penalty disproportionate for rape.)
  • Trafficking in women and children (source)
  • Robbery (source)
  • Smuggling (source)
  • Bribery (source)

China believes in personal responsibility:

  • Poverty is a thing. They won't pay welfare for able bodied adults.
  • Death by tapeworms is a thing. You are responsible for your own health. No state handouts or socialized medicine.


  • Taiwan is actually the place where the liberals and degenerates in China escape to
  • Taiwan was the first country in Asia to approve same sex marriage (source)
  • Taiwan hosts the largest LGBT pride parade in Asia (source)
  • In Taiwan they are organizing school curriculums to teach young children about transgenderism and have transgender teachers who speak to the students about their gender. (source)

As we can see, we had China all wrong. You should consider that you were lied to. The reality may be that China and Russia are on the side of morality and decency and that the US and European NWO and liberal media are not.


What will happen next is pretty obvious.

The military seems very interested in carefully cataloging and collecting information about the election fraud systems but doesn't seem too interested in getting rid of the machines or prosecuting anyone publicly or doing anything to result in fundamental election reform. I predict that the military will use the machines to lean towards red Trump picks in the mid terms and offset the DS cheating. The Deep State will complain and accuse but will ultimately relent, as not to open Pandora's box to expose their own cheating.

After the mid terms the DS will be very upset that their cheating failed and go on the offensive. After the mid terms it will escalate to the level of bombings and assassinations, not just dirty tricks.

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